Chapter 202 Arm twitches, very scary!

Tian Daguang explained the situation to Su Chen and Wang Daye.

Wang Daye nodded, walked lightly, and followed Tian Daguang into the room.

The room is simple with only a wooden bed.

The wooden bed has a mosquito net, which has been put down at this moment.

Niuniu was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

“Master Tian, ​​go out and tell me about Niuniu first.”

Wang Daye lifted the mosquito net, looked at Niuniu’s sleeping face, and then said to Tian Daguang.

“Hey, Niuniu’s disease came on suddenly three years ago, and her hands twitched.”

“In order to treat Niu Niu’s illness, I took Niu Niu to many hospitals, and I also had a general examination.~”

“But the doctors couldn’t detect the problem. At the beginning, some hospital doctors judged that Niu Niu had dance disorder.”

“However, after giving Niu Niu another course of treatment for chorea, Niu Niu’s disease – did not improve.”

“In the end, I took Niuniu to the best hospital.”

“The answer they gave was that Niuniu should have hysteria, saying it was caused by dissociative convulsions.”

“However, these doctors, there is no good way to treat Niuniu’s disease.”

“I stayed in the hospital for more than a month, and after Niuniu’s condition did not improve, I took Niuniu home.”

Speaking of Niuniu’s illness, the man in his thirties was very depressed.

Because of Niuniu’s illness, conflicts began to arise between him and his wife.

The reason is whether or not to continue treating Niuniu.

Three years after Niuniu fell ill, Tian Daguang’s wife gave birth to another son.

The son’s health is very healthy, Tian Daguang’s wife began to feel.

She shouldn’t have dragged down the whole family because of Niuniu’s illness.

Just let Niuniu stay at home like this and let her fate.

But Tian Daguang was reluctant. He wanted to cure his daughter’s disease, even if he went bankrupt.

In the end, the conflict between the husband and wife became more and more troublesome.

Once Tian Daguang took Niuniu to the hospital to see a doctor.

Tian Daguang’s wife left, left the house, left a letter, and left without saying goodbye.

According to what his wife said in the letter, she really didn’t want to live like this, and she couldn’t see any future.

The family is already in debt for the sake of her daughter.

Moreover, her daughter’s illness has not improved in the slightest, facing this bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

Tian Daguang’s wife chose to give up.

She gave Tian Daguang the 10,000 yuan she borrowed from her parents some time ago.

After a person packs a few clothes, he disappears.

Speaking of his wife, Tian Daguang’s voice was a little choked: “But I don’t blame her, she didn’t have a good life with me.”

“Her family is also considered a wealthy family. Because of Niuniu’s illness, she humbly asked many relatives to borrow money.” “But Niuniu’s illness is like a bottomless pit.”

“No amount of money is enough. She left because she lost hope. I don’t blame her.” “Later, I really didn’t have the money to take Niuniu to the hospital to see a doctor.”

“I had to use some local methods. I heard from the old man in the town that using bees to sting Niuniu’s arm might cure her disease.” “So, I took Niuniu to the beekeeper again.”

“The pain of this bee sting is hard for us adults to bear.”

“Not to mention a child as young as Niuniu, after seeing Niuniu’s hands being stung by bags and screaming in pain.” “I still gave up this method, and now I can only let Niuniu A quiet home for self-cultivation.” “I’ll take Niuniu to the hospital when I make money later.”

Tian Daguang had tears in his eyes, but when it came to seeing his daughter, his eyes were full of determination.

Although this stubborn man ran away because of his daughter’s illness, the family also owed a lot of debts.

But he still will not give up, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

During this time, he helped people do rough labor during the day.

When someone builds a house, he will do the work of adjusting bricks or carrying cement.

You can earn more than 100 yuan a day.

Su Chen sighed.

Everyone suffers.

Wang Daye thought for a moment and asked, “Master Tian, ​​did Niuniu have any symptoms before she suddenly became ill?” “Or when you found out that Niuniu had this strange disease.” “Before this, what happened to Niuniu? Unusual behavior?”

“No, Niuniu was only three years old at the time, she just stayed at home.”

“No strange behavior during the day, as usual.”

· · Flowers · ·

Tian Daguang answered with certainty.

Wang Daye’s question has been asked a lot over the years.

Those doctors have to ask each time, so Tian Daguang can answer Wang Daye with certainty.

“Master Tian, ​​have you ever doubted that Niuniu was slapped on her body by something?”

Wang Daye suddenly threw out such a sentence, which made Tian Daguang stunned.

After a while, he reacted and said, “There are also many people who say that Niuniu was raped by a ghost.”

“But Niuniu’s consciousness is very clear, except for the arm twitching at the party, she is no different from ordinary people at ordinary times.”

After Tian Daguang paused, he continued: “I want to find the more famous goddesses and Daxians here.”

“After they saw Niuniu, they also asked God to skip Daxian, but Niuniu’s illness did not improve at all.”

“Master Tian, ​​Niuniu, has her hands and feet continued to twitch lately at night?”

After seeing Tian Daguang nodded, Wang Daye pondered for a while and said, “Master Tian, ​​I have a way to cure Niuniu, but I need your cooperation.”

“Can you cure Niuniu’s disease?”

Tian Daguang looked back and forth on Wang Daye with suspicious eyes.

So many doctors and experts can not solve the disease, this young man can be cured?

He suspects, is this guy a scam?

But then I thought about it, I was already a family, and I was cheating, what else could I cheat?

“Well, but it must be at night, Master Tian will just watch it.”

“Well then, try it tonight, but I’m afraid it will scare you.”

Tian Daguang is telling the truth, Niuniu’s arm twitches in the early morning every day is really scary.

When most people see it for the first time, they will turn pale with fright.

“But before that, I need Uncle Tian to cooperate with me and give me a dress that Niu Niu usually wears.”


Tian Daguang glanced at Wang Daye and walked into the room.

He took out a green dress and said, “This is Niuniu’s dress.”

After holding Niuniu’s clothes in his hand, Wang Daye said goodbye to Tian Daguang.

And tell him not to close the door at night, he will come over then. predict.

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