
Shadow beings!


After seeing the effect of the shadow beings, Qian Xiaoye understood, he understood why Voldemort did not die back then.

As for why he could see Voldemort's panel, he probably understood after thinking about it for a while, it was because Voldemort's strength was only 50%, and this 50% strength was not enough for Qian Xiaoye, who had a strength far beyond the current rank.

Voldemort never imagined that he would be seen through by a brat who only had a level 26 silver rank.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the half-bear man who was fighting fiercely with Rabbit Master and Ye Xiu not far away, and he didn't panic in his heart, and he even let Rabbit Master and Ye Xiu suppress their strength.

Why fight so fast, he has to play slowly, it is best to play until the death of Voldemort in the main battlefield.

This half-bear man is Voldemort, who uses shadows to become the form.

Yingsheng is an S-class transformation talent, and Qian Xiaoye really didn't see it before he released the Miracle Eye.

Qian Xiaoye, who was leaning on the Baxia stele, said lightly to Xu who was standing next to Baxia: "Do you remember his taste?"

"Remembered!" Xu nodded vigorously.

"Go find it, go see if there is a similar aura nearby."

Voldemort's avatar skill is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, the avatar skill cannot escape a setting, that is, the doppelganger cannot be too far away from the subject!

With Voldemort's strength, it is not possible to cross the two cities, at most it is within the Dragon Guarding Mountain Range.

The Dragon Guarding Mountain Range was also the best choice for Voldemort, after all, this was the place where he had lived for thousands of years.

Let Voldemort give up here and go to other places, Qian Xiaoye thought about it and felt that it was unlikely.

"Good!" Xu responded softly and decisively turned away.

Fu Wumo looked at Xu Qian, who wanted to leave, and shouted, "Don't let him go!" "

Not leaving? Do you still have anyone? The rabbit who turned into Locke appeared behind him and punched him in the back.

With a bang, Rabbit Ye punched through his body.

"Elementalization?" Rabbit Ye chuckled, "You bear can also be elementalized, there is something!" Fu

Wu Mo was silent, he flew to the side, and punched Rabbit Ye, Rabbit Ye clenched his fist and fought back, and the two fought together again.

On the other side, Qian Xiaoye looked at the hundreds of enemies rushing not far away, the stars in his hand emitted a shimmer, and one after another summoning formations appeared around.


A deafening roar followed, and the dragon tide that had been waiting for several days in the miracle star was finally released by Qian Xiaoye.

In addition to the dragon tide, Tao Muxiao, Yu Wei, Ku Sen and others also appeared around with dozens of summoned beasts.

"Up!" Qian Xiaoye didn't say much, just said one word calmly.

Under Qian Xiaoye's words, Long Chao collectively killed the army of new beasts not far away.

Voldemort looked at the dragon that appeared in the sky and fell silent.


This guy actually has dragons!

Fu Wumo was shocked in his heart, but soon, he thought of something, and suddenly said to Qian Xiaoye: "You are a miracle!" "

Voldemort's doppelganger has its own consciousness, and when he is not in control, these consciousnesses will automatically come out, so they also know miracles.

Of course, this is also a miracle that is too famous, if it were someone else, they would not know and would not be qualified for them to remember.

"Congratulations on getting it right, it's a pity that there is no reward." Rabbit Ye appeared on the left side of Voldemort, and killed Voldemort, along with Night Cultivator on the right.

Fu Wumo dodged the attacks of Rabbit Master and Ye Xiu, and continued to say to Qian Xiaoye: "So you are here, okay!" All right!

Qian Xiaoye listened to Fu Wumo's words, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he felt a conspiracy.

Immediately afterwards, he said expressionlessly: "Don't play, kill it." "

Since it smells of conspiracy, then he is not ready to play.

After hearing Qian Xiaoye's words, Rabbit Master and Ye Xiu instantly burst out with a terrifying aura and attacked towards Fu Wu Demon.

Fu Wu Mo felt the strength of the rabbit master's sudden burst, and was slightly stunned.

Without waiting for his excessive reaction, Fu Wu Mo was controlled to death by Rabbit Master, Ye Xiu, and the dragon tide rushing with Tao Muxiaoxiao.

Rabbit Ye looked at his desperate eyes after death and chuckled: "Remember, don't say so much next time." "

Sure enough, nothing." Qian Xiaoye looked at the dissipated corpse and did not feel surprised.

He looked at the army of new beasts that suddenly quieted down not far away, and shouted: "Kill! Kill as much as you want!

Under his words, Rabbit Master and they directly killed the army of new beasts.

After watching the death of the five demons, the army of new beasts instantly collapsed and fled separately.

Twenty minutes later.

Qian Xiaoye leaned motionless against the stele, breathing evenly and spitting out from his mouth.

He accidentally fell asleep.

"Miracles are nothing but that." A skinny lizard holding a dagger appeared next to Qian Xiaoye, and the sharp dagger stabbed directly towards Qian Xiaoye's Adam's apple.

"How is it possible!" The lizard looked at the dagger that had passed through his brain, his face shocked.

But soon, he had a big smile.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

He let go of a word and dissipated in place.

As for Luo Ying, he wanted to see what Luo Ying looked like, but he didn't have time to see it, because Luo Ying was behind him, and Luo Ying entered the stealth state after launching an attack.

Not far from Qian Xiaoye, in a jungle, the skinny lizard opened his eyes and was about to inform the others when a voice sounded beside him.

"It's really not that simple."

Listening to the voice, he was slightly stunned.

Without waiting for him to react, Rabbit Ye kicked him in the head.

"Which organization does this token belong to?" Rabbit Ye looked at the token he took out and disappeared in place.

At the same time that Rabbit's side ended, battles also broke out in several other places.

Those who wanted to kill Qian Xiaoye were quickly destroyed by the dragon tide.

Rabbit Ye appeared next to Qian Xiaoye and shouted, "Don't sleep, it's over."

Qian Xiaoye lazily opened his eyes, "So fast?

Rabbit Ye took out the token with the word 'kill' and handed it to Qian Xiaoye, "They should have miscalculated our strength.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the token in Rabbit Ye's hand and took it in his hand curiously and looked at it.

After a few glances, he took out the mobile phone in his left trouser pocket and took a picture and threw it into the group.

At the moment when he finished sending the photo, a terrifying aura came from all directions.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the mobile phone, feeling the sudden breath, suddenly raised his head, looked at several identical figures around him, and the dagger that was about to reach the tip of his nose, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The dagger passed through the tip of his nose and pierced his head, and Qian Xiaoye's blood flowed, but the smile in his eyes made the killer led by him feel a burst of unease.

Looking up, he looked at the hundreds of falling filaments above his head and fell silent.

Then, he was controlled by Tao Muxiao.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Xiaoye walked out from the side, looked at the one-eyed man who was controlled, and muttered, "One-eyed clan."

Rabbit Ye turned his head to look at Qian Xiaoye and smiled, "How is it?" Am my skills strong?

"That's good." Qian Xiaoye nodded with a smile.

Rabbit Ye's fox fake tiger power + Luo Ying's shadow doppelganger successfully deceived this one-eyed demon deceiving.

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