Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1063: I killed you, unhappy

The most particular about rural people is auspicious.

For example, if a person is going to have sex, befriend or have a full moon with a child, they all ask for auspiciousness, and whether they are in a happy event or a funeral, they cannot cry.

The superstition of the older generation is here.

If someone gets into trouble, it will be said to be unlucky.

For example, when the wedding ceremony is closed, the words "dead death" are used, and when they are heard, they will think that they are cursing the new one to die.

Although the old generation's rumors were terrible, even if it was just superstition, people would still be happy when they got married. Who would be happy to hear someone say the word `` death '' on their wedding.

Lu Lanhua is a rural woman, and she knows that such unlucky words should not be said at such a banquet.

But for Lu Lanhua, she is not up to now, so she doesn't care if Qin Yirou will be happy or not.

Even more, she felt sorry for herself, which was all because of Qin Yirou.

Blame Qin Yirou for divorcing his son Yun Gang, and then marry these disasters on himself!

That's why Lu Lanhua rushed over, even if she couldn't destroy Qin Yirou, she couldn't let Qin Yirou marry in such a beautiful scenery!

Unfortunately, Lu Lanhua forgot the existence of Yun Jian.

To be honest, when Yun Lanhua lost her madness, Yun Jian was also angry.

She also has a temper and a bottom line.

Qin Yirou is her bottom line!

So Yun Jian yanked Lu Lanhua's bamboo pole that she was holding towards her, and when she walked over, she grabbed Lu Lanhua's short hair directly.

Yun Jian was grabbing her hair and pulling it from the ground, and Lu Lanhua was almost out of pain.

"Ah! Dead girl! Bitch! I'm killing you! Killing you!" Just now, Yun Jian relied on the old man to sell the old one, but Yun Jian still started at her, and Lu Lanhua immediately revealed her original shape.

The pain in her scalp was almost torn, making Lu Lanhua's face pale instantly.

She raised her hand and slammed away at Yun Jian like a madman, as if she had deep blood and hatred against Yun Jian.

Lu Lan's fingernails are very long and there are dark nail shavings in her fingernails.

If Yun Jian's tender skin is caught by Lu Lanhua, she will definitely be caught on the spot and bleed.

But how could Yunjian be like Lu Lanhua?

She grabbed Lu Lanhua ’s hair and pulled Lu Lanhua up from the ground. Lu Lanhua stretched out her hand at this time, and opened her teeth to attack her. At this time, Yun Jian stepped forward to Lu Lanhua, and she lifted her foot and hit it with one kick. Lu's belly.

With a bang, everyone in the audience looked at the scene in horror.

I saw Yun Jian lift his foot, and flew Lu Lanhua in a few meters.

"Oh my God! Why is this girl from Yirou's family so sturdy!" Someone saw it and couldn't help exclaiming.

At this time, the surrounding group of exclaimed people saw Yun Jian walking towards Lu Lanhua who was flung out.

Lu Lanhua's performance just made the people present extremely disgusted. At this moment, no one reached out to rescue her, and even saw Lu Lanhua being kicked out by Yun Jian, and the people present were very angry.

You should know that Lu Lanhua's character in Xinjiang Town is not ordinary, and she even quarrels with others.

Just then, Yun Jian walked slowly towards Lu Lanhua.

She walked slowly to Lü Lanhua, followed by Lü Lanhua, before rolling and trying to stand up, kicking Lü Lanhua's belly.

Then she bent slightly, staring straight at Lu Lanhua with those murderous eyes, and she even reached out and patted Lu Lanhua's cheek:

"I have endured you for a long time, old woman, how am I killing you today, are you happy?"

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