At the moment he said the integration, the small planet placed on the coffee table slowly rose, and the whole emitted a faint light and flew into his body.

"Fusion starts, and the fusion lasts seven days."

Qian Xiaoye listened to the voice in his head, slightly stunned, and then looked into the miracle space, looking at the miracle space that had not changed much, he became even more puzzled.

"I don't want to, after seven days, I will naturally know." Qian Xiaoye shook his head, calmly picked up the unfinished white peach soda on the coffee table, and continued to drink it.

The rabbit master, who did not know the situation, looked at this scene and quickly asked, "Xiao Yezi, what happened?" How did that little planet fly into your body? When

Qian Xiaoye heard this, he explained to Rabbit Master with a smile.

Rabbit Ye, who heard Qian Xiaoye's explanation, instantly asked excitedly, "Are we going to take off?"

"I don't understand." Qian Xiaoye said calmly, "You'll know in seven days." "

Hmm!" Rabbit Ye nodded vigorously and continued, "Let me go into the miracle space, I'll go and notify them and let them get ready." With

a wave of Qian Xiaoye's little hand, the rabbit master disappeared on the coffee table.

Looking at the disappearing rabbit, he lay on the sofa, looked at the white ceiling and muttered, "I hope you can surprise me." "


Seven days later.

A voice sounded in Qian Xiaoye's mind, who had been preparing for a long time.

"After the integration is complete, please check the details yourself."

Listening to the sound in his mind, Qian Xiaoye directly released the miracle space.

As far as his gaze went, the originally blank miracle space changed greatly at this moment.

Forests of trees, mountains and rivers... There are also some dazed rabbit masters, night repairs, and dragon tides who appear on a grassy field.

Looking at this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he began to try to enter the miracle space, tried it, and found that he could not enter it as before.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Why can't you still get in?" A

few seconds later, he suddenly thought of something and began to try to search his body.

It wasn't long before a small planet flew out of his body and floated above his palm.

"It didn't go away." Qian Xiaoye smiled slightly and said again, "Enter." The

next moment, Qian Xiaoye, who was sitting on the sofa, disappeared in place along with the small planet in his hand.

Unknown planet.

On the steppe.

The rabbit master, who was curious about everything around, felt the fluctuations beside him, quickly turned to look, and looked at the figure that appeared on the side out of thin air, he was surprised: "Huh! You can come in!

"Yes." Qian Xiaoye nodded with a smile.

"This place is so beautiful!" Xiao Gu walked to Qian Xiaoye's side and continued, "This place is much better than that white space!"

"If Xiao Gu likes it." Qian Xiaoye squatted down, stroked Xiaogu's phoenix crown, and said to everyone: "In the future, this is a miracle space, you can find a place to live by yourself, anywhere."

"It's better not to go too far, too far is not conducive to you exercising each other."

"Although this planet is very small, only 8,000 square kilometers, this 8,000 square kilometers is still a lot for you who have less than forty people!"

When Rabbit Ye heard this, he immediately said, "Xiao Yezi, let's see if you can send us to other places."

Qian Xiaoye was slightly stunned and spoke, "I'll try." A

moment later, the rabbit master snorted and disappeared in place in everyone's gaze.

"Yes!" Ozani surprised.

Yes, that means they can be home anywhere on the planet.

"Indeed." Qian Xiaoye smiled slightly.

The next moment, Rabbit Ye appeared blankly in the position just now.

"How does it feel?" Qian Xiaoye asked with a smile.

"Why don't you tell me!" Rabbit Ye came back to his senses and pounced on Qian Xiaoye with his teeth and claws.

"Haha, forgot." Qian Xiaoye stretched out his finger with a smile and gently clicked in the direction of the rabbit master, and the rabbit master's body instantly froze.

"Let go of me!" Rabbit Ye shouted.

Qian Xiaoye waved his small hand, and at the moment when he was about to land, Rabbit Ye took a step and jumped to the grass on the side.

"Good!" Qian Xiaoye clapped his hands with a smile and looked at the others, "Since you can teleport anywhere, then you choose your own territory." "

He can help others teleport here, but teleportation also requires energy, and he just teleported Rabbit Master back and forth, consuming 5% of his energy.

Everyone listened to Qian Xiaoye's words, and one by one showed excited smiles.

"If you need anything, you can tell me, I'll let the rabbit master help you buy it."

"By the way, you can't destroy the ecology here too much, if I know it, hum!"


After Qian Xiaoye told them a few rules, he waved his hand, "Disband."

"Let's go, I'm going to choose a good place to be the dragon's nest!" The dragon tide soared into the air and flew towards the east at full speed.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the dragon tide who left first, and shook his head with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, after watching one coexistence beast after another leave, he calmly sat on the grass and began to check the changes in skills.

【Miracle Planet】Bound

Planet: Unnamed

Planet Area: 8,000 square kilometers

Passive effect: New beasts that have signed a coexistence contract with themselves can go to the Bound Planet; On the planet, new beasts that sign a coexistence contract with themselves can enjoy 5 times the cultivation speed; New beasts that do not sign a coexistence contract can enjoy twice the cultivation speed; The overall aura of the bound planet is increased by 2 times; Aura and area increase with their own level, and Aura and area can also be increased with rare treasures....

Active effects: You can choose to let the Miracle Space out of the bound planet, after disengagement, the bound planet will be unbound, and you will no longer enjoy the amplification effect of the Miracle Space.

Disengagement consequences: The miracle space will enter the repair period, which is determined by its own strength, the development of the planet and other factors, and during the repair period, the cultivation speed of the miracle space will be weakened.

Introduction: After Marvel Space merges into the unnamed planet, it undergoes special changes and becomes more potential.


"So many words, I'm going to faint." The rabbit master jumped to the side with a headache, and he stopped looking.

Qian Xiaoye glanced at the rabbit master, shook his head with a smile, and continued to watch.

A few minutes later, Qian Xiaoye said, "I probably understand."

"Understand what?" Rabbit Ye was curious.

"Miracle Space is a core, a core that can be separated at any time." Qian Xiaoye continued to explain: "Probably, there is an army that discovers this planet, and if we can't keep it, I can take you directly away.

The rabbit master thought for a moment and muttered, "Good loss!"

Qian Xiaoye responded: "It is indeed a little, but it is very safe. "

Loss, the planet that has been developing for a long time will be let go, and if it is not a loss, it is impossible.

Safety, that is, they can go anytime, anywhere, without being caught by those people.

Ye Xiu, who was standing on the side and did not leave, asked, "Can I integrate other planets?"

"Probably not." Qian Xiaoye shook his head and said with a smile: "Small points are good, I like to cultivate." "

Rabbit Master

:"..."Ye Xiu:"..."Xiaogu:"..."



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