Chapter 227 inscrutable smile

The old man scolded his children sharply, and both the middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman bowed their heads in shame.

But the yellow-haired woman came back to her senses at this moment, and shouted at the old man: “You are too embarrassed to say that you are immortal.”

“How much have you spent on us over the past few years?”

“After I got sick, I dragged on for so many years and spent 40,000 to 50,000 yuan a year. Who paid for the money?~”

“I expect your daughter? How much does she get paid as a nanny for a month.”

“If it wasn’t for me marrying into your house, I asked my brother to come forward and find your son a job as a security guard.”

“You’ve already slept in the loess, how dare you hit me!”

At the words of the yellow-haired woman, the angry old man was panting heavily.

Pointing at the yellow-haired woman with one hand, she was so angry that she was speechless.

The onlookers were also in an uproar when they heard the woman’s words.

They began to accuse the yellow-haired woman one after another.

But the yellow-haired woman didn’t care.

Now that her face has been torn apart, the yellow-haired woman also spoke out her hidden thoughts.

Su Chen squinted at the yellow-haired woman.

Walking to the old man’s side, he said softly, “Old man, you are running out of time. Prove your innocence to the girl first.”

The old man’s cloudy eyes, without looking at the yellow-haired woman, turned to his pair of children.

There was a look of disappointment and pity in his eyes: “I fainted because of a myocardial infarction, and it has nothing to do with this girl.”

“If any of you trouble this girl again, don’t go to incense on my grave in the future.”

“My Yang family doesn’t have such a conscienceless person, did you hear that?”

When the old man said the last two sentences, he was already stern.

When the surrounding people heard the old man’s words, they all spontaneously applauded.

If all the old people are like this old man.

Then in society, there will no longer be the phenomenon of the elderly falling and being unsupported.

“Dad, I see.”

“Dad, I know I was wrong.”

The old man’s children bowed their heads in guilt at the same time.

After the old man heard the words of the children, a smile appeared on his face.

Then he glanced at Su Chen.

Because when people are about to die, they will feel the call of heaven and earth in the dark.

This old man has already felt the call.

It was just Su Chen who pulled him back from the gate of hell.

But pulling back is only temporary.

Then, he still had to go back.

Su Chen shook his head helplessly, he saw reluctance and helplessness in the eyes of the old man.

But he couldn’t do anything, the old man’s longevity had expired, and now he was just returning to the light.

Su Chen understood what the old man meant.

The old man still had a lot to say to his children, so he left with some reluctance.

“You are all grown up, have children of your own, and become a family. Remember one thing.” “No matter what time you are, you can’t do things that are against your conscience.” “Otherwise, don’t recognize me as a father. Don’t say it came from my Yang family.” After the old man said this, he trembled and bowed to the young woman.

“Girl, I’m sorry, I made you feel wronged, I apologize to you, I hope you don’t take offense.” “No, you don’t need it, old man.”

When the young woman saw the old man bowing to him, she waved her hands in a panic to avoid him.

The old man glanced at the young woman, smiled, then turned around and walked towards the crowd with trembling steps. “dad!”

When the old man’s daughter saw the old man leave, she hurriedly stepped forward to support the old man.

The old man shook it, but after he didn’t shake it, he let his daughter support him.

The old man’s son saw the back of the old man leaving.

He glanced at his wife again, his face was hesitant, and finally he gritted his teeth and shouted, “Dad!” The old man’s son and daughter helped the old man and left.

The yellow-haired woman glared at Su Chen, Wang Daye, and the young woman.

Turn around and walk in the other direction.

“Don’t stand in my way, there’s nothing to see.”

The matter was resolved, and the crowd of onlookers naturally began to slowly disperse.

Su Chen gave the older security guard a meaningful look.

The older security guard, without any other expression, left with the young security guard.

“Thank you very much, doctor. If you hadn’t cured the old man, I don’t know what to do.”


The young woman thanked Su Chen.

“You’re welcome, you are also kind. These days, you can’t let good-hearted people be framed.”

Su Chen waved his hand and said no, he still admires this young woman.

In that case, everyone was watching, and she dared to help the old man up.

This kindness really made Su Chen feel ashamed.

“I just watched the old man fall to the ground, and I thought of those old grandpas in the countryside, but I didn’t think much about it at the time.”

The young woman simply smiled, Su Chen looked at the woman’s dress.

It should be an employee of a store on this street, wearing work clothes.

After the young woman, Su Chen, and Wang Daye repeatedly expressed their gratitude, they said goodbye and left.

Wang Daye looked at the young woman’s back, “Master Su, that old man?”

“The old man has only a quarter of an hour to live.”

Su Chen sighed lightly, compared to those old people who were blackmailing people.

The old man surnamed Yang is indeed a simple, principled old man.

It’s a pity, his life is up and it’s time to go.

“Grandpa is really good, but his daughter-in-law is very Damn it.”

“Don’t worry, she won’t have a good time these days.”

Su Chen replied to Wang Daye with a smile, with an unfathomable smile on his face.

The old man surnamed Yang woke up at this moment and saw the shameless behavior of the yellow-haired woman.

I am afraid that even after death, the soul did not leave so quickly.

Su Chen looked at the fate of the old man after his death.

The old man will preach to the yellow-haired woman in the dream of the yellow-haired woman.

A dead person comes to a dream every day.

Su Chen could imagine that the yellow-haired women would definitely be frightened.

At least in the first seven days of the old man, without the past, he will definitely not be able to eat or sleep well.

Wang Daye didn’t understand why Su Chen laughed so mysteriously. But since he didn’t say it, Wang Daye didn’t ask,

The matter of the old man has come to an end here, at least Su Chen and Wang Daye think so at the moment.

But what happened the next day made Su Chen sigh that the world is really small. predict.

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