Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1095: Domineering with sweetness, you are a Moment

Adam felt the deep resistance of Lan Su, and his bull temper suddenly came up again. This had just suppressed Lan Su's desire to be violent again, but he met Lan Su's twinkling eyes.

Adam snores straight.

"Well, where did I hurt you?" Adam quickly got up from Lan Su, then sat aside, checked back and forth several times, but found no wound on Lan Su.

His anxiety about Lan Su was exaggerated ten thousand times more than he was seriously injured.

Lan Su glanced at Adam, then turned to ignore Adam.

Seeing this, Adam patted his head hard.

He looked at Lan Su, but he didn't spit out his apology.

After waiting for a long time, I waited for Lan Su to say: "Why do you do this to me, how can you let me live like this ..."

Adam held his head for a while and remained silent for a while, until finally, he said sullenly, a vague sentence: "Sorry I was impulsive."

He Adam has never been so out of control! Damn it!

As soon as Adam had finished speaking, he saw Lan Su lying on his back, slowly stretching out his right wrist, which was supposed to have Mori sand printed on it.

"If my people knew about it, they would kill you." Lan Su closed her eyes, and her eyes flickered up and down.

"Kill me?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lan Su turned his head back to the "ah" sentence proclaimed by Adam.

"So today's thing is like nothing happened, you forget what happened today, I ..."

‘I ’m never going to marry anyone in my life’.

Lan Su whispered softly and listened to Adam's ears, and he immediately remembered how seductive Lan Su's lovely chant was.

Adam resisted the urge to press blue pigment under him again, he reached out and grabbed blue pigment, forcing Blue pigment's eyes to face him.

Then Adam resisted the violent throat that blurted out. He put Lan Su directly in his eyes, adding a touch of sweetness to the domineering:

"Dead woman, you are all like me, want me to forget what happened today? There are no doors! I tell you, you, I'm married!"

Adam held Lan Su's face, and said these words in a desperate anger.

Lan Su originally thought that Adam was only on his own, so she would never think about whether Adam would be responsible for herself.

But when he heard Adam's words, Lan Su froze.

Then I saw Adam fling at her again, planting red strawberries that were not suitable for children.

When doing the last step again, Lan Su also heard Adam's rude and overbearing words that she could not refuse: "I want to marry you! So you are not allowed to go! Hear no!"

Although these words were overbearing and could not be refuted, and she still felt a little bit abused, Lan Su was unconsciously warming her heart. She couldn't help but reach out to respond to Adam ...

For a while ...

At the same time, there is a long distance of field trails from the Wanjiang Expressway exit.

The tiger and leopard dragged Hu Batian out of the taxi driver's car.

Yun Jian looked at Hu Batian with her chest in her arms, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"You are what you want to do?" Hu Batian quickly recognized, and the three men standing in front of himself were not Yun Jian, Snake Lizard, and Tiger Leopard?

He was pale with fright.

Snakes and tigers, but the two elders of the ancient mercenary regiment! Position is second only to the ancient kill mercenary regiment BOSS!

"Oh." Yun Jian snorted softly. She looked at Hu Batian with her chest in her arms. After a while, she quietly began to say to Hu Batian: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to settle a bill with you."

"Why, what?" Hu Batian was grabbed by the collar of the tall and strong tiger and leopard, and he asked frightenedly.

"Remember that not long ago your joint arms organization tried to calculate my ancient mercenary regiment." Yun Jian said casually, her smile was terrible.

"You, you, you are the ancient, ancient ancient killing mercenary regiment BOSS, Sudden God !?"

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