Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1076: Escape like that, run to help

As soon as Yun Jian's words fell, everyone present was looking at her with big eyes.

Especially Hua Yun, Hu Chaoqun and Hu Batian.

All three knew the identity of Diane.

The three captains of the ancient killing mercenary execution group!

To put it plainly, the three groups under the leadership of the three Diani are the symbol of the ancient mercenary regiment!

Although the snake lizard and tiger leopard are slightly higher than the three in the international status, they are not.

In fact, the three Diane's identities are only inferior to the snake lizard and tiger leopard in fame, but they have their own advantages in their respective forces.

Of course, in the ancient killing mercenary regiment, the three Diani are also considered a member of the high-level.

Except for Hua Yun, Hu Chaoqun, and Hu Batian, the others may not even have heard of ancient killing mercenaries.

But from Hu Batian's response just now, it can be seen that Diani is not simple.

But now, the three Diannes who they all agree are not simple are actually sent by Yun Jian?

No, to be precise, Yun Jian should send the three Diane himself?

"You're crazy! You know who they are? Don't you dare talk to them like this! Don't drag us on if you want to die!" Hua Yun saw this, and she almost fell to her knees on the ground.

Yun Jian dared to send the three Diane?

They are the three executive heads of the ancient mercenary regiment! Although I don't know how these three big men are here.

But Hua Yun was frightened to death because she was afraid that Yun Jian's use of this tone to speak to the three big men would provoke the anger of the three big men.

Do n’t kill everyone here because of Yun Jian!

Those who angered the ancient killing mercenary regiment will suffer such an end!

Hua Yun whispered her throat so that the three Diannes in the distance could not hear it, and said to Yun Jian with a low voice.

After Hua Yun finished speaking, Hu Chaoqun sighed to Yun Jian in a threatening tone, saying, "You give me careful of your speaking tone! How dare you kill the mercenaries in this tone? Team members speak, you ... "

Hu Chaoqun just whispered these words to Yun Jian, before his threatening words had been said.

"Take it, get it! Whoever of you started, did you dare to play cards here leisurely? Sister Jian has spoken, so don't hurry to help!"

Hu Chaoqun had just said half of what he said just now. Dianne on this side dropped half of the cards she had just played on the table, and then grabbed the cards from Ghost Flame and Ghost Refining, and said blushing.

"Not my head!"

"Absolutely not me!"

Guiyan and Guilian both spoke at the same time. Just after finishing this sentence, the two looked at each other, and then ‘嗖’ stood up and flew to the place where they needed help.

In this way, it is as if you want to atone for your sins.

Hu Chaoqun had to point to Yun Jian's words just now.

Everyone at the scene saw such a shocking scene, all of them were dumbfounded.

I saw Diane also stood up at this moment, she turned to look at Yun Jian, and smiled: "Sister Jian, uh, I'll go too ..."

Immediately after speaking, Diani also followed the steps of Guiyan and Guilian to help.

That's like fear of being scolded by Yunjian again.

Those present were dumbfounded.

Yun Jian just raised his eyebrows slightly.

The three Diannes are even bothering to be the chairman of the top 20 multinational corporations worldwide.

Is too lazy to give a good eye.

But to Yun Jian, why are the three of them so scared?

The people present frowned suspiciously and were at a loss.

But compared to the people present, the three of Hua Yun, who knew the identity of Diane, were scared to their knees on the spot.

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