Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1040: Mind whether to attend the wedding

Although Yun Jian is Xiao Yunzhu's sister, she is still half of Xiao Yunzhu's parents.

The school has a database, and the students' families are registered. When Mr. Lu saw that Xiao Yunzhu was adopted by Yun Jian's family at the beginning, he looked down on Xiao Yunzhu.

Looking at Yun Jian again, she wears a bland dress, and there is no such thing as a rich person.

Teacher Lu saw this, so she didn't pay much attention to Yun Jian and Xiao Yun Zhu from the beginning.

She even thought about Yunjian and Xiaoyunzhu in her heart: Without money, what do you pretend to be! What a good look!

But until he knew Yun Jian's identity, Mr. Lu's attitude completely reversed.

In order to please Yun Yun, Mr. Lu also wanted to exchange the awards for the three good students at the end of the period.

Unfortunately, Yun Jian did not eat this set at all.

And Yun Jian's words just now accuse her of being a hypocritical person.

Ms. Lu has encountered parents who refused her 'good intentions' before, but she did not encounter Yunjian.

At the same time she refused herself, she even said that she was hypocritical?

But when watching Yun Jian greeted the three Diane and they were about to leave, Teacher Lu was anxious, and she called out quickly:

"Sister Yunzhu, this, I heard Yunzhu say, is he going to take leave next Monday?"

This shout of Teacher Lu could be regarded as attracting Yun Jian's attention.

Yun Jian narrowed his eyes, turned, and then looked at Mr. Lu for the first time, and then said, "Yes."

Seeing Yun Jian's attention finally came back, Mr. Lu said harder: "Student's leave requires parent's signature, but since we met today, then this is avoided."

Today is Friday. In the morning, Xiao Yunzhu went to Teacher Lu for an oral leave, because next Monday is Qin Yirou's wedding, so Xiao Yunzhu will take a day off.

It's almost noon now. Because Mr. Lu has no class in the morning, he leaves the school and takes a city bus to a nearby vegetable market to order something. He plans to wait for the vegetables and then go back to school.

At noon, I cook in the school teacher's bedroom.

But I did not expect to run into Yunjian.

Teacher Lu thought, this is the fate!

It was another set of words, Yun Jian smiled coldly.

"Thank you, teacher." Yun Jian's face was flat and her bland expression touched Mr. Lu's heart tightly.

"If it doesn't matter, I'll go first and hurry." Yun Jian babbled at random, and then she turned around.

The three Diannes naturally followed Yun Jian as if they were three bodyguards.

Teacher Lu saw this scene, she was stunned, but saw Yun Jian really go, she quickly called Yun Jian again: "Sister Yunzhu, is your mother going to get married next Monday?"

Students must ask their teachers for leave, and they must give reasons, otherwise the teacher will not agree, and even directly curse the students in order to avoid truancy.

Therefore, Xiao Yunzhu asked Mr. Lu for a leave, and he also developed a habit. After asking for leave, he immediately gave reasons, so as not to make the teacher mistakenly think that he was taking leave for truancy.

"Yes." Yun Jian didn't turn around this time, she leaned sideways and looked at Teacher Lu.

"Oh, this is the case. It happens that I will have no class next Monday. Sister Yunzhu will mind if I come to the wedding together?" Teacher Lu said very shamelessly.

Since she said shamelessly, there was a tone of ‘I ’m a teacher, you definitely should n’t reject me’.

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