
With a crisp sound of the eggshell, dazzling blue-purple light instantly erupted from the eggshell, illuminating the dim cave in an instant.

"Congratulations on the completion of the transformation of your Coexistence Beast Rock Mountain, please check the changes by yourself!"

Qian Xiaoye did not pay attention to the voice in his head, but looked towards the eggshell, watching Yanshan with a trace of red stripes in blue and purple walk out of the eggshell, looking at the sharp lines of Yanshan's whole body, and looking at the dragon appearance exposed by Yanshan's whole body...

He knew that Iwaiyama had succeeded!

[Rock Mountain (Thunder Rock Dragon Crocodile)]

Level: Level 22

Rank: Silver

Attribute: Thunder / Lava

Quality: Purple

Essence Talent: Elemental Talent

: Medium Thunder Dragon Bloodline, Thunder Melting Armor, Thunder Melting Trifecta

, Thunder Fury Skills: Thunder Melt Collision, Thunder Melt Tear, Flying Technique......

Introduction 1: The patriarch of the lava volcano fire molten crocodile clan, who has a strength far beyond other new beasts of the lava volcano, but unfortunately was killed by someone not long ago, and now he is reborn under someone's magical ability and becomes someone's pet crocodile.

Introduction 2: Under the opportunity given by someone, he did not disappoint someone, perfectly stripped the bloodline of the lizard family in the bloodline, obtained 100% Thunder Dragon bloodline, and successfully mutated into the Thunder Rock Dragon Crocodile!

[Medium Thunder Dragon Bloodline (S-level Talent)]

Development Level: 10%

Effect: As the level of development of your own bloodline increases, the more abilities you get.

Introduction: Under the tenacious will of Yanshan, the lizard bloodline in the bloodline of the Thunder Dragon Lizard is perfectly stripped off, leaving only the Thunder Dragon bloodline; In the process of stripping the lizard bloodline, the Thunder Dragon bloodline was damaged to a certain extent, and it fell from the original high-grade Thunder Dragon bloodline to the medium Thunder Dragon bloodline.

[Thunder Fury (S-level talent)]

Active effect: Thunder is entangled, making itself into a state of rage and greatly enhancing its combat effectiveness.

Cooldown: 7 days


"Strong!" Rabbit Ye looked at the panel of Yanshan and felt good in his heart.

His armor is even stronger!

"Good!" Qian Xiaoye nodded with a smile.

Unsurprisingly, Iwayama's quality has increased from yellow to purple, and it has changed from a single attribute to a dual attribute, and the name is more misleading.

As for the Medium Thunder Dragon bloodline, when he saw the bloodline name, he was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the introduction, and he understood.

At the same time, he also knew that Xiao Gu's Ice Flame Phoenix Lizard bloodline had not completely stripped away the lizard bloodline, and she still had a bit of lizard bloodline in her body.

As for where the remaining lizard bloodline in Xiao Gu's body went, he thought about it for a while, and quickly thought of it.

If he wasn't mistaken, then the remaining lizard bloodline in Xiao Gu's body was her power!

She may have accidentally converted the remaining lizard bloodline into power, so she would not have the characteristics of the lizard family!

As for why Xiao Gu was not promoted to purple, and Iwayama was promoted to purple, this is because Iwayama's bloodline is much higher than Xiaotani, Iwayama was born with yellow quality, and Xiaotani was born with white quality, and the quality between yellow and white is not so easy to make up, so this is the main reason why Xiaotani did not upgrade to purple quality after using the Ice Flame Phoenix Lizard Talent Book.

Of course, now Xiao Gu has gradually become stronger under Qian Xiaoye's careful cultivation, and it is only one step away from purple quality.

This step, Qian Xiaoye believed, Xiao Gu would not take long to step over.

Indeed, it did not take long, two days later, on the eve of October 1st.

Miracle Space.

Xiao Gu, who was cultivating, suddenly opened her eyes, and a terrifying ice aura instantly erupted from her body.

The small shovel sitting next to her to cultivate was directly blasted out by the breath and smashed on the dragon tide not far away.

"It hurts!" The shovel was in pain, and he was a little confused.

"What's wrong?" The sleeping dragon tide opened his eyes and looked around, looking at Xiao Gu who was undergoing some kind of change not far away, and he couldn't help but show a hint of curiosity.

Xiao Shovel rubbed his back and responded, "Sister Xiao Gu seems to have broken through.

"It did break through." Ye Xiu stepped forward and began to pass a message towards Qian Xiaoye.

Miracle space is a skill of Qian Xiaoye, and it is Qian Xiaoye's own space, so they can transmit information to Qian Xiaoye.

The information can be transmitted, but Qian Xiaoye needs to give them permission, without permission, they cannot pass it on.

Within two seconds after the night cultivation transmitted the message, Rabbit Ye appeared in the miracle space.

Rabbit Ye looked at Xiao Gu, who was about to complete his transformation, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, it has become more exquisite." Although

Xiao Gu did not change into an egg, his whole body still changed a little under the breath of ice inflammation.

Ten minutes later, the ice flame aura disappeared, and a brand new Xiaogu appeared under everyone's gaze.

The moment Xiao Gu opened his eyes, he excitedly shouted to everyone: "Your eldest sister has evolved!" "

She has been waiting for this day for months!

After seeing Qian Xiaoye get one purple quality junior brother after another, she was actually very panicked in her heart, and she was afraid that Qian Xiaoye would no longer care about her.

After panicking for months and working hard for several months, at this moment, she can finally not panic!

Ye Xiu: "Congratulations! Dragon

Tide: "It's still a weak chicken."

Little shovel: "Congratulations Sister Xiao Gu!" "


Not long after Xiao Gu's evolution, Qian Xiaoye released her.

As soon as Xiao Gu came out, he ran towards Qian Xiaoye, "Master, I've become stronger!"

"Good!" Qian Xiaoye stroked Xiao Gu's more delicate phoenix crown and asked, "What has changed?"

"My bloodline development level exceeded 30%, and I learned three strong attack skills." Xiao Gu thought for a moment and continued: "It's called Ice Phoenix Yan Slash, Yan Feng Ice Slash, Ice Yan Yin Yang Slash." "

Xiaotani is good!" When Qian Xiaoye heard this, he didn't need to look at it to know the effects of these three skills.

Then, listening to Xiaotani's excitement, he began to check Xiaotani's panel.

After looking around, he found that there was indeed no change, that is, the quality turned purple, the bloodline development degree became 31%, and the skill in addition to three melee attack skills, there were several more ranged skills, and a talent that Xiaotani ignored, elementalized.

That's right, after Xiao Gu broke through 31% of the Ice Flame Phoenix Lizard's bloodline, he automatically learned to elementalize.

In Qian Xiaoye's opinion, this elementalization is much stronger than those new skills!

Therefore, with a snap, Qian Xiaoye looked at Xiao Gu, who was covering his head and his face puzzled, and said, "You, don't just think about attacking and attacking, such an important skill as elementalization has been subconsciously forgotten by you."

"Is there elementalization?" Xiao Gu subconsciously said.

Qian Xiaoye took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "Take a good look yourself!" "

Oh~" Xiao Gu looked at Qian Xiaoye's appearance, quickly checked her own changes, and after feeling the elementalization, she was instantly delighted: "I really have elementalization!"

"Go to the Miracle Space, check your newly acquired abilities, and then train with the night cultivators, tomorrow we will enter the special secret realm." After Qian Xiaoye finished speaking, without waiting for Xiao Gu to respond, with a wave of his little hand, he sent Xiao Gu into the miracle space.

"You go in too, let them exercise Xiaogu." Qian Xiaoye looked at the rabbit master who was holding back his smile on the side.

"Okay!" Rabbit Ye nodded and entered the miracle space.

After Qian Xiaoye saw that only he was left around, he yawned lazily, picked up his mobile phone and walked towards the bedroom.

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