Chapter 37 Viper heart

Now that this kind of scenario is happening, no one expected it.

“Qiqi won’t really poison Ruoxun!”

“The two are usually very affectionate, how could Qiqi do such a thing?”

“You don’t know, these anchors are actually the same as the stars, let’s see all the characters!”

“How can we know what character and character is in private?”

“Speaking of which, if you look at Ruo Xun so ugly, Ling Qiqi’s purpose to marry him is obviously impure!”

“You haven’t seen it, how good Ruoxun is to Ling Qiqi, it’s just in the palm of your hand!”

“They can’t be characters at all, they must be together because they truly love each other!”

In the barrage at this time, the true love party and the conspiracy party have already quarreled.

Many people who do not know the truth have been staring at the screen, not wanting to miss the follow-up developments.

This kind of anchor’s wife, poisoning the anchor, is a once-in-a-lifetime incident!

Most people’s gossip hearts have already begun to burn.

Su Chen’s live broadcast room has doubled its popularity because of this incident.

Even ranked in the top ten of Shark Live.

A guy who tells fortunes on the Internet can reach such a high level of popularity.

Simply incredible.

Many new water friends thought it was Master Su who deliberately spent money to gain popularity.

Although the live broadcast room was very lively, Su Chen was very calm.

In fact, he had long expected that the live broadcast room could reach the current level.

It is estimated that today’s poisoning incident may be on the hot search.

It will have a very big impact on Ruo Xun and Ling Qiqi.

However, it has little impact on the final result of the matter and the future fate of the anchor Ruoxun.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, the sweaty anchor Ruoxun appeared in the video again.

At this moment, Ruo Xun was holding a pile of small white bottles in his hand.

“Master Su, this… this is all the medicine I found, please take a look at it for me!”

When Ruoxun was looking for the pills, he was still trying to deny that Ling Qiqi had poisoned himself.

I think Su Chen made a mistake!

Because he couldn’t understand at all, why did his wife Ling Qiqi poison him?

Since the two got married, I have given her the best life possible.

Buy what you want.

Wherever you want to travel, if Xun even asks for leave and does not broadcast live, you must accompany her to travel.

He treats Ling Qiqi better than his parents.

It’s like holding her in the palm of his hand.

He was flustered in his heart, and he had completely forgotten the impact of this incident.

Just want a result.

Su Chen took a look around, and the medicine he brought over quickly pointed to a small yellow medicine bottle.

“You open this bottle and take out a pill.”

Because this medicine bottle was exactly the medicine bottle Ling Qiqi was holding in the picture he saw.

Ruoxun nodded and took out the pills according to Su Chen’s instructions.

Su Chen looked at the pills, this time it was finally confirmed.

This pill is Ling Qiqi, the pill that Ruoxun poisoned.

Recognize”!”Accurate…if!Water??:First “send!;;,!”Steal, book;;:Sell;!:Money? Medicine, go to the corresponding hospital to check, it is best to check your body!”

“Then the truth will come out!”

“By the way, don’t go to the private hospital you usually go to, go to the public hospital.”

Ruo Xun looked at the medicine bottle, gritted his teeth, hung up the video call, and then turned around and went out.

He has only one thought now.

But to determine whether the bottle of medicine in his hand is really evidence that his wife, Ling Qiqi, poisoned him, as Su Chen said.

After hanging up the call, Ruoxun ended the live broadcast immediately.

Enter the garage and drive straight to the hospital.


A high-end beauty salon.

Ling Qiqi was closing his eyes, enjoying Mr. Tony and giving him thoughtful service.

It’s just that the actions of the two are a bit ambiguous.

For example, Mr. Tony, one hand is helping Ling Qiqi to wash his hair, but the other hand keeps making some small movements.

Ling Qiqi immediately took Mr. Tony’s hand away from his bear.

“I hate it, why are you in such a hurry!”

Teacher Tony said, “Qiqi, I won’t be able to see you until this week. Can I be in a hurry?”

Ling Qiqi looked at him with wink, “Wait until my husband dies, don’t we have time?”

Teacher Tony said, “Then when will he die!”

Ling Qiqi counted the days, “It is estimated that it will be almost a year away!”

“By the way, you have to buy me two bottles of the medicine I asked you to buy for me. I’m afraid the dose will not be enough!”

Mr. Tony nodded and said, “This is no problem!”

“By the way, dear, I’ve always wanted to ask you a question!”

“You said!”

“If you didn’t do it for money, you would have married him.”

Ling Qiqi glanced at him, “If I didn’t marry him, how could you open such a big beauty agency now!”

Teacher Tony smiled, “That’s what you said too!”

“Now I hope that he will die soon, and then we will be able to live happily every day.”

“What a beautiful day it is!”

Ling Qiqi sighed: “Why don’t I want to?”

“I think back now, every time I show affection with him on live broadcast, it’s disgusting to death!”

“Looking at his face, I feel like I want to vomit!”

“But it’s all worth it. When he dies, his money will be mine!”


As she said that, she looked at Teacher Tony with tenderness, “It’s ours!”

Teacher Tony also looked at Ling Qiqi.

The two started getting closer.

At this moment, Ling Qiqi’s cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and saw that it was his husband Ruoxun who was calling.

She immediately pushed away Teacher Tony and silenced him.

Then he answered the phone and said in a sweet and greasy tone, “Husband, what’s the matter?”

If it were normal, Ruoxun would hear Ling Qiqi’s sweet voice every time.

Heart will be sweet.

But at this moment, he felt that under the sweet voice, there was a heart of snakes and scorpions hidden.

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