Chapter 98 Wrong direction, not Huangpizi?

Su Chen heard Wang Daye say so mysterious.

He opened his mouth and asked, “Then is there any way you can make Huang Pizi appear?” According to Su Chen’s idea, as long as he sees Huang Pizi.

It will be able to use the only chance to lock its fate.

In this way, they should be able to know their plans.

As long as they understand their plan, the cracking strategy is very easy to think.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly wanted to understand.

Why is it when deducing the fate of Wang Daye, Du Zhiteng and Chu Youlian?

Only by following along can they survive.

I guess that’s the point here!

I saw the yellow skin hidden in the body of Chu Hanyu’s uncle Zhu Xingfa, or her third aunt.

Only by mastering their plan can everyone be rescued.

If you can’t do this, then the group is not far away.

Wang Daye thought about it, “Usually in places with a lot of yellow skins, in order to prevent it from stealing chickens again, we keep dogs at home.” “The gap between yellow skin and dogs is huge, no matter how powerful the yellow skin is. .” “When I meet a large animal like a dog, I don’t dare to offend at all.”

“So many farmers have a dog at home to prevent the sudden attack of the yellow skin.” Su Chen said: “You mean that the dog is the natural enemy of the yellow skin.” “As long as we find a dog, we can let the yellow skin go.” Pizi appeared?”

Wang Daye nodded, “Actually, in addition to 103 dogs, the big goose is also fine.” “Big goose?”

“That’s right, because the goose dares to fight with any animal.” “And it hates yellow-skinned people very much.”

“So finding a big goose and getting these two people around will definitely be effective.” Su Chen thought about it, the dog and the big goose can be found in Xinshu Village.

However, dogs in rural areas are basically raised with feelings, and they will not be easily sold.

Big goose is different, as long as the price is in place, everything is easy to say.

Thinking of this, Su Chen looked up and saw that Chu Youlian and Du Zhiteng were not far from him.

He waved at Chu Youlian.

Chu Youlian came over immediately, “Master Su, is there anything?” Su Chen said, “Do you know who has a big goose?”

Chu Youlian thought for a while, “When I was out for a walk just now, I saw a big goose, I guess it’s not far from the next door!” “Then go buy a big goose and come back, tell me how much it is, and I’ll pay you. At this time, Du Zhiteng also came over, “Master Su, isn’t it just a big goose?” “I’ll buy it with Chu Youlian, you don’t need to spend money!” Although he didn’t know what Master Su did to buy the big goose. But knowing that Master Su did this, there must be his reasons.

If you want to survive, you can all point to Master Su.

So what he wants must be satisfied.

Su Chen thought that Du Zhiteng was a rich second-generation, and he was not bad for this amount of money. Nodding his head, he said, “Then you and Chu Youlian go and buy it!” “It’s better to buy one that is a bit more aggressive.”

Du Ziteng patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, Master Su, leave it to me!”

It has to be said that Du Zhiteng is very efficient.

After about 10 minutes, he led a big goose and walked in.

The call of the goose also attracted the attention of many people in the yard.

Su Chen took the big goose and handed it to Wang Daye, “You send the big goose to Aunt San.” “As friends of Chu Youlian and Chu Hanyu, we can’t come empty-handed!” “This is also us. One point of mind!”

Wang Daye immediately understood Su Chen’s thoughts, and immediately took the rope, “Okay.” He led the big goose and walked to Chu Hanyu’s uncle, Zhu Xingfa. “Uncle, this is our little thought!” Zhu Xingfa was smoking at this time.

Seeing that Wang Daye sent a big goose, he dipped the soot.

In a hoarse voice, he said, “I don’t take good care of you, please forgive me!” Wang Daye said with a smile, “You’re welcome!”

At this time, Wang Daye suddenly discovered that the big goose, who was still looking around, came to Zhu Xingfa.

Suddenly became very honest.

Like a mouse seeing a cat.

Wang Daye was immediately stunned.

Why is this different than expected.

When the big goose sees the yellow skin, shouldn’t it go up and bite it?

Even if it is a mature yellow-skinned child, the big goose (cgbe) should be fearless!

Seeing Wang Daye, Zhu Xingfa was stunned in front of him.

Continue to say in a hoarse voice: “Are you still doing anything?” “No, it’s alright!”

Wang Daye turned around and went back to Su Chen.

He said in a low voice, “Master Su, it’s a mistake!”

Su Chen saw the big goose he bought and lay down at the feet of Zhu Xingfa. He opened his mouth and asked: “Is this yellow-skinned man a little high!” “The big goose can’t do anything about him at all?” “No way!”

Wang Daye pondered for a while, “Master Su, why don’t we go buy a dog to try?” As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Su Chen’s eyes staring at Zhu Xingfa.

Are things turning around?

Thinking of this, Wang Daye quickly turned around and looked at Zhu Xingfa.

At this time, he owed the goose with one hand, and fanned the other in front of him constantly.

Even kept sneezing.

Wang Daye said in surprise: “Master Su, did the big goose work?” Su Chen waved his hand and said, “No.”

“Because a woman with heavy makeup just said a word to him, and that’s it!”

Heavy makeup?

Wang Daye’s eyes immediately locked on a woman wearing a mink.

At this time, he heard the people beside him talking in a low voice.

“Don’t you have some stinky money? Don’t look at this place!”

“Who said it wasn’t, what a formality to wear heavy makeup at the funeral of the old man!”

“I think she did it on purpose. In the past, the old lady despised her, but now that people are prosperous, she deliberately dresses in such a foreign style and comes back to show it off.”

Du Zhiteng, who was beside him, also heard the discussion.

She asked Chu Youlian who was beside her, “Who is this person?”

Chu Youlian shook her head, “I don’t know, I’ve never seen her.”

But this scene, Su Chen saw it in his eyes, and suddenly gave him a hint.

He immediately said to Wang Daye: “I ask you, in addition to being able to possess Huangpizi, can a cat do it?”


Wang Daye said: “I haven’t heard of it, but some cats, especially black cats, are also evil!”

“Master Su, do you mean that in the bodies of these two people, it’s not the yellow skin, but the cat?”

Su Chen nodded.


“Because cats are most afraid of the chemical smell of sprays, especially perfumes and things like that.”

“I saw Zhu Xingfa’s appearance, and it seemed that I was very repelled by the smell of the heavily makeup woman just now!”

Thinking of this, he called the Chu sisters over.

“Which one of you wears perfume?”

Chu Hanyu took out a bottle of perfume from his pocket, “I brought it.”

Su Chen took the perfume and sprayed it directly on her body, “You now, go to your uncle’s side immediately and say something to him casually.”

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