
Somewhere in the paradise, before the angry crowd could vent, the little white dragon appeared with blue light where she had just disappeared.

Everyone felt the fluctuations generated around them, quickly stopped their voices, and looked towards the location of the little white dragon.

Looking at the little white dragon that appeared in front of them, they were collectively stunned for a moment, and then quickly returned to their original state, and appeared around the little white dragon with a smile on their faces.

"Yun'er, are you all right?" Mirage Yuanying hurriedly appeared beside the little white dragon and began to examine her body.

Two minutes later, she looked at the ancestors with an angry face and yelled: "I asked you to take it early, take it early, now it's okay, you are satisfied!"

Looking at the silent crowd, she continued to roar: "Yun'er has been signed together!" Little

White Dragon listened to Mirage Yuanying's roar, not afraid at all, but looked curiously at the silent people around him, blinking his bright eyes.

A man appeared next to Yuanying and hugged her: "Don't worry about Yuanying, we didn't expect this either." "

Hey~" Lao Zu sighed and spoke, "Look how much her strength has increased." "

After signing the coexistence, she will always receive Qian Xiaoye's bonus, and will not be like a summoned beast, after returning, the bonus will dissipate.

The man felt the breath of the little white dragon, and his face changed slightly, "It has increased by nearly thirty times." "

Different levels, the same bonus, the strength of the improvement is naturally different.

"What!" Mirage Yuanying's face was terrified, "Thirty times!" Is she going to burst my daughter!

"Don't worry!" The man looked at Mirage Yuanying, who was about to lose control, and roared: "The power of the coexistence contract will not let her bear so much, and she will not be able to release such a powerful power, she can now release five times the power to the sky!" Hearing

the man's words, the angry Mirage Yuanying gradually calmed down, gritting his teeth and saying, "Abominable summoner, don't let me know who you are!"

The old ancestor standing on the side muttered in a low voice: "Thirty times the bonus, that means that his summoning damage is quite high, but I don't know what platinum or diamond he is."

"Platinum can be thirty times, which means that he is very good; Thirty times the diamond, that's okay; If the master is thirty times, then it is a little pulled. "


After Qian Xiaoye sent the little mirage back to it, he began his journey of unpacking.

1,000 scarlet chests have been opened, and there are still 5,336 scarlet chests yet!

Qian Xiaoye, they open a wave, sort out a wave, open a wave, sort out a wave.

Two hours later.

After opening 5,336 scarlet treasure chests, Qian Xiaoye lay on the sofa tastelessly.

And Rabbit Ye was on the side with Xiao Gu, and they were excitedly sorting out the harvest this time.

"How long will it take to tidy up?"

"Half an hour!"

"Then I'll sleep for a while."

An hour later, Rabbit Ye shook Qian Xiaoye and shouted excitedly: "Don't sleep, we're tidying up!" "

Ugh!" Qian Xiaoye, who was lying on the sofa, sat up in a daze.

Five minutes later, fully awake, he drank grape juice and asked Rabbit, "Say?" "

Of the 6,336 Crimson Chests, we opened a total of 278 talent books, with an average of 22.7 Crimson Chests to make one, which is a little lower than when we were in the Novice Village." When Rabbit Ye said this, his face was a little unhappy.

"It's okay, others don't know if they can make one of 100." Qian Xiaoye is very calm, in his opinion, if he can go out, he can go out less, he actually doesn't care.

Of course, if it is too little, he still has the so-called, but these 22.7 boxes out of one book, he can still accept.

Rabbit Ye listened to Qian Xiaoye's words and continued, "There are 308 skill books, which is a higher chance than the novice village.

Qian Xiaoye said with a smile: "Look, there are high and low."

Rabbit Ye nodded, "In addition to

the talent book and skill book, there are also ..." Qian Xiaoye thought for a moment and said, "Except for the talent book and skill book, everything else is sold." "

Qiu Annuo, they are all silver, these bronze rank equipment, they definitely don't want it, so there is no need to show them."

What's more, there is no good equipment, the best is yellow quality equipment, yellow quality equipment, Qiu Annuo is estimated to be not good.

"Good!" Rabbit Ye nodded and continued: "Among the 278 talent books, there is 1 S-grade talent and 10 A-level talents..."

Qian Xiaoye was slightly stunned, he didn't believe it.

"During this time period, highly talented players are basically in silver." Rabbit Ye was a little puzzled, he didn't expect that there was only one S-grade talent book.

Qian Xiaoye listened to Rabbit Ye's words, was silent for a few seconds, and shook his head, "Show me that S-grade talent book."

Rabbit Ye picked up the red talent book on the side and threw it directly to Qian Xiaoye.

Qian Xiaoye took the talent book and directly checked the effect.

【Skyfall Fire Rain Talent Book (S Grade)】Talent

Type: Range Class

Talent Attribute

: Fire Use Times: 1 Use

Effect: You can get Sky Fall

Fire Rain Skill Introduction: Skyfall Fire Rain is a fire range class active skill, and the power is not bad.


"Let's learn." Qian Xiaoye looked at Xiao Gu's longing eyes and threw the talent book over.

Xiao Gu took the talent book and shouted happily: "Thank you master!" When

she saw this talent book, she was hungry for now.

Although she is a fierce chicken, under the influence of the bloodline of the Feng clan, she has gradually become a magic chicken, to be precise, it should be a melee magic chicken.

Qian Xiaoye glanced at Xiao Gu, who was studying the talent book, and asked Rabbit Ye, "Have the forms of the talent book and skill book been sorted out?"

"It's tidied up, or it won't let you sleep for an hour." Rabbit Ye said, then picked up the small book set aside and threw it to Qian Xiaoye.

Qian Xiaoye flipped it and threw it to the rabbit master with some headache, "You guys read it yourself, if you think it is suitable, just learn it directly."

The rabbit master took the book and asked, "Do you want to show this to those in the guild?"

Qian Xiaoye thought for a moment and responded, "After you guys are selected, select thirty talent books and skill books from them, and I'll give them a screenshot."

"Thirty in total, or thirty each?"

"Thirty each, my luck is not so low."

"No problem!"

"Is there a group-assisted skill book?"

"There's really a copy, do you want it?"

"Nonsense, of course I want it!"

"Do you want a single one?"

"Give it to me, something is better than nothing."



Not long after, Rabbit Ye took out five copies from a pile of skill books and put them in front of Qian Xiaoye.

"Medium Group Attack Speed Increase

Skill Book", "Wind Skill

Book", "Light Feather Skill Book

", "Ice Blessing Skill Book", "Flame Power Skill Book"

Qian Xiaoye learned one after reading one, and soon, the five skill books were learned by him.

The effect of the Medium Group Attack Speed Increase is simple, it is to increase the attack speed of several targets by 15%, a very useful skill.

The Wind Rush technique is to increase the movement speed, the Light Feather Technique is to make oneself lighter, the Ice Blessing is to increase the ice attribute, and the Fire Power is to increase the fire attribute.


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