After the death of the lion and wolf, Qian Xiaoye did not look at the army of new beasts that were being tortured and killed by the summoned army, but at the vision generated after the death of the lion and wolf.

Looking at the cyan light that suddenly erupted from the lion wolf position, Qian Xiaoye's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the diamond-shaped items staying in the air within the light, he muttered in a low voice: "Is this the core?" "

Drop it and take a look." After seeing the vision, Rabbit Ye teleported directly to Qian Xiaoye's side.

"Hmm!" Qian Xiaoye nodded and threw a spirit probing pupil towards the cyan diamond-shaped item.

【Xenospace Core】

Quality: Cyan

effect: Control the off-the-s-like space.

Introduction: An ordinary alien space core, destroy it, you can destroy the alien space; Control it, you can control the closure of the alien space channel.


"Simple, brainless." After Qian Xiaoye finished reading it, he stepped forward and silently put the treasure chest dropped by the alien space core and the lion and wolf into his backpack.

After doing all this, he waited for the summoned army to clear the battlefield, then collected some summoned beasts and began to kill back.

In this alien space, he still has a few summoning skill books that have not yet come out!

An hour later, Qian Xiaoye calmly walked out of the alien space and looked around.

Looking at the familiar car not far away, he walked directly over.

"So soon?" Gong Boyuan looked at Qian Xiaoye, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and was surprised in his heart.

"It's okay." Qian Xiaoye continued calmly, "Is this for you?" "

If it weren't for the summoning skill book, he could have been faster.

"Trade me directly." Gong Boyuan said.

"Yes, you can trade." Qian Xiaoye sent a transaction application to Gong Boyuan, and he almost forgot that he could trade.

"Yes, this is it." Gong Boyuan looked at the items that Qian Xiaoye had traded and continued, "What are you doing next?"

"Go on." Qian Xiaoye said, "I'm going to raid all the different spaces in the past few days." "Good

!" Gong Boyuan looked at Qian Xiaoye with satisfaction and continued, "Where to go?" I'll take you!

"Wait, I'll take a look." Qian Xiaoye called out the system interface, opened the picture, zoomed in, and began to watch it carefully.

Soon, he pointed to a small town and said to Gong Boyuan: "Uncle Boyuan, let's go here." "

Okay." Gong Boyuan nodded.

The next moment, he activated the throttle, swooped, and drove towards his destination.


Three days later.

Ten o'clock at night.

Inside a cave somewhere in the Bronze Secret Realm.

Locke, Long Ao, Fierce Wind, and Yanshan four people guarded the door with a few little brothers, while Qian Xiaoye took the rabbit master to open a treasure chest in the cave.

Luo Ying treasure chest has not opened yet!

After the Hand of Miracle cooled down, he found a time to come here.

As for the outside, Uncle Boyuan slept next door.

Although he knew that Uncle Boyuan knew that he was lucky, he just didn't want to open in front of Uncle Boyuan, so he casually found a bronze secret realm and found a cave.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the 1 red, 4 purple, 6 yellow and 22 blue treasure chest placed in front of him, and he said to the rabbit master: "Do you open it?" "

The 22 blue treasure chests were blasted by him in the past few days to raid the alien space and explode from the little brother of the alien space boss.

Of course, their little brother also produced a few yellow treasure chests, but he didn't take them out.

What was not taken out was also the purple treasure chest from the boss of the other space.

The chest should be opened slowly, and there is no need to pad too much.

"If you don't open it, you can't open it!" Rabbit Ye shook his head sharply, "You open, I want to rest for a while." "

Okay." Qian Xiaoye nodded and asked the others.

Xiao Gu, Xiao Shovel saw that the rabbit master did not want to open, and also collectively shook his head.

"You guys are not open, then let me play a few, Benlong has not opened it yet!" Seeing that none of them were open, Long Chao said curiously.

This cave is still quite large, so Qian Xiaoye also summoned the dragon tide.

Qian Xiaoye turned his head to look at Long Chao and asked with a smile: "How many do you want to drive?"

Long Chao thought for a moment and responded, "2 yellow, 10 blue, is that okay?"

"Yes." Qian Xiaoye cultivated them at night and said, "Put the treasure chest in front of the dragon tide."

Qian Xiaoye looked at the few people who were moving the treasure chest, then at the huge dragon tide, and finally said to the rabbit master: "Isn't the skill book of change size sold by anyone?"

"Nope." Rabbit Ye shook his head, "I asked several of them, and none of them had to be sold."

"But they're all helping me collect it now, and there should be news in a month or two."

Qian Xiaoye nodded slightly, towards the gradually excited dragon tide, and said with a smile: "Let's go."

"Good! Look at the first opening of this dragon! Dragon Chao shouted, and with a snap of his fingers, he flicked onto the yellow quality treasure chest button.

With a bang, a blue light rushed out from inside the treasure chest.

"Hahahahahaha..." Rabbit Ye looked at this scene and laughed hilariously, "Not bad, Huang Chuqing, luck is really okay!" Qian

Xiaoye looked at this scene and didn't know what to say.

Huang Chuqing, he also met for the first time.

Xiao Gu couldn't help but persuade: "Big Blue Dragon, or don't open it, you are so dark!" "

Yes, yes, Brother Chao, you are so black!" Xiao Shovel also couldn't help but speak.

"I don't believe it!" Long Chao's face turned black, and he instantly turned blue three times.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the three blue rays rushed out, Long Chao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and raised his head and said, "Everything was a mistake just now, this is my real luck!"

"Okay." Qian Xiaoye nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Long Chao opened all the remaining treasure chests.

The yellow quality treasure chest he left at the end did not emit a cyan glow again, but a yellow glow.

Overall, luck is below average.

If the first one comes out of blue, that's normal.

I can only say, it's a pity.

After the dragon tide opened, Qian Xiaoye also began the journey of unpacking.

He opened the box to be pleasing to the eye, what quality of the treasure chest, the light that rushed out is what quality, and there has never been a light lower than that quality.

As for the high, it will not be high, and the treasure chest will not open items of higher quality than itself.

Of course, special items, growth items... These don't count.

Rabbit Ye watched one light after another rush out, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's still comfortable to watch Xiao Yezi open the box!" Not

long after, Qian Xiaoye, who had opened all the treasure chests except Luo Ying treasure chest, came to Luo Ying treasure chest.

Looking at the Luo Ying treasure chest in front of him, Qian Xiaoye began the unpacking ceremony.

Wash your hands, close your eyes, breathe deeply, open your eyes, and....

Miracle hand, launch!


With a bang, the dazzling red light rushed out directly, illuminating the dim cave red.

The first time Rabbit Ye regained his vision, he appeared next to the treasure chest and looked in.

Looking at the books in the treasure chest, Rabbit Ye shouted for the first time: "Out!"

Less than a second after shouting, he quickly shouted again: "That's not right! It doesn't seem to be a summoning skill book!

He looked at the cover pattern, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Just a skill book?" Qian Xiaoye heard the prestige and looked at the items in the treasure chest, and he continued: "There seems to be another one below.

With that, he reached out and took it.

Rabbit Ye waited for Xiao Yezi to take out the first copy, looked in again, looked at the familiar avatar, and he instantly shouted excitedly: "Out out!" This time it's really out!

"I just said, how could I not come out!" Qian Xiaoye listened to the excitement of the rabbit master, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

He used the hand of miracle to open the box and never made a mistake!

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