Level 30 is indeed very strong, and everyone else in their guild except Qiu Anno is below level 30.

Wutong and Sword Bearer level 29, Night Boat Level 28, Professional Ironstriker level 27, Xu Yitian level 26.

As for Qian Xiaoye, Qian Xiaoye is level 23 against the sky, 7 levels worse than Qiu Annuo.

Of course, they didn't know all this, after all, they couldn't see Qian Xiaoye's level.

"Well, strong." Qian Xiaoye nodded perfunctorily and looked at everyone: "It's almost time, everyone pay attention to safety!" As

soon as Qiu Annuo was about to respond, his eyes turned black and disappeared into the preparation space.


"Welcome to Puppet Town."

"The Guild Standings are on."

"The individual standings are on."

As three voices sounded in his ears, Qian Xiaoye opened his eyes and looked around, looking at the rectangular stone slabs around him that were inserted in the dirt and carved with handwriting, and he understood in seconds.

"Obscure, is it so unlucky?" Qian Xiaoye hurriedly walked out of the cemetery and came to the gray trees on the side.


Qian Xiaoye turned around and punched, easily slamming through the new tree beast beside him.

"Congratulations on successfully killing the Withering Tree Man and earning 15 points, do you decompose it?"

"This place is really gloomy!" Qian Xiaoye looked at the withered tree man who fell in front of him, and then looked at the surrounding trees opening their eyes, shaking their bodies, as if they were about to break through the ground, and raised their left hand slightly.

He ignored the sound coming from his head, and the stars appeared on his left palm.

As the stars appeared, summoning formations quickly formed around him.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Xiaoye looked at the rabbit masters who appeared around him, and said expressionlessly: "Clear the surroundings."

"Okay!" Rabbit Ye looked at the withered tree people standing up around him, and couldn't help but complain: "It's so ugly!"

"A bunch of trash! Leave it to me! The dragon tide suddenly flew into the sky.

The next moment, a huge dragon roar accompanied by terrifying sea-blue flames rushed out from the mouth of the dragon tide and swept towards the crowd of withered trees below.

"Congratulations on successfully killing the Withering Tree Man and earning 17 points, do you break it down?"

"Congratulations on successfully killing me Brother Tiger (Level 18/Tiger Clan) and earning 1800 points, do you break it down?"


"It seems that a strange message has popped up." Qian Xiaoye took a closer look and looked at the poor player who was inadvertently burned to death by the dragon tide, he silently turned off the interface and spoke: "Decompose it all!"

After that, he calmly sat down on a boulder and began to check the guild standings, he wanted to see which guilds there were.

As for the poor guy, the guy died when he died, anyway, it has nothing to do with him, he is not the Virgin, of course he will not blame the dragon tide and let the dragon tide stop attacking.

[Guild Standings]

1st Place: Miracle - Terran - 3700 Second Place: Proud World - Tiger Clan - 3125

Third Place: Sea Dragon Hall - Sea Dragon Terran - 3067

Fourth Place: Third Branch of the Sea of the Dead - Undead

- 2999 Fifth Place: Fire - Fire Race - 2970


Qian Xiaoye looked at the rapidly rising points of the major guilds, and couldn't help but sigh: "There are still many people and great power!" "

What's the powerful race?" The rabbit master who was paddling appeared next to Qian Xiaoye and looked curiously towards the interface in front of Qian Xiaoye.

"Tiger Clan, Undead Clan, Fire Clan..." After Qian Xiaoye reported a few races, he said with a smile: "It's fun to have a race.

"What race?" Rabbit Ye asked.

"Sea Dragon Terrans." Qian Xiaoye swept towards the dragon tide that flew over after sweeping the battlefield, and said with a smile: "This secret realm has your subordinates, the Sea Dragon Race.

When Long Chao heard this, he was slightly stunned, and said with some surprise: "There are really other sea dragon races in this world!"

"The world is bigger than we can imagine." Qian Xiaoye stood up, rode to the Qingfeng Spirit Ox on the side, and said to everyone: "Go, go to the front to see, the movement in front is quite big." "

[Wilt Giant Tree] (Elite)

Level: Level 27

: Silver

Attribute: Dark/Wood

Quality: Blue

Essence Talent: Shadow Entanglement Talent

: Dark Leaf Flying Slash Skill: Flying Leaf Slash, Ghost Scream....

Introduction: One of the elites under Kusen, the leader of the Eastern Region of the Dark Grave Forest.

Qian Xiaoye threw a probe at the withered tree man, who was twice as large as before, and looked at the panel of the withered giant tree, he spoke: "Extinguished, go find the withered tree." "

The probe he used was not the Miracle Eye, but the first time he entered the New Yuan Era, the most basic exploration skill sent by God.

As for the Spirit Detective Pupil, the Spirit Detective Pupil mutated, so he couldn't release it.

The withered giant tree was directly caught in an instant under the rabbit master's set fire.

"2700 points, it's okay." Qian Xiaoye muttered and began to lead the army to find Qiqi Sen.

In the eastern area of the Dark Grave Forest, a tall cathedral covered with gray-green vines sits among the trees.

The whole church is dilapidated, but from the various patterns on the church, you can still see its former glory.

Inside the church, a gray and dark tree took root here, and twisted branches covered the entire interior of the church.

The sound of breathing from nowhere, echoing through the church.

Aside from the unknown sound of breathing, the interior of the church is exceptionally quiet.

But the good times did not last long, and a rapid sound, accompanied by the shaking of the ground, came from not far away.

"Not good! Mr. Kusen!

"An outsider has killed him!"

Inside the church, at the moment the sound sounded, the dead branches and leaves covering the ground began to slowly move backwards.

Soon, the tens of meters long branches shrank to several meters long and returned to their original state, and the body of the tree that was bent by the branches also stood up and began to tremble slightly.

At this moment, a tree man with feet made of branches rushed into the church.

"Mr. Kusen, there are many people! A lot of people appeared in the Dark Grave Forest! They are killing our people everywhere!

"They're all outsiders." Kusen, who was rooted in the center of the church, opened his eyes and said coldly: "Outsiders, have arrived."

"Mr. Kusen, what do we do now?" Kumo said anxiously.

"Kill them, we only need to kill 100 people, and we can get out of here when they return." When Kusen said, his heart was a little excited, "Follow me to kill them!"

Ku Mo looked at Ku Sen who walked in front of him, and quickly shouted: "Yes!" "


"Sister Ling, run!" A black cat shouted as it ran.

The cat spirit who had just killed a withered tree, looked at the cat girl whose face changed greatly, and rushed towards them, and wondered: "Niu, what's wrong?"

The girl stopped and shouted, "Terrans! The powerful Terrans are coming! "

How many?" Cat Ling's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The girl gasped and responded, "One, but he has dragons!" What a big dragon! "

Go!" When the cat spirit heard the dragon, he did not hesitate to run towards the east with his five clansmen.

Running and running, dozens of tough branches instantly rushed out from the ground, and a black cat with a slightly slower reaction was directly penetrated by the branches.


"Sister Ling, save me!"

The cat spirit looked at the partner who spilled blood on the ground and was penetrated by the tree, and she just wanted to go to the rescue, when she heard the roar of a dragon behind her.

The cat spirit gritted his teeth, and finally shouted at the three clansmen beside him: "You guys go first, I'll save the cat tiger!"

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