Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 146: A new storm has emerged


"Guys, we can start work."

Shortly after Kyle left, Dr. Jory called over all his assistants.

The others began to debug the new batch of experimental equipment in an orderly manner, and he pulled a chair and sat at the table by himself.

"The green venom... looks very harmful."

In nature, most of the venoms of living things are colorless. Like this colored venom, it looks very dangerous just by looking at it.

Next, Dr. Jory picked up the dropper on the side, opened the seal of the glass bottle, and put it in.

But what happened next made him, a senior biology doctor, uneasy.

As soon as the dropper touched the surface, the bottle of green venom began to boil, and instantly melted the part it penetrated.


Dr. Jory quickly took out the dropper in his hand and threw it into the isolation box.

The power of this thing is really beyond imagination, and it is not like the venom used by creatures in nature, it is more appropriate to say that it is sulfuric acid.

No, even sulfuric acid doesn't have that much power.

Dr. Jory thought of what Kyle had said to him before, and the cool wind kept blowing behind him.

This experiment... it seems that there is a real risk of death!

At the same time, he also became more excited, curiosity is the most important factor in becoming a scientist.

And satisfying this thirst for knowledge is what they need to do.

"Susan, after debugging the machine, bring it to me directly. Today I want to see what kind of creature's venom this is."


Dr. Jory took off his clothes, put on the overalls on the chair, and shouted to the busy people outside the room.

Observation is a very simple matter. The difficulty is how to extract genes from this corrosive venom.


Outside the Water Company.

"Lane, the danger on this road is very small. For safety's sake, I will let the umbrella team follow you."

Kyle was standing outside the door, and in front of him was a team of eight specially modified bulletproof vehicles.

Ryan brought his research materials with him, and this time he was going to Arkham, New Jersey.

Normally, no one would notice a middle-aged researcher with a scruffy beard and a decadent face.

But the situation is different now. It is a time of war, and there is no safe place in New York until Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely send these materials there safely."

Ryan assured with a serious face that Laura's research was similar to his, and it was all about crystal No. 7.

Although the name of this trip is to exchange materials, it actually means to learn from each other. The two of them learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

"Come on."

Kyle sighed. In fact, he could directly use time travel to send Ryan there.

But I'm sorry, just now his ability was banned by Gu Yi, and he also received an invitation letter from the other party.

Probably...because he never thought of closing the space after tearing it apart, he just waited for the space to heal on its own.

Coupled with the tearing passages a dozen times a day, the space barriers in the main world were broken.

As for the specific situation, we will have to wait for a while to go to Kama Taj, and we will understand after seeing Gu Yi.

"By the way, boss, I hope that when I come back this time, I can go to Lab 35."

Before leaving, Ryan made another request.

After hearing this sentence, Kyle's face became weird. Laboratory No. 35 was a studio established purely by female researchers.

Ryan, why did he suddenly want to go to that place.

"Isn't it because they recently made a girlfriend with them, so..."

Before Ryan could finish speaking, Kyle kicked him back into the car. Although he didn't forbid love between employees, it was too blatant.

You are a dignified person in charge of Laboratory No. 1, just for the sake of a mere girlfriend, you surrendered your identity and went to the last place.

Ryan left, very peacefully when he left.

Kyle took the elevator back to his office, picked up the envelope on the table and opened it.

In front of him, a golden-red spark portal was opened, from which one could clearly see Gu Yi who was drinking tea on the opposite side.

"Master, long time no see."

After stepping into the portal, Kyle left New York and came to Kama Taj.

Seeing Gu Yi's expressionless face, he didn't know why his heart started to feel empty, maybe it was the anger of the good man.

"Mr. Kyle, presumably you don't know how much trouble you have caused this time."

After calmly drinking the cup of tea in his hand, Gu Yi started the interrogation.

On the chair next to him, golden light spots kept gathering, and Odin's figure also appeared there. It was because of this incident before.

"No way, why are you two here?"

Seeing this battle, Kyle was also a little confused.

Even if he blows up a life, he won't lead these two here.

"Not only Midgard, but Asgard has been implicated this time, so I have to come here too."

Odin shook his head. If it was only about the earth, then he might as well make a villain with his and he wouldn't have traveled all the way here.

But now, it's not just the Earth that has happened, even Asgard has been attacked for unknown reasons.

"The time and space shuttle you did before has no problem in essence, but the mistake was that you didn't close him after tearing the space."

"It's like a complete apple. You make small holes in it, but you don't fill them up, so the apple becomes full of holes."

"Now the space of the main world is like this apple. It has become riddled with holes, and many lifeforms from other dimensions have mixed in."

"Not only that, but the most important thing is the space passage that runs through several universes. Fortunately, I discovered it early enough, otherwise powerful beings from other universes would enter the main world along the passage."

Gu Yi explained the current situation. To put it simply, the earth was invaded by life forms from other latitudes, and now it is hidden among humans.

And these are caused by Kyle, so these must be handed over to him to deal with, Gu Yi has to mend these torn spaces.

Space has a strong self-healing property, but it can't stand Kyle's forcible tearing dozens of times a day.

"Okay, I know. Even if the cause of the matter is me, then leave these different latitude lives to me to solve it."

It's not easy for Kyle to refute anything. After all, it's all facts.

But now he also understands why in the movie, whether it is the portal of Kama Taj, or the tyrant who uses space gems.

They will close the space door after the teleportation is completed, instead of waiting for the torn space to repair itself like him. chaptererror();

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