Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1010: Mayr thought, her chairman

Several staff members returned to God and heard the cold voice of Yun Jian.

The people present were frightened.

That's the money of the chairman of Haji Company! Even if they are the president's demon girl of Rongyao, they should weigh it.

After all, as the chairman of the Haji company, Minnie is undoubtedly the dragon and the phoenix.

It can be said that messing with Minnie is against the entire Haji company.

And Rongyao company only exists side by side with Haji Company. Even in a certain international status, Rongyao Company is even worse than Haji Company.

So when I saw Yun Jian treating Minnie like this, several staff members in the company who were working overtime were surprised.

I was hit by a tea cup just now, and the severe pain in my forehead has not completely disappeared. Minnie endured the pain and just heard the cold words that Yun Jian had just raised.

She just wanted to look up at Yun Jian angrily and say "Don't you dare"? Then she ran into Yun Jian's pair of sharp eyes that seemed to kill people.

Minnie's whole body shivered, and her severe pain made her dare not look directly at Yunjian.

"Little demon girl, if you have something to say, don't do this, it's easy to hurt your peace." Maier didn't know what to do at all. He couldn't bear to move the demon girl, and he couldn't bear to watch his sister being bullied by Yun Jian. .

In the business field, Maier really suppresses Rongyao Company through the name of Haji Company.

But Maier had to admit that he was selfish.

At that time, when he first saw the demon girl, he fell in love, so he launched a crazy pursuit of the demon girl not long ago.

But the demon girl ignored him at all.

Maier acknowledged that he was in love with the demon girl at first sight, but he couldn't see it softly, so he simply came to the hard. In the company, Maier suppresses the demon girl everywhere because he is the president of Haji Company.

Of course, but also until the point, he did not dare to fight hard, don't drive the daughter-in-law at that time, and ignore him.

But even so, the demon girl directly ignored Maier's love, so Maier's most troublesome thing is this incident.

"Get off!" The demon girl glanced directly back at Maier.

But this stare was exceptionally fresh and tempting here at Mayr.

Maier even thought that this stare was very cute.

"Little demon girl, I'm sincere to you, you ..." Maier's screaming sounded before the confession that Maier saw everywhere.

"Brother! You're crazy! You still like her! She's bullied me like this, and you can't help me get revenge!" Said Minnie, and the fear of Yun Jian had just disappeared.

She looked at Yunjian fiercely, and spit out even more wild words: "You wait for me, dead woman, who do you think you are? You think you are the chairman of Rongyao! Wait, I Will make my dad kill you! "

Minnie and Maier's father is the chairman of Haji Company.

It was just that Minnie had just said this, and a female voice came from behind.

"President, you are here." The president no doubt shouted at the demon girl.

Yun Jian looked sideways at the young girl who appeared to be about sixteen or seventeen.

This girl is under the hands of the demon girl, and she is also the one who came out of the ancient mercenary group, codenamed fox.

The fox and the raccoon cat who sent the Ferrari sports car to Longmen City for Yunjian are twin sisters. Don't look at the fox looks like a girl, but she looks exactly like a raccoon cat.

The actual age is twenty-five.

The fox is doing things under the hands of the demon girl.

The fox just saw the demon girl shouting, immediately attracting the eyes of Maier and Minnie, and the fox saw Yunjian again.

She froze, but shouted at Yun Jian in front of Maier and Minnie: "Chairman, are you back?"

The words of the chairman made Maier and Minnie surprise.

The fox is a demon girl and a person who has been in contact with the mysterious chairman of Rongyao.

But just now she called Chairman Yun Jian! ?

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