Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1126: Belly black couple, singing together

Seeing that Si Yi acted on Yun Jian manually, and also pulled up Yun Jian's little hand, and walked to the dining table like a couple, Duan Zhenchen couldn't stand it!

Duan Zhenchen has always known that he is excellent, and worked harder than others when he was a kid. When he grows up, he becomes a representative of 'other children'.

Some time ago, it was a pair of six people who fought against the King's Squad. Later, it was also known as the title of `` Juvenile War God ''.

All this makes him quite confident, and his eyes on the people around him have become higher.

For the criteria of spouse selection, for Duan Zhenchen, ordinary girls are not worthy of themselves!

But since seeing Yunjian, Duan Zhenchen felt that his spring had come, and it was time for him to fall in love.

To Yun Jian, Duan Zhenchen felt that he was in love at first sight.

Especially when Yunjian stands in a group of people, as if she is the king of the world.

Duan Zhenchen felt that he was roaring and boiling.

Only such girls deserve the same excellent self!

But Duan Zhenchen never expected that Yunjian already had a man!

So at this moment, Duan Zhenchen had only one idea, and that was to make Si Yi out of his sight.

He didn't even think about why President Murong respected Sidi.

Just after Duan Zhenchen's remarks, all the people present looked like they were about to watch a good show.

Principal Murong had been respectful and respectful to Si Yi, but suddenly he heard Duan Zhenchen's desperate dare to speak to Si Yi with such a tone, and the whole person was trembling.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut me up!" The principal Murong heard Duan Zhechen want to provoke Si Yi, he was so scared that he screamed at Duan Zhechen.

"Do you think this big man can provoke provocation?" President Murong shouted Duan Zhenchen.

Duan Zhenchen was yelled at by the principal, and even more dissatisfied.

"I accept." Just as President Murong was about to cry in fear of Duan Zhenchen's stupid move, Si Yi's mellow and powerful voice, with a sharp and sharp tone in his speech, suddenly sounded.

The big brother agreed? Principal Murong almost did not startle a cold sweat.

But when Sidi looked down and looked at Yun Jian, he swayed an arc of wickedness, the tall figure was slightly lowered, and then stuck to Yun Jian's ear:

"What if Xiao Jian wants him to lose? Hmm?"

Having said this, Si Yi continued: "Broken hands? Broken feet? Or broken his head?"

This **** utterance was spoken from Si Yi's mouth, but it was so serious.

The people present were horrified.

He could say so easily, so easily!

Duan Zhenchen couldn't help but shudder.

"If he loses, get out of the military academy." Yun Jian squinted.

Duan Zhenchen took a deep breath.

Relatively fiercely spicy, Sure enough Yun Jian was a lot softer.

Although Yun Jian said a rolling character, compared with Sidi's words, Yun Jian did not let himself be broken.

Could she be reluctant?

Duan Zhenchen couldn't help thinking, sure enough, she must also be interesting to herself.

After all, although a boy like Si Yi looks perfect, it is estimated that he is a little white face.

And he is a beautiful man with strength and appearance side by side!

Just when Duan Zhenchen thought so, Yun Jian's words sounded again: "Because I don't want to see disgusting things dangle in front of me after entering school."

Just after finishing this sentence, Yun Jian paused, and then said, "Or he lost, and then directly broke his meridians, making him unable to practice martial arts for life."

The tone was plain, as if talking about a very ordinary thing.

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