Chapter 74 Extremely yin place, use your own body to attract ghosts

After Zhang Erzhi was shocked, he looked at Su Chen and said, “Master Su, where did you learn from?” You must know that in China, these talented people and strange people all have inheritance.

After all, what they have learned, if there is no master to bring it.

Only by my own exploration, I want to find out, unless it is the kind of son of heaven.

It takes hundreds of years to produce one person.

Self-taught is almost impossible.

In the history of China, there have been some special experiences.

As a result, these talented people have experienced a big fault.

So, a fortune teller like Su Chen is so young and capable.

Zhang Erzhi believes that there must be a very powerful person who is leading him.

That’s why he–asked the question.

Su Chen heard Zhang Erzhi’s words and said lightly, “I don’t have a master.” “What? It’s impossible!”

Zhang Erzhi immediately realized that he had lost his temper.

He quickly controlled his emotions, “I’m sorry, Master Su, I’m just too surprised, please forgive me.” Su Chen was puzzled, he just said that he didn’t have a master, why are you so surprised?

Zhang Erzhi continued, “Master Su, what have you figured out about the woman in red?” Su Chen entered the system and looked at Zhang Erzhi’s detailed experience.

The woman in red incident.

Mainly a woman in red, standing outside the balcony railing and dancing.

The woman stood outside the guardrail and kept twisting her posture, and kept changing her left and right one-handed railings without any protective measures.

After dancing, the woman made a very weird pose, and then jumped directly from the 10-storey building.

Died on the spot.

Because this incident was too bizarre, Zhang Erzhi was also invited to the scene to investigate.

At the scene, Zhang Erzhi found a lot of doubts.

First of all, this woman in red did not do this once.

Rather, this behavior has been performed multiple times.

The property was notified after the woman was spotted outside the balcony and the dangerous dancing behavior was discovered.

The property came to stop it, and it was the door opened by the mysterious man.

After the man opened the door, he stepped aside and did not have face-to-face contact with the property.

But the woman rejected the property’s dissuasion on the grounds of “it’s okay, I’m dancing”.

Zhang Erzhi later tracked down the man.

But this man seemed to disappear out of thin air, and no one could be found at all.

The man’s ID is also fake.

Yesterday, Zhang Erzhi received a call from someone who seemed to have witnessed this mysterious man.

But when tracking, the target disappeared.

Secondly, Zhang Erzhi found a suicide note in the house.

First of all, the content of the suicide note is printed, but the signature is hand signed.

There are not many words in the suicide note, why print it?

Historically, the printing of suicide notes is extremely rare.

Secondly, the content of the suicide note seems “sweet”.

There are two points in total. The first point is to donate organs, and the second point is to sprinkle the ashes into the sea.

There is also an obvious typo in the second content of the suicide note.

Third, the signature of the suicide note.

Judging from the font of the signature, “scrawled” and “shivering” make people suspect that it is in an emergency.

Or they were forced to sign under stressful circumstances, and there was no signing date.

There is also the problem of the room.

The house where the woman in red jumped off the building is an expensive homestay.

The bed has been moved, but there is no sign of sleeping.

Why move the bed?

Staying in such an expensive homestay is not for sleeping, but for jumping off the building?

In Zhang Erzhi’s eyes, some of these doubts have already been answered.

For example, why did you choose this expensive homestay?

This is because the location of this homestay is an extremely yin spot.

The yin qi at this point is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than in normal places.

Secondly, wearing red clothes and red shoes is very easy to provoke some lonely ghosts.

Because in the ghost world, red is the easiest color to distinguish.

Therefore, after these two points, Zhang Erzhi made a preliminary judgment.

The woman in red, in a very yin land, danced in red clothes and shoes.

It was to attract lonely ghosts to come to her.

It’s like deliberately lighting a lamp in the dark night.

Just to attract those flying insects who are interested in light.

・・・ Flowers・・

As for why the woman did this?

Why he jumped off the roof in the end is unknown.

The main thing is the mysterious man.

What is his identity.

Is it the mastermind behind this.

What’s the purpose of doing this?

As for the suicide note, Zhang Erzhi suspects that this is a “disclaimer” belonging to the mysterious man!

But so far, the mysterious man has not been found.

Su Chen probably watched the whole thing’s experience.

As well as Zhang Erzhi’s speculation, he was quite shocked.

I didn’t expect such a strange thing to happen in this world.

In particular, who is that mysterious man?


And this woman in red, is she really recruiting ghosts?

Thinking of this, Su Chen withdrew from the system.

“I figured it out, you’re confused now.”

“I want to find that mysterious man, and I also want to know why the woman in red is willing to use her body to recruit ghosts in an extremely yin place.”

Zhang Erzhi was shocked when he heard Su Chen’s words.

All right.

The doubts in his heart were all spoken out by the opposite Master Su.

Not only Zhang Erzhi was shocked.

Even behind him, Wang Daye, who originally thought Su Chen was a liar, was full of shock.

Because of the woman in red, it is still in the confidential stage.

It has not been made public yet.

Even if this Su Chen is here, he can hardly find any information.

The second is the extremely yin place, and these two things are to recruit ghosts by yourself.

It was Master Zhang Erzhi who came to the conclusion after some analysis.

Now apart from the master, he and some related personnel, it is impossible for anyone to know about this.

What does this mean?

All of this is true, and it is really calculated by the Su Chen opposite.


It’s as if Niubi’s mother opened the door for Niubi, and Niubi arrived home.

After Zhang Erzhi was shocked, he looked at Su Chen, “Master Su, since you can count everything, can you tell me what the name of that mysterious man is and where is he now?” “And the woman in red, Du Lina, Is this really recruiting ghosts?” Bu.

(More new book “Looking for the first Feilu group” 656618896 656618896)

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