Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1084: Frightened thought, could she be

Hu Batian can also be regarded as an international gangster-level figure, and he has a status in the world.

Hu Batian has also come and gone to many gathering places of international big names, and naturally recognize some big names in the world.

And when the door came in again, the man and the woman.

The man is burly, with a height of nearly two meters, and the woman's enchanting and flattering body is slim and attractive.

After seeing the two men, Hu Batian almost frowned.

These two ...

Aren't these two people the elders of the ancient killing mercenary regiment, the snake lizard and the tiger and leopard?

How did they show up here?

To know the identities of snake lizards and tigers and leopards, like the four snow eagles, they are the leaders of the authentic ancient mercenary regiment.

Of course, in the ancient killing of mercenary regiments, snake lizards and tigers and leopards were not called leaders but called elders.

It's just that the status of snake lizards and tiger panthers in the ancient killing mercenary regiment is the same as the four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization.

"Uncle, are they again?" Hu Chaoqun was just thrown a slap by Hu Batian, but he was furious, thinking about the side to come up and asked, at the same time Hu Chaoqun faintly showed a hint of not very good feeling.

Looking at Hu Batian here, he looked at the two people who came in from the door with horrified eyes again, and Hua Yun's heart became more and more complicated at this moment.

Today, Hua Yun intends to show off her husband Hu Chaoqun. Today, she can bring her husband's uncle Hu Batian together. She can be regarded as a winner.

Ever knowing that Qin Yirou is going to marry Ge Junjian, Hua Yun has been looking forward to today, looking forward to today she can bring her powerful husband to come forward, and then in the identity or status, severely beat back Qin Yirou's face.

By the way, let Ge Junjian take a look. I found a man who is many times better than you.

what about you? What the **** are you!

But until this moment, Hua Yun didn't understand how stupid it was to bring her husband and uncle today.

Who will tell her why!

Why Qin Yirou's daughter, and why her ex-husband is about to marry a daughter from a poor woman in the countryside.

I knew so many big men in the world!

Even any of these big brothers is enough to completely crush her proud uncle Hu Batian!

Hua Yun's face paled to a realm.

"Shut up!" Hu Batian almost didn't cry at his stupid nephew, and now he gave Hu Chaoqun a slap, trying to make Hu Chaoqun shut his mouth completely.

Hu Chaoqun was thrown such a slap, and he really closed his mouth.

When Hu Chaoqun was slapped by Hu Batian before, Hua Yun hadn't responded yet, but now Hua Yun reacted.

And Hua Yun immediately pretended to be very distressed and rushed to touch Hu Chaoqun's face: "Husband, are you okay? Oh, all, all are red ..."

Just now, Hua Yun glanced at her respectful uncle Hu Batian, who had run like a pug to snake lizards and tigers and leopards.

"You ... why are you two here?" Hu Batian lowered his head and asked carefully.

The surrounding people heard the sound of the road, all looked over, and were all very surprised.

At this moment, they saw snake lizards and tigers and leopards just glancing at Hu Batian, and then went straight to Yun Jian.

"Sister Jian." Like the others, they shouted respectfully in Yunjian.

"Well, go in." Yun Jian nodded naturally.

Then the snake lizard and tiger leopard walked in without looking back.

If the people present don't know the identity of these big brothers.

Then at this moment Hu Batian has the urge to die. He knew it!

These big guys, come one or two, that's fine.

But why do these two people call Yunjian "Sister"?

Among them is the ancient killing of mercenary regiments.

Serpent lizards and tiger leopards are the elders of the ancient killing mercenary regiment, and they will only be so respectful to the boss of the ancient killing mercenary regiment.

A frightened thought suddenly appeared in my heart, and Hu Batian's eyes widened.

Could it be, she is ...

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