"No, that guy is dead?" The ghost who was about to arrive on the battlefield looked at Kusen, who was cut in half by the rabbit master's sword, and said decisively: "Withdraw!"

"Since you're here, then leave it to me!" Rabbit Ye raised his head and looked at the army of black birds in the sky who wanted to leave, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he disappeared directly in place.

In the next second, the yin ghost who had just turned around, his eyes were dark, and he appeared in the position of the rabbit master.

He looked at the unfamiliar field around him and was slightly stunned, but soon, he saw the night cultivator who attacked, Locke.

"How could I be here!" The ghost was shocked and quickly waved his wings to block the attack.


As two voices sounded, the Yin Ghost rushed into the sky, and just as he was about to continue running, a huge black shadow appeared above him.

He looked up and looked at the huge sea blue dragon above, and he was silent.

"Kusen! You must not die well! The angry roar of the ghost resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"It's noisy." Just after killing the dead dragon tide, the yin ghost that collapsed a little under him was a dragon cannon.

The ghost looked at the huge sea blue water mass, quickly stopped the sound, and hid to the side.

"Give me back!" As soon as he turned around, he didn't fly for two seconds when he was kicked back by the rabbit master who appeared on the side.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the powerful dragon cannon directly blasted the Yin Ghost out.

"Boom!" The ghost slammed into the ground with a loud noise.

The moment the Yin Ghost hit the ground, Ye Xiu and Locke below rushed over.

Ten seconds later, the prompt of the death of the ghost sounded in Qian Xiaoye's mind.

"Congratulations on successfully killing the Yin Ghost and earning 320,000 points, do you break it down?"

"Decompose." After Qian Xiaoye finished speaking, he disappeared in place and appeared at the location where the Yin Ghost died.

He looked at the gray bird-patterned treasure chest under him and silently put the treasure chest into his backpack.

Immediately afterwards, he cultivated them at night: "Kill, how much can be killed!"

Everyone: "Yes!"

In the distance, the cat spirits who did not leave looked at this scene and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"It's so strong! He's too strong!

"He doesn't need our help at all!"

"Sister Ling, I'm a little afraid, let's go..." Cat Ling

listened to his partner's words and nodded: "Go!" Born

as the leader of the Black Cat Guild, she was also a little panicked in her heart after seeing the strength displayed by Qian Xiaoye.

Therefore, when she heard Maohu's words, she didn't think about it, and left here directly with her partners.

Qian Xiaoye glanced at the right front, and then followed the night cultivators to sweep up the elites and leaders who were left out around them.

Elites can burst treasure chests!

Although not every elite will explode, there are still some powerful elites who will explode, so he will not let those elite monsters go.

"Cluck, find a super strong enemy, dry Sen, Yin Ghost Death." Among the tens of thousands of blackbirds, there is a small wooden blackbird hiding in it.

"So you can talk!" The little black bird next to the wooden little black bird looked at it in surprise.

The wooden little blackbird instantly froze, and after a few seconds, it continued: "The enemy is too strong, and the self-detonation program is on.

"It's just an ordinary little wooden bird!" The rabbit master who turned into a little black bird, with a wave of his little wings, the little wooden bird was directly cut in half by him.

A second before the little wooden bird died, Qian Xiaoye also saw its panel information.

【Puppet Bird】

Level: Level 12

Rank: Bronze

Attribute: Wood

Quality: Green


Introduction: The puppet bird made by Tao Muxiao, the current mayor of Puppet Town, has the soul of a ghost crow in his body, so it has become a new beast.

"Can I make a boss for a new beast?" Qian Xiaoye muttered and turned off the panel in front of him.

"Any special tips for this bird?" Rabbit Ye appeared next to Qian Xiaoye.

"Puppet Town appeared, and if nothing else, the boss also appeared in the end."

"This bird profile has the name of the boss?"

"Tao Muxiao, the current mayor of Puppet Town, this bird was made by her."

"Tao Muxiao?"


"Okay!" Rabbit Ye said excitedly: "When will you go to Puppet Town?"

Qian Xiaoye looked at the excited rabbit master and asked, "Do you know where the puppet town is?"

The rabbit master was stunned for a moment and wondered, "Then what next?"

Qian Xiaoye smiled calmly: "Continue to the east to see if it is to the puppet town or to the border." "

What is a secret realm, the secret realm is that there is a boundary, it is an island, and a small town is their entire world.

Of course, not all secret realms are like this, some powerful secret realms, that is, a planet, even the area of the planet is larger than the blue star.

Of course, this kind of planetary secret realm is not something they can encounter at this level.

The secret realm they entered at this level was either an island, or two islands, or an island and a forest, or a secret realm composed of other areas.

Therefore, all he has to do now is to find the border, find the border, and he will know if the dark grave forest where he is now is on the edge.


"Wow! Where did this guy kill the leader! Also killed two! Qiu Annuo, who was sitting on the meat bun at full speed, looked at Qian Xiaoye's sudden surge of points twice, and knew that he had killed the two leaders.

She didn't kill the chief, but she still killed the lord.

Having killed the lord, she certainly knew that killing the lord would not increase so many points, so he must kill the leader!

Qiu Annuo patted the back of the meat bun and said, "The meat bun is fast, smell fast!" We have to find him as soon as possible, find him, and we can open the treasure chest! "

The preparation space can only chat, nothing else.

The meat bun that was advancing at full speed, listening to Qiu Annuo's anxious voice, responded with some grievances: "Sister, I'm not a dog, my nose is not so smart!"

"Most dogs should not have your soul on their noses."

When the meat bun heard this, he was suddenly silent.

Immediately afterwards, she shouted angrily: "Qiu Annuo! If you say it again, I will ignore you!

"Hahahaha..." Qiu Anno instantly laughed.

The next moment, she looked at the meat bun whose face was gradually wrong, and quickly admitted her mistake: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't smile, the small meat bun is the best!"

"Hmph!" The meat bun snorted softly, and the speed instantly increased.

Unprepared Qiu Annuo, under the instant speed of the meat bag, her body directly leaned back, frightened her to quickly grab the dragon scales of the meat bag and shouted: "Wow! Slow down, slow down, I'm going to fall! "


"Miracle! How can I meet you everywhere! Watching his guild become the second, Outback instantly felt bad.

The results of hundreds of people's hard work for half a day were caught up in an instant, and it was strange that he could be in a good mood.

Outback looked at the black tiger brother running from the front and asked, "Is there any news of the leader?"

Aohei immediately responded: "There is a waterhole five kilometers ahead, there may be a hole there. "

Go!" When Aohu heard this, he decisively took a few tiger brothers around him to kill him.

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