In the laboratory.

Danzo was still in the nutrient solution, feeling the pain caused by the inner demon.

In order to prevent this guy from having an accident, Yan deliberately studied the four-image seal, and then eliminated the backhand that Danzo had left on him.

In addition, Yan also specially learned Danzo's banning technique that eliminates tongue troubles, and gave Danzo a set.

After doing this, Yan left the root base under the cover of night.

Wearing an ANBU uniform, Hiko moved quickly within Konoha and soon arrived at the edge of Konoha Village.

A lifeless building came into view, and the pattern of table tennis rackets on the building was particularly eye-catching.

Uchiha clan land.

At this moment, it was the property that belonged to Uchiha Sasuke alone. Because this place was far away from the center of Konoha and the tragedy of genocide had occurred, it seemed extremely desolate.

Walking on the streets of Uchiha, he could vaguely see the scene of the Uchiha people being massacred, and memories of the past began to flood into his mind.

Yan Yan, who had completely controlled his body, did not react excessively. He still slowly moved towards his goal - Nanga Shrine.

The stone tablet left by Black Zetsu and tampered with by the Sage of Six Paths aroused great interest in Hiko, who possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Yan is very curious about how Black Zetsu deceived the Uchiha people...

Nanga Shrine.

The fourth stone slab next to the altar was quietly opened, and a secret passage slowly emerged, leading to the gathering place where the Uchiha clan plotted rebellion.

It also leads to the location of the stone tablet that was tampered with by Black Zetsu's filial son.

The secret room was brightly lit, and a lonely figure stood quietly beside the stone tablet, scratching his head and ears.

Since the night of the genocide, Uchiha Sasuke has come here every day to look at the stone monument of the Uchiha clan and look for the purpose Itachi said.

However, he still had not opened the Sharingan, and after four years of struggle, he still could not see any useful information.

Tonight, Uchiha Sasuke, who came here as usual, heard unhurried footsteps after observing for a while.


Sasuke, who heard the footsteps, lurked subconsciously, and took out a few kunai from his ninja bag with his right hand.

To him, this is the most sacred place of the Uchiha clan, and not just any monster or snake can come in!



Sasuke stared at the entrance with evil eyes, the kunai in his hand was ready to go, and Sasuke was ready to take action.

However, the next second, a pair of sky-blue eyes appeared in front of Sasuke, and then Sasuke found himself back in his home.


Looking at the dark environment around him, Sasuke was a little confused, and then he smelled a faint smell of blood.

Subconsciously opening the door, Sasuke saw a scene he would never forget. His parents fell quietly in a pool of blood. In addition, there was a pair of Sharingan eyes exuding the aura of Shinto in the room.


In the secret room.

Yan, who had just finished reading the stone tablet, heard a heart-rending scream.

Turning his head, Yan just happened to see Er Zhuzi, who was foaming at the mouth and falling into a coma.

Are you dizzy now?

I'm afraid you're not playing me.

After all, he is also an Uchiha. Shouldn't he open his Sharingan after being stimulated like this?

What do you mean when you fainted?

Seeing Erzhu lying on the ground, Yan shook his head helplessly,"Just sleep here for a while!"

After taking a final look at the stone tablet that Hei Jue deceived, Yan turned around and left the secret room.

Walking on the land of the Uchiha clan, Yan's thoughts were a little complicated. A false stone tablet led to a millennium of war in the ninja world.

Black is definitely the strongest actor in the ninja world. He is obviously the ancestor of Uchiha Madara, but he has to pretend to be the embodiment of Madara's will.

I really don't know what to say.

It is really a tragedy for the ninja world to have such a mastermind who survived from ancient times.


The shrill wind blew by, making Hiko shiver involuntarily while walking in the Uchiha clan.

"Ding dong ~ The mission Uchiha Fireworks Festival has been released!"

Under the pitch-black night, a light blue light curtain appeared out of thin air, leaving Yan, who was moving forward steadily, stunned in place.

【Uchiha Fireworks Festival】

Mission Introduction: As a descendant of Uchiha, how can you bear to let your fellow Uchiha corpses be exposed in the wilderness? With such great power, can you bear to let the undead souls of the Uchiha clan wander in a desolate place?

Mission requirement: bury the Uchiha people who were massacred on the night of the genocide.

Mission stage: Stage 1

Mission rewards: Special treasure box*1, elementary skill card*3, intermediate skill card*1.

Mission message: Let the wandering undead rest in peace in the grand fireworks ceremony! ——White Priest


The mission that was refreshed this time made Yan feel a little guilty.

As a descendant of the Uchiha clan, I have never thought about this matter. It's really...

Touching the tears in the corners of his eyes, Yan walked towards the distance. There were the mass graves in Konoha and the corpses of the Uchiha clan were exposed. Wild places.

A few minutes later, Hiko arrived at the mass grave outside Konoha Village.

As soon as he arrived here, Yan smelled a stench. He pinched his nose and slowly walked towards the big pit in the middle.

After more than four years of exposure to wind and sun, the entrance to the cave where Hiko climbed out has long since disappeared. Only the strong stench here declares the misery of the Uchiha clan.

Looking at this familiar place, Yan's heart could no longer be calm. He clearly established the royal family of Konoha, but ended up being exterminated.

Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, and the two curly-haired baboons, you will not die well!

With the Mangekyō Sharingan activated, Hiko stretched out his hands and began to carefully dig... the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had not yet finished handling the government affairs, looked solemn as he listened to the ANBU's latest report.

It was impossible for Xiao to exhume the corpses of the Uchiha clan for no reason. The only possibility was that it was Danzo's order.

Have you started to gain Danzo's trust?

He is indeed a chess piece brainwashed by the Will of Fire! So loyal

"Get on with it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who thought he had guessed Hiko's thoughts, sent away the ANBU who reported it, and sat quietly on the chair.

Danzo, what do you want to do after losing most of the Sharingan?

Forget it, I don't care about you. No matter what, there is no way for you to escape from my grasp!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes became extremely dark. He had tried to hold the power, but he could not bear to give up the feeling of being above ten thousand people.

At dawn, Yan will dig carefully The ten corpses that came out were wrapped up and slowly returned to the root base.

In the deepest part of the root base, Yan stood here quietly. In front of him were the ten tombs that had just been built, and buried inside were the Uchiha people that Yan had excavated..The youngest among them is just a child who looks to be only three years old...

The wooden coffin uses the wood of the base of the root, and the tombstone is made of earth escape. The same name is engraved on the tombstone: Uchiha Undead.

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