Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1031: Come here and let me kill you

Yun Jian strode forward, she lifted her one foot, and her beautiful leg was pinched fiercely, looking at Wang Haitian's abdomen with wretched eyes.

Wang Haitian's eyes were staring at Yun Jian right now, and Yun Jian's movement was really rapid.

The next moment, Yun Jian's legs were already on Wang Haitian's belly.

At this point, Yun Jian didn't mean anything at all.

He kicked him hard, while Yun Jian held a butterfly knife and waved twice against Wang Haitian's chest.

In the next breath, Wang Haitian had already been severely beaten by Yun Jian.

At the moment Wang Haitian was stunned, everyone present turned his eyes, but when Wang Haitian was stabbed in the abdomen by Yun Jian, he flew a few meters away.

After Wang Haitian fell to the ground with a slap, the crowd present found that Wang Haitian's clothes were punctured by Yun Jian.

Yun Jian took the knife intentionally. The tip of the knife did not hurt Wang Haitian's skin, but everyone around him saw Wang Haitian fell to the ground, and his chest was cut by the blade.

The clothes on Wang Haitian's chest were cut by a knife, and a large 'X' was formed.

Wang Haitian's clothes were cut into an 'X' by a knife. This scene gave a shock to the people present.

But at the same time, when people here thought of it, they did not forget it.

This 'X' was cut by Yun Jian with a knife in his hand.

This can also be seen from the side, Yun Jian's knife method is so good!

When the people present thought that way, Yun Jian had already strode forward, and the jade leg she stepped on the ground suddenly jumped slightly, and then the person jumped into the air, and then her legs were lifted and hit each other. The chests of the two brothers standing behind Wang Haitian.

Wang Haitian was stunned just now. Everyone else was looking dumbfounded, so why bother with others?

However, at this moment, Yun Jian lifted her feet and flew the two brothers behind Wang Haitian. At the same time, she wielded the butterfly knife, and her hands and feet moved endlessly.

The next Yunjian swam all the way between the group of 20 or so people brought by Wang Haitian, and wherever he went, a piece fell.

It took only half a minute, even before this group of people had not reacted.

The students around the theater saw Yun Jian's kick kicking the last afterglow fiercely. When kicking and flying after the Huihui, Yunjian's pace followed closely. When she waited for Yuhui to be kicked and fell to the ground , Stretched his feet and slammed Yu Hui's abdomen.

Then, the butterfly knife on Yun Jian's hand fell on Yu Hui's neck.

When everyone returned to God, turned to look at where Yun Jian had just passed, and saw only a small jumble lying on the ground, each person was severely marked with an 'X' on the chest.

This 'X' is neatly carved out like a perfect knife.

All of this suggests how accurate Yunjian's knife is.

She is not exactly like a junior high school girl at all!

In just half a minute, she knocked down more than twenty people on the ground at the same time, and marked a large 'X' sign on each person's chest placket.

This is simply not what an ordinary junior high school girl can do!

At this moment, Yun Jian was stepping on Yu Hui's abdomen, and the oppressive Yu Hui couldn't breathe.

She tilted her head slightly, raised her beautiful eyebrow corner, and put the knife in front of Yu Hui's neck in front of her. She raised her eyebrow and sneered, "Do you want to come to the door to let me kill you?"

Her words were cold, and there was a luster in her eyes that couldn't be ignored.

At this moment, Wang Haitian, Yu Hui and other talents who fell to the ground felt the fear from their hearts.

They didn't want to do anything yet, they were subdued by Yun Jian, what speed is she!

Is she really just an ordinary junior high school student?

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