Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1100: Mosen, he is, my brother

Lan Su was frightened by Mosen's actions just now. She watched Mosen finish Adam and stood before her, and couldn't help bulging his eyes and froze.

In fact, being responsible is not important to her now, because she has more important things to do!

Lan Su just wanted to rush to Yun Jian, but suddenly saw Mo Sen see that she did not answer herself, thinking that Lan Su was wronged.

Moson hurriedly walked over and grabbed Adam's collar to drag others in front of Lan Su.

"Adam, sorry!" Moson yelled at Adam.

Adam touched the bridge of his nose, and he felt a little abrupt in his heart for a while. Didn't he already say that he would marry Lan Su as his wife? Why is this guy Mosen just playing with Lan Su?

Seeing that Adam was slow to speak, Moson raised his fist and threw it at Adam again.

Before even touching Adam's clothes, Lan Su's words came over: "Don't fight, today's things are my own voluntary."

Lan Su said such a sentence with conscience.

When Adam was stabbed by Mo Sen, he apparently didn't fight back. She was really afraid that Mo sen was too hard and brought Adam into trouble.

What should Adam do if something goes wrong ...

Lan Su frowned, and she suddenly thought of it.

When I first thought about it, Lan Su immediately frowned.

Huh! She hasn't said she promised to be good with Adam!

Mosen's fist rushed to Adam's cool face, and just before he planned to smash it, he stopped after listening to Lan Su.

"Adam, don't forget what your parents said to us before they died, this life is only allowed to be loyal to a woman! I believe that a person must protect her with her own life!"

Moson put his fist in front of Adam's head. He finally didn't hold on to Adam, but said something like this.

After speaking, he turned and left the place, and quickly walked out of the gate of Qingyun Hotel.

After Morson left, Adam stood still, and he was silent.

Yun Jian sat watching not far away, and she was surprised when she heard Mosen's words.

"What's this? What's the situation?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Xueying froze a bit, and then he turned smartly to see Wei Wei.

Qi Wei's age is the largest of the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization.

Of course, even the biggest one is definitely not over thirty.

In fact, Wei Wei is not a few years older than the three Snow Eagles, at most he is about two or three years old, but his performance is quite mature.

Dark Soul organized the four leaders, Wei Wei was the first to follow Si Yi.

Then Moson and Adam.

Finally, Snow Eagle.

So Snow Eagle didn't know much about the lives of Moson and Adam.

Just when Xueying turned to ask Wei Wei, Wei Wei hadn't answered yet, and Adam hurriedly said, "He's my brother!"

Therefore, Moson is usually very strict with Adam, and he has a lot of control over Adam.

Obviously, Si Yi and Yun Wei knew this, and they remained motionless.

Snow Eagle froze in amazement.

Yun Jian also stood up frowning.

Lan Su over there was also surprised.

Moson, turned out to be Adam's brother?

But why did Moson and Adam never match their brothers before others?

Just when a few people thought of it, Adam reached out and grabbed Lan Su, and walked towards the gate.

Xueying and Xun Wei saw this, because they were worried about Mosen, so they followed.

So only Yun Jian and Si Yi were left in the hall.

Yun Jian frowned slightly at Si Yi, but was silent for two seconds, and she said nothing.

But Si Yi has already leaned down and got to Yun Jian. His handsome face is close to the present. He hooked up: "Want to know?"

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