Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 248: Bloody Malekith

Not long after, Malekith's dark elf fleet entered the earth's space domain, and eliminated the military defense satellites that dared to attack him.

After being hit so badly, the United Nations immediately held a meeting to discuss how to deal with this uninvited guest from outer space.

Originally, these messy things on the earth were enough to trouble them, but they didn't expect that there was a bigger problem waiting.

"Everyone, this is our latest information, please don't interfere with SHIELD's handling of this matter."

The video from Nick Fury calmed them down as they discussed passionately in the five halls.

The general news is that the Avengers are ready and waiting for the enemy to arrive now.

Not only that, but the parties involved in the war this time also include the superpowers of the Walter Company and Thor of Asgard.

Except for the British representative who has been blackfaced, the other four countries raised their hands and agreed. Anyway, they are not in their own territory.

And the British representative can't use his own vote to veto, otherwise, he will be labeled as a collaborating alien, and it will not be clear.

After seeing this scene, Nick Fury was also relieved, and this time he was finally not afraid that they would use a nuclear bomb.

The last New York battle, if Steve had not intercepted it, the nuclear bomb would have landed in New York.

And Nick Fury couldn't refuse, he could only stand in his base and watch the nuclear bomb being dropped.

Meanwhile, Greenwich.

After several hours of waiting, Steve and the others also successfully waited for Malekith to arrive.

The overwhelming black and red fleet covered the sky, leaving only the people fleeing in panic.

"It's ridiculous, you still want to stop me?"

Looking at the group of people below, Malekith laughed disdainfully.

Then he asked his subordinates to open the hatch, black and red energy ripples surged all over his body, and he jumped down directly.

"He's here, let me start first!"

There were several thunderbolts on Sol's body, his eyes were occupied by blue and white, and a five-meter-thick lightning struck Malekith in an instant.

In the face of Sol's attack, Malekith did not panic at all, and pressed his hands directly at his position.

The black-red energy around the body began to take the form of one shot, and in the blink of an eye, Thor's thunder was completely swallowed up.

At the same time, the battleship behind him slowly opened, and countless dark elves began to land and enter the university.

"Barton, let's deal with them."

Coulson found Patton with two guns in hand. After the two of them stayed here, they got in the way. It would be better to clean up those mobs.

As for the big boss Malekith, let the powerful Avengers deal with it.

"Hulk attack!"

Dr. Banner also immediately completed his transformation. Hulk patted his chest twice angrily, and charged directly at Malekith.

Seeing a big green man running towards him, Malekith could feel a sense of crisis from him.

With a wave of one hand, the whole ground became soft, and Hulk sank directly as if he had entered the sea.

After successfully tying the opponent, Malekith waved his hand again, and the ground became firm again, locking Hulk to the ground, leaving only one head.

"This opponent... is very strong!"

The ease on Natasha's face was also put away. She was also a strong person, and she could feel the huge pressure on Malekith.

Tony shot two lasers directly, and was swallowed up by the black light on Malekith just halfway there.

"Tony, you deal with those guys, leave it to us here."

After Steve glanced at the battle situation over there, he said that Tony is better at large-scale battlefield operations than single-person attacks.

Knowing that his attack had no effect on Malekith, Tony also left decisively to help destroy the dark elves.

"Just a few of you, do you still want to beat me? Is it just that woman?"

Malekith was already laughing. In the previous wave of confrontation, he just made a simple shot, and Sol and Hulk were already at a disadvantage.

The one in the blue shirt is a native of the earth, and Loki's strength is not as strong as his brother's, let alone.

The only uncertainty is Natasha, who has been watching the battle with her arms folded behind her.

"Since you want to have fun, then I'll accompany you, but don't cry."

Natasha stretched out one of her own hands, as much as Malekith, and her burgundy hair began to float.

In the next second, the powerful psychic shock cannon directly knocked Malekith away hundreds of meters, and stopped after crashing through three buildings.

This scene shocked everyone present, and the mighty Malekith was blown away.

boom! !

A black-red energy light wave struck instantly, a violent roar resounded through the sky, and the ground trembled under this powerful power.

Thor pulled Loki to retreat immediately, and Steve quickly walked away with the Hulk who had just broken free.

If they continue to stay here, they are afraid that they will be affected. This power is really beyond imagination.


There was another loud noise, and Natasha condensed a psychic shock cannon during the defense and directly pushed it up.

Two kinds of fluctuations, one white and one black and red, were entangled tightly together, and the powerful power caused the ground to shatter layer by layer.

Cracks crept up the surrounding buildings, and the wind pressure caused trees to be uprooted.


Natasha's body tightened and began to exert force, and the Psychic Impact Cannon began to show an advantage, forcing Malekith to retreat.

In just a few seconds, Natasha's attack came only a few meters in front of Malekith, and was about to attack his body.

"Is that how you are?"

Things have reached a precarious point, UU reading but Malekith doesn't care at all, and there is even a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, ethereal rays of light emerged from his body, and the sky showed the docking of the first kingdom, and his strength was directly increased several times.

The black-red light cannon instantly crushed Natasha's attack and began to blast towards her.

"This guy......"

It was too late to escape, and Natasha could only hurriedly arrange defensive measures in front of her.

Boom! !

The moment the light cannon hit the protective shield, a deafening sound erupted in everyone's ears, and the glass of the surrounding buildings was instantly shattered into pieces.

The fluctuations generated by the explosion spread around, and the dark clouds in the sky were scattered by this powerful power.

And Natasha also suffered a lot of injuries. The beautiful face was stained with blood, and the entire left arm lost half of the flesh and blood.

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