Two days later.

Miracle Star.

In a place with a beautiful environment, Qian Xiaoye stood in front of the log cabin under construction, looking at the eggshell that began to crack, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's done!" Rabbit Ye looked at Qian Xiaoye, "Xiaoyezi, do you think Xiao Gu will keep his heart?"

"She will." Qian Xiaoye listened to the prompt in his mind and continued: "Chicken killing the phoenix is more fulfilling than the phoenix killing the phoenix. "

Mutation successful, your summoning beast Ice Yan Phoenix successfully mutated into Ice Spirit Phoenix Chicken!"

"The original skill name is changing..." "The

change is successful, please check it yourself."

【Qian Xiaogu (Ice Spirit Phoenix Chicken)】Level

: Level 22

Rank: Silver

Attribute: Ice

Quality: Orange

Essence Talent: Fearless Battle Intent Talent:

High Ice Phoenix Bloodline, Rooster Ice Phoenix Roar, Elementalization......

Skills: Burning Essence Blood, Ice Flame Collision, Chicken Valley Ice Peck, Chicken Valley Phoenix Step...

[Advanced Ice Phoenix Bloodline (SS Grade Talent)]

Development Level: 40%

Effect: As the degree of development of your own bloodline increases, the more abilities you get.

Introduction: The Ice Flame Phoenix Lizard bloodline is directly fused into the Ice Phoenix Bloodline under the power of the legendary Ice Phoenix Bloodline.


Qian Xiaoye looked at the big change, the red feathers had faded by half, leaving only a quarter of Xiao Gu, and spoke: "How do you feel?" Although

Xiao Gu has turned into an ice attribute, it can be seen from her feathers that she still has at least a quarter of the fire attribute in her body.

"Master, I feel like I'm invincible now!" Xiao Gu's wings rolled into fists and looked towards the rabbit master.

Rabbit Ye instantly shouted, "What do you want to do?" Itchy skin?

"Hmph!" Xiao Gu turned his head.

Qian Xiaoye looked at this scene and continued with a smile: "Since you want to, then let the rabbit master help you test it." "

Thank you host!" When Xiao Gu heard this, he immediately became excited.

Although she knew that she couldn't beat the hateful rabbit, she still wanted to try.

"Come and come, I haven't fought for dozens of days, it seems that you have itchy skin." Rabbit Ye smiled and walked to the clearing not far away.

"Even if I can't beat you, I'm going to make you hurt!" Xiao Gu walked over with his head held high.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the two who were ready, and said directly: "The duel begins!" "

Ice Phoenix Yan Shield!" As Xiao Gu's voice fell, an ice phoenix phantom rushed out from her body, flying directly above with the phoenix sound, dissipating in the sky.

The phoenix dissipated, and a shield burning with a cold aura wrapped her tightly.

"Good!" The rabbit master was taken aback and said with a smile: "Let me try your defense ability."

After that, he disappeared in place, appeared behind Xiao Gu, and kicked it away.

With a bang, Rabbit Ye did not kick the shield, he looked at Xiao Gu, who did not move a little, standing there and smiling at him, his face frozen.

With a bang, Rabbit Ye was directly rushed into the sky by the ice blue red flame in Xiao Gu's mouth.

Qian Xiaoye looked at this scene and clapped his hands with a smile, "This shield seems to be an independent individual, and it is not connected to Xiao Gu. "

If connected, even if Xiao Gu's shield withstands this kick from the rabbit master, she will take a few steps back due to inertia.

There is no connection, which means that they are separated, and there are several kinds of separation, Xiao Gu's shield skill, which is obviously similar to the enchantment, if it can't be broken, then it will definitely not hit the releaser of the skill, nor can it affect the releaser of the skill.

This type is also everyone's favorite shield skill type.

"Yes, it's mine." Qian Xiaoye beautifully replaced Xiao Gu's skill with the Ice Phoenix Flame Shield.

The power of miracles is so invincible.


A few days later.

Miracle Star.

Qian Xiaoye sat in the courtyard of a log cabin with a beautiful environment.

The log cabin that had not been built a few days ago had been built by diligent half-orc hard laborers during this time.

This log cabin is where Qian Xiaoye currently lives in the Miracle Star.

In the courtyard of the log cabin, in front of Qian Xiaoye, there were 52 strange treasure chests of different sizes.

That's right, he's unboxing today!

It took him a while and saved the miracle hand twice, and he finally couldn't bear it!

During this time, he swept through the major silver secret realms and punched out dozens of treasure chests.

These dozens of treasure chests are naturally fortunate to become cushions for high-quality treasure chests.

Sweep back and sweep, but he did not fight the grass snake, did not kill the Lord of the Secret Realm inside.

These lords of the secret realm, he is ready to kill them in turn when he is almost at the golden stage.

As for whether they give something to him to stop, or don't ask, we'll know then.

During these few days of traveling to the secret realm, he discovered one thing, that is, the unconquered silver secret realm was much less than the bronze secret realm, about 30% less.

The reason, he thought for a while, was probably that the strength of the top players of various races had gone up, so it was easier for them to kill the Lord of the Silver Secret Realm than the Lord of the Bronze Secret Realm.

He understood it this way, and as for whether it was really like that, then I don't know.

Of the 52 chests, there is 1 red random summoning skill chest and 7 orange chests.

He has 3 red quality chests, so he has 21 orange chests on him, and he is going to open 7 in 3 times.

As for the other 2 orange random summoning skill chests, he is ready to open them with the Fire Sakura chest.

Rabbit Ye looked at the 52 treasure chests in front of him and showed a happy smile.

Finally it's time to open treasure chests!

During this time, he endured so hard!

Qian Xiaoye looked at the rabbit master's eager appearance and said with a smile: "Do you open it?"

Rabbit Ye looked at Qian Xiaoye and whispered, "How many are opened?"

Qian Xiaoye said with a smile: "Open 22 for you, 2 orange." "Good

!" Rabbit Ye nodded vigorously, and then carefully selected.

Not long after, the rabbit master who had finished selecting the treasure chest said to Qian Xiaoye: "I opened it?"

Qian Xiaoye responded calmly, "Let's open." "

Open!" The rabbit yelled and went directly towards the orange treasure chest with the crocodile pattern.

With a snap, an orange light shot up into the sky.

"Wow!" Xiao Gu exclaimed, and then muttered: "You have some good luck with shit today!"

"My luck has always been invincible!" The rabbit looked proudly into the treasure chest.

"Good!" Qian Xiaoye nodded, looked at the rabbit master who was stunned over there, and asked with a smile: "What happened?" "

Out... Out..." Rabbit Ye looked at the book with the avatar in the treasure chest, stupid.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the rabbit master who was stunned over there, and asked curiously in an instant, "What happened?" What is a good thing?

Rabbit Ye rubbed his eyes and looked in again.

After looking at the book that was still a crocodile's head, he shouted in shock: "Lie in the groove!

Qian Xiaoye looked at the rabbit master who suddenly jumped up, and quickly stepped forward, but before he took a few steps, the rabbit master began to laugh.

"Hahaha... I came out with the summoning skill book! Rabbit Ye stopped laughing, walked towards Qian Xiaoye, who walked over, and shouted excitedly: "Xiaoyezi, I came out with the summoning skill book!" It's still the only summoning skill book that Xiaotani has! "

Hahahaha... Please call me Ou Huang in the future!"

"I, Master Rabbit, Emperor Ou!"

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