Chapter 254 Torture of the Oil Pot Hell

As soon as the phone was connected, a series of words came out from my father, which left Wang Daye at a loss.

It took more than ten seconds to digest the content of his father’s words.

Wang Daye’s expression was a little moved.

He is not a fool, and his father’s words have already revealed a lot of information.

Obviously, the Chen family knew their identity and found their father, presumably making some promises.

Listening to what my father said, it should be a big contract.

Wang Daye’s mind turned fast.

Many family members have accepted the favor of the old man of the Chen family.

The Chen family is willing to show this favor and let those big families give their family benefits.

Of course, the condition is to let yourself stop and stop dealing with Chen Gaohao.

“What a great handwriting!”

Wang Daye groaned in his heart, this move of the Chen family was indeed brilliant.

If you know that if you find yourself directly, you will definitely not reconcile with them.

So he took a circuitous route and threw a temptation that his father could not refuse.

Let your father’s people convince yourself.

For Wang Daye, this choice is really difficult to make.

If he stopped at 26, how could he face Master Su and Shen Jingbing?

But what moved Wang Daye was that his father supported him.

Thinking of this, Wang Daye’s eyes were a little wet.

“Dad, thank you for your understanding.”

This time, after hanging up his father’s phone.

Su Chen came over and asked, “What’s the matter, is there any problem?”

Wang Daye turned off the phone, closed his eyes and opened them again.

“It’s okay, Master Su, nothing happened.”

At this moment, Wang Daye regained his previous eyes without any emotion.

“Five ghosts guide the way, lead the soul without a trace, and get up!”

Wang Daye pointed at the paper figurine on the table, and this time the paper figurine began to stand up slowly.

Although it is very slow, it is indeed moving, and finally it is fully erected again.

And at the moment when the paper figurine was erected, in the mourning hall of the old man Chen of the Chen family.

The wooden sign on its spiritual position suddenly swayed.

Chen Gaohao, who was hiding inside, was startled, and he banged on the wooden door desperately, calling out. “not good!”

Hearing his son’s call, Chen Mangfeng rushed to the mourning hall and opened the door.

At this moment, the tablet of Old Master Chen on the mourning hall fell from the table.

Seeing this, Chen Mangfeng’s expression changed suddenly.

Before he could move, Chen Gaohao, who was beside him, suddenly wailed. “It’s so hot, why is my body so hot, it’s killing me.” Chen Mangfeng heard his son’s wailing, and looked at his son.

At this sight, his face became extremely ugly.

The skin on Chen Gaohao’s body began to slowly turn red.

It was like being in a furnace, sweating all over the body. “The punishment of the oil pan!”

Chen Mangfeng spat out these four words tremblingly.

“Chen Gaohao, a traitor and criminal offender, bullying the good and the weak, according to the crime, he will be cast into the hell of a frying pan.” “To be punished by frying, I sincerely honor the body of the Heavenly Venerate of the Ten Directions.” Order! Pardon!” Wang Daye spit out these words coldly.

With a finger on the paper figurine, the paper figurine suddenly jumped up.

After a while, the yellow paper turned red, as if scalded.

In the non-stop beating, you can even hear the crackling sound of the frying. “Dad, help me! I’m so sick!”

Chen Gaohao rolled on the ground as a whole, and a burnt smell came from his body.

It was a smell of burning hair, and it was obvious that no flames appeared on Chen Gaohao’s body.

But the expression was incomparably painful, and a face had been distorted.

“Hao’er, please bear with me.”

Chen Mangfeng picked up the local Chen Gaohao.

Even though Chen Mangfeng is over fifty years old, carrying Chen Gaohao is like a chick.

After a few moments, he ran to a lotus pond in the yard, really light as a swallow.

Chen Mangfeng didn’t hesitate, he jumped into the lotus pond with Chen Gaohao.

Chen Gaohao’s body fell into the water, and the sound of “swoosh” came, and a puff of white smoke rose.

One thing to describe this scene is when a piece of burning charcoal meets water.

However, Chen Gaohao’s body entered the water, still mourning non-stop.

Puffs of white smoke kept coming out of the water.

Chen Mangfeng almost couldn’t catch him.

It’s not just because Chen Gaohao was writhing in discomfort.

More importantly, a layer of oil appeared on Chen Gaohao’s body.

This oil stained Chen Mangfeng’s hands, making Chen Mangfeng’s hands a little slippery.

The actions of Chen Mangfeng and Chen Gaohao naturally attracted the attention of the rest of the Chen family.

I saw the owner jump into the water with the young master.

Those Chen family members were puzzled and puzzled.

“Chen Yan, go and invite Master Nangong over.”

Chen Mangfeng yelled at a young man who was watching by the lotus pond.

“Brother Chen, don’t ask, I’ve already come over when I heard the news.”

The middle-aged man who had been with Chen Mangfeng earlier had already appeared by the lotus pond.

I saw so many people watching, and Chen Mangfeng and his son in the lotus pond.

He frowned and said, “Brother Chen, let the others go out.”

“You all leave the backyard, no one can step into the backyard without me.”

As the head of the family, Chen Mangfeng has a high prestige in the Chen family.

He spoke, and the Chen family naturally did not dare to violate the 203 resistance. Although they were curious, they still went out of the backyard one by one.

“What the hell happened to that prodigal young master, why did I hear him cry so miserably?”

“How do I know, if you want me to say, this is doing too many bad things, and I have been retributed.”

“Shh, you two keep your voice down. If the owner hears you, be careful to punish you.”

Chen Mangfeng could not hear the secret discussions of the Chen family.

Even if he heard it, he didn’t have the heart to pay attention at this moment.

Chen Mangfeng looked at the middle-aged man by the lotus pond and said, “Brother Nangong, my son has been punished by the hell oil pan.”

“The whole body is hot now. I’m afraid that if I continue to boil it, I will be bombed and dried.”

“Then Wang Daye junior didn’t stop?”

Nangong Fan was puzzled, and then he was a little confused: “The punishment of oil pan hell is a karmic sin, and there is no way to solve it!”

This is not sorcery, this is karma.

Who in this world can compete with heaven and the way of heaven.

Nangongfan was powerless, and Nangongfan also believed that no one in this world could do anything.

“Don’t you just look at Hao’er and be tortured so painfully.”

Hearing Nangongfan’s words, Chen Mangfeng’s face was ashen.

Although Chen Mangfeng usually doesn’t like his son very much.

But at this moment, Chen Mangfeng still showed his true feelings. .

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