Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1014: Why today he talks a lot

Xiaoyun said, shaking his head, as if he was reading an ancient poem.

Xiao Yunzhu has already started the first grade, and he also has a budding understanding of some things.

Of course, Xiao Yunzhu didn't know where the words ‘robbing the civilian girl’ were better used.

That is, these few words have been learned in recent days, so Xiao Yunzhu used them.

Children are often the simplest when they are not in school. Once they have been in school for a long time, some things will be understood naturally.

It's just that Xiao Yunzhu's words just sounded. It didn't take long before he was snatched by the ancient and strange Duan Li: "No, right, this word is wrong."

Speaking of which, Duan Li cleared her throat, she turned into a little teacher, and then said very seriously: "It should be like this! Coughing out of the day, under the bright sky, Brother Sidi hugged Yunjian who had just returned home. Sister, doing shameful things! "

What Xiao Yunzhu said just now may not cause such a big misunderstanding, but what Duan Li said was very imaginative.

Originally Yun Jian rushed into her arms, of course, Sidi embraced her symbolically.

The beloved woman threw herself into her arms.

But during the period Li said that he was holding Yun Jian and doing shameful things?

Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li, two little guys, were simply misled by the vocabulary taught by the school teacher.

Yun Jian and Si Yi stood at the gate, but clearly heard the three small heads gathered upstairs, and two of them were talking.

Now Yun Jian's cheeks blushed.

Si Yi's face was darkened.

She was caught by Xiao Yunzhu three. Yun Jian had a feeling that she would teach the child badly, so she just wanted to get out of Si Yi's arms and was pressed back by Si Yi.

"Three of you, come down." Si Yi didn't turn around, he kept the posture of Yunjian slightly, and opened his mouth to the three small heads with his head upstairs.

For the three Xiaoyunzhus, Si Yi never spoke in an angry tone, so in the subconsciousness of the three Yunzhus, they believed that their older brothers had the best temper.

It's like having fun again. Children are all skins, and Xiao Yunzhu is also a boy.

And Duan Li is also a lively character, so as soon as he heard Sidi's slightly gloomy voice, the three of Xiaoyunzhu seemed to be caught by Syi, and they started to hide, crying desperately :

"Wow! Brother Si Yi is going to grab the kids. Brother Si Yi is coming to catch us. We are stoneless. Brother Si Yi can't see us!"

Xiao Yunzhu was thrilled with tens of thousands of people, playing with sweat.

But Yun Jian standing underneath was a little awkward.

But nesting in Si Yi's arms gave her a sense of peace of mind, as if she had really returned home, no other chores need to be taken care of.

Yun Jian slightly radiated a radian smile, she clasped her hands around her, and her predecessor was close to him.

"Your mother went out, and Adam and they went out. There were only two of us in the house, and three upstairs." When talking about the three upstairs, Si Yi thought of the scene just now, and his face sank.

"Hmm." Yun Jian nodded, and then she wanted to withdraw from Si Yi's arms, and said, "It's noon, haven't you eaten yet? We took Xiao Yunzhu and the three of them out to eat. "

As soon as Yun Jian wanted to get out of Si Yi's arms, he was pushed back into his arms by Si Yi.

"Adam's injury has recovered." Sidi said again.

Yun Jian is slightly strange, why is he talking so much today?

However, Yun Jian didn't see it at the moment, and Si Yi's rising arc lips.

The maiden leaned against him in front of her, somewhere near the bottom of his chest.

His thin clothes could even feel the fullness of the girl.

Uh really soft ...

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