Chapter 243 Rescue Shen Jingbing

Wang Daye stopped what he was doing.

Obviously, these talismans whose names and functions he did not know.

Definitely a high-level talisman.

Wang Daye’s eyes flickered, these talismans definitely have a lot of origin.

But no matter what these talismans are.

Regardless of what these talismans are posted here for.

He still wants to take this jade box with him.

This trip to the underworld this time has caused a lot of doubts in his heart.

However, Wang Daye did not intend to delve into it.

These things have nothing to do with him.

In addition to cultivating immortals, his current thoughts are more about being a free person.

When you have nothing to do, take a tour of the great country.

Take a look at the famous mountains and feng shui in various places, this is the life Wang Daye yearns for.

Wang Daye is not the kind of person who is single-minded.

To put it bluntly, he is still a common man.

Wang “197” Ono was only in his twenties, and it was the time to enjoy a good life.

You have to ask him to go to the ancient Buddha with a long-faced green lamp. Even if he can practice it until he rises in the daytime, Wang Daye will not do it.

Regarding the underworld, there is also the secret of the blue stone gate.

If someone tells him, then he will naturally listen.

After all, it is human nature to be curious about some secrets.

However, Wang Daye would not inquire about this, it is good to know.

It’s okay to not know, these things are still very far from the current self.

After getting the jade box, Wang Daye had a clue for a while.

There is no pattern decoration on the surface of this jade box.

Wang Daye fiddled around for a while, but couldn’t find any gaps to open.

“Forget it, give this jade box to that ghost. It’s better not to interfere in the affairs of this underworld.”

Wang Daye took the jade box, turned and walked towards the exit of the valley.

This trip went very smoothly without any hindrance.

When Wang Daye stepped out of the valley, the voice of the ghost came slowly. “Very good, Wang Daye, you give me the jade box, and I’ll take you back to the world.” Wang Daye didn’t talk nonsense, and put the jade box in the palm of his hand.

A gust of gloomy wind blew, and the jade box disappeared.

“Close your eyes, look at your nose, nose at your heart, and enter a state of meditation.” Wang Daye nodded and sat up on the spot.

In fact, Wang Daye is not sure yet.

Whether he entered the underworld with his soul, or did his body follow.

In the underworld, he felt like flesh and blood.

I can’t tell by myself.

This is a stark contrast to the first time I came to the underworld.

Then Wang Daye’s spirit began to become drowsy again, and finally fell asleep. “boom!”

As if a thunderous sound exploded in his ears, Wang Daye came back to his senses.

Opening his eyes, he found himself back in the lounge.

Wang Daye hurriedly stretched out the palm of his left hand, and there was a flash of fluorescence there.

Seeing this group of fluorescence, a smile appeared on Wang Daye’s face.

Shen Jingbing’s Yang Yin was finally brought back from the underworld by him.

“Wang Daye, what I told you about the inspector last time, I will also give it to you this time.” The voice of the ghost officer sounded.

Before Wang Daye could react, a ray of light shot towards his right hand.

Penetrates directly from the back of the hand to the palm.

Wang Daye’s right hand felt numb in an instant.

It’s like itching after a scar.

Spreading out his right palm, Wang Daye found a strange pattern on the right palm.

A bit similar to the Buddhist seal, but with one more circle than that.

And in the very middle, there are six small black dots.

Too bad the pattern is so small.

If you don’t look closely, it’s a mess.

“This is the supervision seal, as long as you subdue some evil ghosts.”

“Put the palm of your hand on the top of those evil ghosts’ heads, and you can put those evil ghosts in the supervision seal.”

“This supervision seal is connected to the underworld and has entered the supervision seal.”

“It will be sent to the underworld.”

The ghost messenger explained to Wang Daye.

“Master Guicha means that my supervision seal is a point connecting the two worlds of yin and yang.”

Wang Daye’s expression was weird, and he remembered the cartoon of Death.

Isn’t that the case with the protagonist? After harvesting ghosts, they will be brought into the underworld.

“Every time you earn a ghost, this surveillance seal will show a picture.”

“It will give you corresponding contribution points according to the evil degree of the ghost you conquered.”

“When you reach a certain point, a point exchange screen will appear.”

“You can choose to exchange what you want, and then come to me to exchange.”

“Okay, it’s almost the same as what you told me, I’m going back to the underworld too.”

“Remember, you can’t tell anyone about your affairs in the underworld…”

The ghost was gone, Wang Daye looked at the mark on the palm of his hand, and his eyes flickered…

Wang Daye vaguely felt that this supervision seal is not as simple as the ghost messenger said.

For more secrets, I will explore them later. It is still the most important thing to save Shen Jingbing.

Wang Daye walked out of the lounge and came to the hall.

Zhu Iron and Steel and Su Chen just stood up and looked here.

The sound of Wang Daye opening the door startled the two of them.

“Wang Daye, you finally came out.”

Zhu Iron and Steel looked at Wang Daye worriedly, “If Master Su hadn’t stopped me, I would have rushed in.”

For four or five hours, Zhu Gang and Su Chen sat here with big eyes and small eyes.

Shen Jingbing, who was still lying beside him, was not breathing.

Zhu Iron and Steel was already a little hairy in his heart.

Seeing Wang Daye coming out, Zhu Iron and Steel finally let go. “Wang Daye, are you done?” Su Chen asked. “Well, all right.”

Wang Daye walked to Shen Jingbing’s side and greeted Su Chen, “Master Su, help to bring Shen Jingbing to the table.” Su Chen and Wang Daye worked together to lay Shen Jingbing on the table.

Wang Daye said to Zhu Iron and Steel again: “Uncle Zhu, please get another basin of clean water.” “Hey, okay.”

Zhu Iron and Steel agreed and walked into the kitchen.

“Wang Daye, just called me from the hospital.”

“Those police officers just characterized the 1.4 case as a simple revenge case.”

“So, if you want to rely on the police to catch the perpetrator, I don’t have much hope.” Su Chen saw Zhu Iron and Steel walk away, and whispered beside Wang Daye. “Master Su, what do you want to do?” “Do it ruthlessly.” When Su Chen said these words, there was no expression on his face.

Why did Shen Jingbing have an accident, he already had a bottom line in his heart.

Su Chen is not the one who suffers, there are some things the police can’t do.

It doesn’t mean that he can’t do anything. When Shen Jingbing wakes up, the account will be settled.

Zhu Iron and Steel quickly brought out a basin of clean water from the kitchen.

Wang Daye put the basin on the table and looked at the Yang Yin of Shen Jingbing on his left hand.

Suddenly, a slap slapped Shen Jingbing’s forehead.


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