Chapter 259 life and death stickers

The matter of the life and death struggle was what Wang Daye heard from his master Zhang Erzhi.

According to Zhang Erzhi, since entering the new era, there have been fewer life-and-death battles.

Over the years, there have been only three cases in total, but the final result is that the challenger has failed.

You know, the realm of Taoist practice is vague.

But the other party’s ability is stronger than you, and you can still feel it.

It is normal for those with a strong realm to win over those with a weak realm.

But it’s not that simple to win the weak against the strong.

It’s not enough, but Wang Daye is not worried, because this is the idea that Master Su gave him.

Since Master Su is here, nothing is unexpected.

“It’s here, it’s here, my master will be waiting for you inside.”

The middle-aged man drove his car and parked in front of an old building.

Wang Daye glanced at the big characters hanging on the door of the building: Taoist Feng Shui Association.

Wang Daye followed the middle-aged man out of the car and walked towards the door of the building.

The interior of the 26th floor is very spacious, with a huge black and white Tai Chi on the middle stone wall.

Other than that, no one was seen.

“My master is in the backyard.”

The middle-aged man led Wang Daye through the back door of the building.

As soon as he walked out of the back door, Wang Daye’s eyes lit up, this association’s backyard is unique.

Wang Daye immediately felt that he had entered the forest from reinforced concrete.

The backyard of this association is muddy and covered with some broken pebbles.

There is actually a small hillside on both sides, although it is only ten meters high.

But this also surprised Wang Daye enough.

Crossing this hillside, a stone arch appeared.

The two walked through this stone gate, and a ding-dong sound of the mountain spring’s secluded stream came into their ears.

Let Wang Daye’s spirit be shocked, but a stream flows from one end of the hillside and flows around the hillside to the distance.

“Wait around with love, a big deal.”

Wang Daye praised lightly.

In the Feng Shui world, there are eight auspicious and eight evil aspects of water, also known as eight beauties and eight ugly.

The eight beauties are: first family, go and look back; second love, deep gathering and nostalgia.

Three times, revolve around and lead; four times, revolve around empathy.

Five crosses, the two waters meet; six locks, the bay is close.

Seven weaves are as mysterious as weaving; eight knots, all waters will stagnate.

As for Ba Chou, it is naturally the opposite of Ba Mei.

What Wang Daye just said is the fourth beauty among the eight beauties of feng shui.

Surround yourself with love.

The sudden appearance of the stream circles the hillside, forming a surrounding trend.

Feng Shui refers to this water as “wan holding water” or “belt water”.

If “the belt is surrounded by water like a girdle, that is the city of gold.”

The meaning of this last sentence is that if the water goes around like a girdle on a man.

That is quite a circle around a golden city, wealth is rolling in, and it is a good feng shui pattern.

Wang Daye could see that this stream was a real living spring.

Instead of artificial tap water, it is obvious that there should be a spring underground nearby.

The two continued to walk, and before they went far, they saw an old man standing in front of an old tree.

With his hands behind his back, he turned his back to Wang Daye and the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man stepped forward quickly and shouted respectfully beside the old man.

“Are you old man Zhang’s apprentice?”

The old man turned around and looked at Wang Daye with a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

“That’s right, I have seen Mr. Fan.” Wang Daye replied.

“It’s really extraordinary to be able to reach this level at this age.”

“Old Man Zhang and I have also been friends for a lifetime. If you have something to come to your door, you must help me.”

Old Fan’s eyelids jumped twice and continued, “It’s just that I didn’t expect you to come here.”

“What I was asked to do turned out to be a life-and-death struggle.”

“If I remember correctly, the last time there was a life-and-death fight was twenty years ago.”

“Troublesome old Fan.”

“It’s not a matter of trouble or trouble.”

“I ask you, do you know that Chen Mangfeng is higher than you.”

“A life-and-death fight, what do you use to deal with him, once you really vote for the life-and-death stick.” “If you want to go back and regret it, it will be too late.” Fan said seriously.

“Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Fan, but I’ve made up my mind.”

“It is imperative to have a life-and-death fight with the Chen family. I can’t let him threaten the danger of my family.” “And I also have a certain degree of certainty.” Wang Daye replied. “If that’s the case, then I’ll give you a life-and-death post in a while.”

“Fan Lao, can I trouble you to arrange the life-and-death fight in three days.”

“This is no problem. Originally I posted a life-and-death post, but I prepared it for a while.” “The longest year has been there, but because you posted it.”

“When the time comes, the place where you and Chen Mangfeng will fight will be chosen by the other party. You have to be clear about this.” Wang Daye nodded, expressing his understanding.

The specific time of the life-and-death fight from the posting to the duel is determined by the initiator.

But if the time is too long, the challenged person can also refuse.

Once the date for the duel of life and death is determined, the challenged person will choose the location of the duel.

The reason for this regulation is that the challenger will borrow some other means, such as formation.

To give a simple example, if one knows that there is an array in a place.

It just so happened that this person knew the control method 207 of the formation, and then chose the location of the challenge in the formation.

It is very unfair for the challenger to use the formation to leapfrog the challenge.

Such a thing has never happened before.

Therefore, the rules of the life-and-death struggle will be gradually improved.

One of them is that the location of the fight is decided by the challenged. “Fan Lao, I want to know, after I voted for the life and death post.” “Chen Mangfeng is not allowed to attack my family.” “Well, this is the rule.”

“Before the battle of life and death is held, neither side of the battle of life and death can deal with the other’s relatives.”

“You can’t attack the opponent before the battle of life and death, you can rest assured.”

“Chen Mangfeng doesn’t dare to violate the rules set by the entire Taoist school.”

Fan Lao definitely said to Wang Daye that with Fan Lao’s words, Wang Daye was relieved.

What he was worried about was that Chen Mangfeng would rush to attack his family.

Although their royal family is very powerful.

But after all, they are ordinary people, and it is absolutely impossible to escape the revenge of the Chen family.

“Okay, I know you need three days, so you definitely need to prepare something.”

“If you need help, you can ask it.”

Wang Daye nodded, he really needed to prepare something.

Otherwise, in the battle of life and death three days later, he would not be sure to win. .

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