Chapter 252 Killing for life is right and proper

Chen Mangfeng’s face was ugly, he ignored the broken lens on the ground, turned around and walked in. “Nizi, who offended someone outside, explain to me one by one.” Chen Mangfeng, who returned to the backyard, shouted at Chen Gaohao on the sun lounger.

Chen Gaohao opened his eyes lazily, with impatience in his eyes.

He hadn’t slept all night, and he was very sleepy at the moment.

He said impatiently: “I said it all, it’s just coming back for a few days, if you think it’s boring to see me.” “You just say that I’ll leave now.”

“Stay for a few days, if you can come in for a few days, someone will cast spells against you from the back.” “I tell you, if you walk out of this yard, you won’t survive today~.” Son, I am totally disappointed.

His Chen family is also considered to be a Taoist family, but there is such a loser.

Now everyone is doing it on his head, and he still doesn’t know anything, so he sleeps here with peace of mind. “What?” Chen Gaohao asked suspiciously.

“I want to ask you, who did you offend?” Chen Gaohao looked gloomy and uncertain, but at this moment.

Chen Gaohao suddenly staggered forward, a nauseating feeling came, and he opened his mouth and vomited.

While Chen Mangfeng and Chen Gaohao were stunned, a white larva wriggled out of Chen Gaohao’s mouth.

This scene was extremely disgusting, and Chen Gaohao couldn’t help it.

It is necessary to dig up the half-crawled white worm by hand.

However, Chen Mangfeng took a step ahead, grabbed Chen Gaohao’s hair, and jerked his head back.

With one palm, the white bug was slapped back into Chen Gaohao’s mouth.

“Swallow him, this is a spirit Gu worm. Your grandfather took a lot of effort to introduce it into your body.” “With him around, you can avoid some dangers.” “This worm is a spirit Gu? ”

Chen Gaohao knew that there was a bug in his body.

But this is the first time I’ve seen it.

Thinking of such a worm hiding in his stomach, squirming from time to time.

I felt nauseated and almost vomited again.

Chen Mangfeng supported Chen Gaohao and walked towards the room in the backyard.

Chen Gaohao was a little surprised when he saw his father and the direction he was going.

Isn’t this grandpa’s mourning hall, why did you bring yourself here?

“Go inside first and tell me the latest thing in detail.” “If you dare to hide it from me, no one can save you.”

This time, Chen Gaohao was no longer stubborn, and he also vaguely felt the seriousness of the matter.

Now tell what happened.

Of course, after what he said in his mouth, Wang Daye was aggressive, and then he just took a small revenge. “As you said, those people are just ordinary people, how can they understand these Taoist techniques?” Chen Mangfeng knew very well about his son’s virtue.

But now is not the time to struggle with this, as my son said.

Then Shen Jingbing and Zhao Xiaoru were just ordinary people. “You didn’t hide anything else from me?” Chen Mangfeng looked at his son and questioned.

“It’s really gone. I haven’t caused much trouble recently. I’m doing business with Brother Fang.” “If Wang Daye wasn’t too aggressive, I wouldn’t retaliate against them.” .” Chen Mangfeng snorted, as his son said. If any of these four people understand Taoism.

The most likely one is the mysterious man beside Wang Daye.

After all, the Wang family also knew it, and had never heard of anyone who knew Taoism.

Many people don’t know about Wang Daye’s study with Zhang Erzhi.

“You stay here for me first, this mourning hall was originally arranged by your grandfather.”

“I should be able to stop the blood-stained karma for a while. I’ll investigate the young man’s background.” “Dad, you can’t ignore me. I’m the third-generation single passer of our Chen family.”

“If something happens to me, our Chen family will be doomed.” At this moment, Chen Gaohao was really scared.

Chen Mangfeng was almost breathed out by Chen Gaohao’s words.

Pointing at Chen Gaohao’s nose, he scolded, “You know you’re afraid now, and you know that you are a single passer of the Chen family.” “I tell you, if you let the Chen family die, the ancestors of the Chen family will settle accounts with you. “After scolding, Chen Mangfeng did not dare to cry his son behind him.

Go out of the mourning hall and lock the door.

In the forest, Wang Daye frowned, watching the paper figure that had just been erected fall down again.

And no matter how he cast the spell, the paper man couldn’t get up.


“How can you suddenly lose contact with this paper and Chen Gaohao’s sense of being cut off?” Wang Daye fell into deep thought, he was not using some evil magic.

It is to beg for the approval of the Taoist Sanqing, and the guidance of the three-pillar incense.

This technique has absolutely nothing to do with Wang Daye’s cultivation, and it is impossible to be broken.

At this time, Su Chen on the side said: “Wang Daye, Chen Gaohao’s grandfather, is also a capable person.” “This Chen Gaohao may be hiding in a place sealed by the formation, blocking his breath.” Wang Daye listened. When it came to Su Chen, I suddenly realized.

He knows that there are some formations that can cover up a person’s aura and soul aura.

However, those who can arrange this kind of formation are all experts.


The old man of the Chen family has an absolutely superior cultivation base.

It is also very possible to leave such a powerful formation or two. Su Chen asked, “Can you still do it?”

Wang Daye said, “Don’t worry, Master Su. Killing people is a matter of course. No one can stop them.” Wang Daye picked up a wolf pen and opened the cinnabar box.

After dipping the cinnabar with a writing brush, he drew a spell on the paper figurine.

After painting the spell, Wang Daye sat down at the table with his legs crossed.

Start making that irregular tone.

Su Chen heard these tones, much like Buddhist chanting.

The byte is very rare, but Wang Daye sings it, with an ancient vicissitudes.

Wang Daye’s singing voice is like an orchid in the empty valley, singing in Sanskrit.

The three pillars of burning incense began to drift towards the heavenly secret.

Gathered into silk, it seemed to float to some distant mysterious place.

And just when Wang Daye was sitting cross-legged and singing.

Chen Mangfeng was in the hall of his house, talking with the thin middle-aged man.

Both of their faces were gloomy.

“You mean, Wang Daye, the son of the Wang family, is the apprentice of Taoist Zhang Erzhi?”

“That’s right, this is the information I got from my investigation. I think it’s best to resolve this matter peacefully,” the middle-aged man persuaded.

“This matter is a bit tricky. My son-in-law found someone to hack Shen Jingbing to death and kidnapped Ji Shen Jingbing’s girlfriend.” “These two people, I am afraid they have a very good relationship with Wang Daye, I am afraid that the other party will not be like this. I’m willing to let go.” Bu.

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