Chapter 186 In evil? what is the problem?

Wang Daye re-organized the whole thing.

Chen Danhong and his wife killed Jiang Haoyun’s daughter.

Then he deliberately abandoned his daughter and became Jiang Yuting, Jiang Haoyun’s adopted daughter.

Jiang Yuting was not at ease here.

The company that wants to deprive the adoptive father step by step.

The capital injection of this engagement is the first step.

If Chen Danhong and his wife didn’t make trouble today.

Then this matter, Jiang Haoyun will never know.

He belonged to the enemy’s daughter and was raised, and was finally bankrupted by the enemy’s woman.

In this life, he has been completely used as a wedding dress for others.

It’s just so miserable.

But Master Su made his move.

Not only did it make the truth of Jiang Haoyun’s daughter’s death come to light back then.

Let Chen Danhong, Ning Yuanliang and his wife get the retribution they deserve.

At the same time, Jiang Yuting’s conspiracy was foiled.

It’s just a few birds with one stone.

Let the wicked get the punishment they deserve.

After smoothing things out, Wang Daye gave Su Chen a thumbs up.

“Master Su, your fortune-telling has reached the level of perfection.” “I really can’t describe it in words, how much I admire you in my heart!”

Su Chen smiled, “Okay, I’m just accumulating yin virtue for myself by doing this!” Wang Daye said, “Then I will borrow from you, Master Su, and I can also accumulate a little yin virtue!” Su Chen clapped his hands, “The drama has ended.” “Let’s go back!” “Okay.” Su Chen took Wang Daye and just walked out of the hotel.

His cell phone rang.

Su Chen took out his phone and glanced at it, and found that it was an acquaintance who called.

It was Du Zhiteng’s cousin Xu Liang.

At the wedding, the brother and the wife, the one who cuckolded him.

However, after Xu Liang’s last suggestion from Su Chen, his future destiny has been very smooth.

What’s the matter with him calling himself this time?

Thinking of this, Su Chen connected the phone.

When connected, he immediately heard Xu Liang’s eager voice.

“Master Su, aren’t you renting out a house?”

Su Chen said, “No, I’m out of town.”

“You went to the rental house to find me?”

Xu Liang said: “Yes, Master Su, I have a very, very urgent matter here, and I want to ask you for help.”

“whats the matter?”

“My friend, it seems that he has fallen into evil.”

“I want you to help see his fate and see if he can be saved.”


Su Chen hurriedly asked, “Where is your friend?”

Xu Liang reported an address, the city next to Luteng City.

Su Chen thought about it, after all, it is a matter of human life.

Immediately took Wang Daye to the city.

After getting off the plane, Xu Liang was just outside the airport, waiting for them.

After seeing Su Chen and Wang Daye, he said anxiously, “Master Su, let’s go see my friend now!”

Su Chen nodded, “Okay, let’s go and have a look!”

“By the way, how did your friend fall into evil, you can tell us in detail!”

After all, Su Chen is only able to see the fate of others.

If this involves ghosts, gods or something.

Mainly still have to rely on Wang Daye’s experience.

After all, in this area, he is the professional.

Then Xu Liang said, his friend’s experience of being evil.

His friend’s name is Zang Qinglong, who has grown up since childhood.

The relationship with Xu Liang is very good.

The two get together often.

Once when they were singing together, Zang Qinglong suddenly made a very sharp sound in the middle of singing.

Started everyone.

Then, something even more shocking happened.

Zang Qinglong dropped the microphone directly.

He started picking up the peels of the melons on the ground and kept sending them to his mouth.

Laughing while eating.

Even the pull tabs of the soda cans on the ground were sent to his mouth by him.

In the process of chewing, the gums are directly scratched.

Mouth full of blood.

Looks terrifyingly terrifying.

Terrified everyone at the scene (cgbe).

Many people wanted to stop him and prevent him from eating.

But Zang Qinglong was so powerful that no one could hold back.

Next, Zang Qinglong started hitting the ground with his head.

His head was bleeding.

Then he started foaming at the mouth and passed out.

After he fainted, Xu Liang and some good friends didn’t dare to play anymore.

Immediately sent him to the hospital.

After the doctor checked it, it was found that there was only trauma to the mouth and head.

In other respects, no faults were detected at all.

But when Zang Qinglong woke up, his mind was still abnormal.

Wearing hospital clothes, you have to jump down the window.

If it weren’t for his parents, they would have stopped him.

Zang Qinglong is finished.

He was then sent to a psychiatric unit to see if he had a mental illness.

But after inspection, no problems were found.

And their family, there is no genetic history of mental illness.

In desperation, Xu Liang thought of Su Chen.

I want Su Chen to come and help.

After listening to Xu Liang’s remarks, Su Chen looked at Wang Daye. “Do you know what’s going on here?”

Wang Daye thought for a while, and then asked, “Your friend, have you been to any place recently?” “For example, a cemetery, a morgue and other places.” Xu Liang said, “No.”

“Zang Qinglong has been with us recently, and there is nothing unusual about it…” When he said this, Xu Liang suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, he’s going to buy a villa recently, and he’s been there several times.”

“But there should be no connection between buying a villa and this matter!” Wang Daye said: “This is not necessarily!”

“Maybe there is something in the villa he wants to buy?” “Really?”

Su Chen said at this time: “Can you tell me, what kind of villa is your friend buying?” Xu Liang waved his hand and said, “I don’t know that.”

“I just heard him mention that this villa is cheap!” “Cheap?”

Wang Daye looked at Su Chen, “Master Su, do you think this villa is a haunted house?” Su Chen suddenly remembered the haunted house he had seen before.

“If it’s a haunted house, then it’s not surprising that this Zang Qinglong has these things!” “Forget it, let’s stop talking so much, go to the hospital to see your friend!” Then led by Xu Liang Next, the three came to the hospital, in front of Zang Qinglong’s bed.

At this time, Zang Qinglong’s body was fixed on the hospital bed.

Because his parents were afraid that he was looking for short-sightedness.

So just tie up his hands and feet.

At this time, Zang Qinglong was trapped in his hands and feet, and his hair was very messy.

It looks terrifyingly terrifying.

Even the little nurse who came to give him needles was too scared to approach. .

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