Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1022: Unintentional, evil stylized

Duan Li was held by Yun Jian. Duan Li was very light. It was as light as if there were no flesh on her body, so Yun Jian was holding her without feeling tired.

Duan Li today tied two tall shofar braids, which looked quite cute. Yunjian hugged her, and those two shofar braids would gently touch Yunjian's skin.

But Yun Jian didn't have any disgusted expression, instead she smiled slightly with her lips pursed.

Si Yi flipped back from the railing and stood behind her.

"Little girl, your boyfriend was so handsome just now!"

Just now Yang Caidie stepped on Duan Li's foot and didn't apologize and wanted to leave. All the people around were holding the attitude of watching a theater. Only the young man with beer belly helped Yun Jian to say something.

Now seeing Yun Jian and Si Yi, the young man with beer belly couldn't help saying something to Yun Jian.

This young man with a beer belly is a typical big fat man, and that figure also looks quite burly.

He didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to say such a word to Yun Jian.

Yun Jian also appreciated those who met on this journey, but could help others with their hands raised.

As soon as the beer belly young man finished speaking, Yun Jian smiled at him, but didn't say anything.

Yun Jian's smile was a tacit consent of the beer belly youth.

Si Yi is her boyfriend.

This beer belly young man didn't seem to be chatting, so he looked at Duan Li held by Yun Jian, Duan Ya held by him, and Xiao Yunzhu dragged by Si Yi.

The beer belly young man couldn't help but uttered a sentence:

"You are really young, especially you, little girl. I think you are still a sixteen or seven year old girl! Haha, if you do n’t see your three children, I thought you two were school The little couple here! "

The beer belly youth obviously didn't believe that Xiao Yunzhu was Yun Jian and Si Yi, but think about it carefully.

Some people are not very old. Although Yunjian and Siyi are young, they feel that beer belly youths are young.

It ’s impossible for ordinary little couples to go out on a date or to travel, so it ’s impossible to bring their siblings together?

If you bring your younger brothers and sisters out, then their parents should always come together, right?

Although very unbelievable, the beer belly youth would rather be skeptical in another aspect, rather than thinking in this aspect.

Upon hearing the voice of the beer belly youth, Yun Jian almost lived on the spot, when she just wanted to say something.

He was robbed of his right to speak by saying: "It's not good to keep your kids at home all the time, and you should take the time to take them out and walk around."

What this means is not the tacit consent of the beer belly youth.

Yun Jian shook his lips.

As soon as she wanted to explain again, she settled on her thin waist, and looked at her very petulantly, and said, "Don't make trouble, the child holds steady."

Yun Jian: "..." She could even feel that everyone around her was staring at her with naked eyes.

"Hahaha! See, your relationship is really good!" The beer belly young man was convinced of Syi's words. At the same time, he also changed from the name of Yun Jian and Syi as 'little couples' to a couple. .

Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li and Duan Ya looked younger. Both Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li and Duan Ya were relatively thin and looked just like the children in kindergarten.

Relatively speaking, Xiao Yunzhu has grown a lot these days, much better.

But looking at the age, at most he was six or seven years old.

If Yun Jian and Si Yi look old, then the two of them gave birth to Xiao Yunzhu in the early pregnancy, which is not particularly incredible.

The beer belly man smiled.

"Very good." Si Yi just showed a handsome smile.

To say such an unwilling remark, Sidi came to grips.

Because he wanted everyone to be misled, Yun Jian was already his woman, and as for others, he didn't want to touch her a hair!

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