No, what you have to say is two good things.

The cloak of seclusion and the crown of wealth.

These two good things are special items, which Rabbit Master took from Luo Ying and Locke's bodies.

Empty hands are not decorations!

The Hidden Cloak, an S-class special item, is worth the same as Luo Yin, with a wealth value of three million.

Crown of Wealth, a special item of A-class, is worth the same as Locke, worth one million fortune.

[Hidden Cloak (S

)] Type: Special Item

Attribute: Ghost

Energy: 100/100 Special Effects: Agility + 100 Special

Skill: Hidden

Binding State: Bound

by: Qian Xiaoye (Miracle)

[Hidden Effect]

Active Effect: Make yourself into an absolute stealth state

Effect defects: one level higher than itself, can be seen by anti-stealth skills above S level; The two ranks can be seen by anti-stealth skills above Grade A.

Release conditions: energy value is full, can also be used

duration: 100 seconds

Introduction: The early opportunity of the thief King Rosen is his favorite and most precious item, and it is its existence that the thief King Rosen will peek into the treasure house of God.


[Fortune Crown (A

)] Type: Special Item Attribute: Lucky Energy: 100/100

Special Effects: Lucky Value + 10

Special Skill

: Wealth Power Binding Status: Bound

by: Qian Xiaoye (Miracle)

[Power of Wealth]

Active Effect: Increase all attributes according to your own wealth, up to 20%.

Release conditions: Energy full, also available

Duration: 1 minute

Introduction: A special crown full of luck, wear it and you will become lucky.


When Qian Xiaoye saw the Hidden Cloak, he was shocked, and at the same time he was shocked, he was also very lucky, luckily when Luo Ying had not yet activated his stealth, he successfully took it into his arms, and even when the Rabbit Master took away the Hidden Cloak, Luo Ying did not find it.

As for whether Luo Ying found it later, he didn't know.

The crown of wealth is the golden crown on Locke's head, and at the moment of Locke's death, the rabbit master directly took it into his arms and did not let others find out.

Others may still think that the golden crown is part of Locke's body.

After all, when Rabbit Ye had not yet given him the crown of wealth, he also thought so.

With these two good things in hand, Qian Xiaoye's wealth value will exceed 10 million, otherwise, he would be 7 million now.

Time passed slowly, Qian Xiaoye opened his eyes, looked at the dazzling sun in the sky, and said softly: "Gone." "

What?" Qiu Annuo turned her head, and without waiting for her to continue speaking, her eyes turned dark.


"Welcome to the Special Secret Settlement Space!"

Qian Xiaoye looked at the place similar to the creation space, and just wanted to complain, when he heard a familiar voice coming.

"I'm Xiaochuang, and you have ten minutes to redeem items."

"In ten minutes, I will teleport you back to Planet 88."

"The Fortune Value Shop is a shared store, and you will share a shop with all the players who participate in this special secret realm, so... Hurry up and shop!

"No wonder this place, this sound, is so familiar." Qian Xiaoye smiled, called out the wealth value store, and began to browse.

It's a pity that this space can't summon Rabbit Ye, otherwise he will let Rabbit Ye see it.

After reading a few pages, he couldn't help but mutter, "These summoning skill books... It's a bit expensive! "

[Fortune Golden Ape Summoning Skill Book (Blue)-100000 Wealth Value】【Fortune Golden Ape King Summoning Skill Book (Blue)—300,000 Wealth Value】【Fortune Giant Ape Summoning Skill Book (Yellow)—800,000 Wealth Value】【Fortune Mad Ape Summoning Skill Book (purple)—3000000 Wealth Value】

In the secret realm, both the ordinary and elite levels are called Fortune Golden Ape, and the Fortune Golden

Ape King

is the leader level, But the Fortune Golden Ape King is the weakest existence among the chiefs.

The elite among the leaders are the Fortune Great Ape, there are only four in the secret realm, and the Luo Xi and Luo Dong that Locke shouted are the Fortune Great Ape.

The wealth mad ape is Locke, there is only one in the entire secret realm, anyway, Qian Xiaoye did not see the second wealth mad ape.

"It's too expensive!" Qian Xiaoye couldn't help but complain and continued, "For summoners, the wealth value is ranked from most to less. "

Fortune giant ape, wealth mad ape, wealth mad tiger or something, he is not ready to change at present, as for the wealth golden ape, wealth golden tiger or something, he has it, so he first see if there are other good things, if not, he is not late to change."

[Random Summon Skill Chest (Colorful)—1000000000 Wealth Value—Limited 1】【Random Summon Skill Chest (Red)100000000 Wealth Value—Limited 1]

Qian Xiaoye looked at the items that appeared in front of him, stunned for a moment, and then bought the second one directly without thinking.

After buying it, he spoke again: "Just randomly summon skill chests!"

"Lean! One step slower! Qian Xiaoye looked at the green, cyan, and blue, three qualities of random summoning skill chests that were bought, and he silently bought the purple random summoning skill chest worth one million wealth values and only one.

Immediately afterwards, he bought out the gray and white random summoning skill chests limited to ten pieces.

Five thousand one gray and ten thousand one white, which cost him a total of 150,000 wealth value.

As for yellow, yellow is half a million, and there are four more at the moment, but he doesn't want to buy it, he also wants to see if there are other good things.

As for orange, orange five million a piece, he can't afford to buy ....

In the end, he took the remaining 504566 of wealth value and bought some small grains, shovels of the heavenly treasures they could use, and money.

1 point of wealth value can be exchanged for 10 copper, and he exchanged the last remaining wealth value that he could not afford to buy anything, for money.

1 point of wealth is worth 10 copper coins, which is still good.

Of course, there are some convertible things in it, but there is more than that much money.

For example, the red quality random summoning skill chest, which can not be bought by 100 million!

After changing things, he began to check the effect of randomly summoning skill chests, but when he just changed, he didn't look at it.

[Random Summon Skill Chest]

Type: Treasure Chest

Rank: Silver


: Red Opening Times: 1 Opening

Effect: You can randomly get a summoning skill book of red and below quality

Odds: 5% Red, 30% Orange, 65%

Purple Introduction: Yes or no, it depends on this time!

"Sure enough!" Qian Xiaoye smiled and shook his head, "I knew it wasn't such a good thing. Although

he didn't get the Red Quality Summoning Skill Book one hundred percent, the smile on his face didn't diminish in the slightest, and it was even a little brighter.

5% for others, it may be a needle in the sea, but for him, that is, half is either orange or red.

As for purple, it is impossible for him to drive to purple!

If he arrives, he... He... Then he could only accept it helplessly, holding a headache and crying.

After seeing the red, he went to see the purple.

"50% chance, okay." Qian Xiaoye muttered and curiously opened the wealth value store, "Randomly summon skill chests." Looking

at the colorful quality randomly summoning skill treasure chest worth 100 million wealth value, he clicked it.

"Gee... This odds. Looking at the 1% chance, he silently turned off the interface and looked at the other items.


"When the redemption time is over, you will leave the checkout space in 5 seconds, so please be ready."

As Xiaochuang's voice sounded, Qian Xiaoye disappeared into the settlement space not long after.

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