Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1037: To Longmen City, where are you

"Small note, there are still three days before the wedding. Mommy keeps beating now. I don't know if I will marry you Uncle Ge. Will I be comfortable in the future ..."

Qin Yirou held Yun Jian's hand, and his heart fluttered.

Normal women usually have mild pre-marital phobias, but some people don't show so much.

On the eve of marriage, the average person has some concerns, and more or less has a feeling of fear from the heart.

Seriously, even began to fear getting married.

Qin Yirou experienced a failed marriage, and now it is normal to have such an idea.

"Mom, Uncle Ge is sincere to you. You don't need to worry about anything right now. The most important thing you should do is to take a good night's sleep. Everything else has me." Yun Jian patted it calmly. In the palm of Qin Yirou's palm, she pursed her lips slightly, revealing a light smile.

"I have sent all the invitations. Mom, take a good rest now, and wait for Meimei to put on her wedding dress on May 21st." Yun Jian has taken care of everything.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Qin Yirou's uneasy heart calmed a lot.

"Yirou, officer Ge is a good person. You believe my vision is correct!" At this time, Dong Ruan, who heard Qin Yi's gentle and gentle note, came in from the door.

Dong Ruan was an official, and she was already busy with her work. However, because Qin Yirou was about to get married in the past few days, she put everything she was doing on her hands aside. Accompany Qin Yirou to complete the wedding together.

Before Qin Yirou dropped out of high school, she couldn't do anything for Qin Yirou. Now Qin Yirou finally finds her happiness, and she should be by her side as a friend.

It ’s not too late to make up for things that you did n’t have the chance to do before!

This time, she wants to marry her good friends, good girlfriends, and beautiful scenery from a young age to accompany herself to middle age!

But why is her family Yirou going to marry again, and it's not like Yun Gang's asshole, she will be a bit reluctant?

Dong Ruan swallowed the sour taste in his heart and walked and held Qin Yirou.

"Yirou, if you dare to be unhappy, I promise to break Ge Junjian's leg!" After several decades, her Dong Ruan finally expressed her thoughts.

Although this statement was a little bit extreme, Qin Yirou knew that Dong Ruan didn't really break Ge Junjian's leg. She just made herself happy in other ways.

Even if there is a landslide, there is always such a person behind him, protecting you silently.

She is not your loved one or your biological parent, but she will think of you from the bottom of her heart.

Decades of good sisters, lifelong friendships.

This is friendship that can be brought into the coffin.

Looking at Dong Ruan and Qin Yirou, Yun Jian also smiled.

Just then, Yun Jian's phone rang.

Calling at this time is simply destroying the atmosphere.

Yun Jian first cut off the phone, then went out of the house.

When she went out, she closed the door incidentally before pulling out her cell phone and dialing the phone back.

When calling back, Yun Jian had stepped downstairs from a pair of flat-bottomed shoes.

When I reached halfway down the stairs, the phone on the other side was connected.

"Sister Jian, I'm Diani. We're in Longmen City, where are you?" On the other side of the phone, the voice of Diani, the leader of the Intelligence Unit of the Ancient Mercenary Regiment, came.

The senior members of the ancient killing mercenary regiment have changed their names to Yun Jian as the sister.

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