Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 112: front of war

The night passed quietly, and a new day had come.

Sol, who let go of his identity, took the initiative to act as a cook, and began to prepare breakfast for a few people with Jane.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be able to eat the food prepared by the famous Thor. What a magical experience."

Eric ate ​​the mashed potatoes made by Thor himself. Although the taste was not very good, it was made by Thor.

They are the only people in the world who can have this kind of experience.

"Doctor, this guy made many mistakes to make this one perfectly. Don't praise him."

Hearing this, Jane rolled her eyes and said.

Sol's operations were too rough, and they almost used up their stockpile this morning.

If it wasn't for her hand-in-hand teaching, it would still be uncertain whether they would be able to eat today.

"By the way, what about Louise and that lady Alice?"

After eating two bites of bread, Eric looked at the seats of the few people and asked.

Normally, Louise is the one who is the most active in cooking, so why has it already started today and hasn't come to the table yet.

"She is busy chatting with her angel."

Jane thought about it for a while, as if she had seen Louise enter Alice's room before, saying that she was asking for some advice from an angel.

While the two were talking, Sol, dressed as a home cook, came out of the kitchen with a pot of stew.

This is based on the cuisine of Asgardry, and many seasonings can be found in the kitchen with similar substitutes.

"Come and try it, this is our Asgard delicacy, that guy Vorstag once ate the weight of 4 cows in one go."

After the last dish was ready, Sol also took off his apron and put the towel on his shoulders to start eating.

Alice and Louise also ended their conversation and walked down from the second floor.

"Mr. Sol, you can still stay here for three days. Our plane will leave in three days. During this time, you can experience the customs of our earth."

After eating breakfast, Alice took out Sol's passport and plane ticket from her small bag.

This is a specially prepared gift for this stranger.


500 meters outside Jiuqiao Town.

The colorful rainbow light instantly smashed not far from Jiuqiao Town, and the trio of Asgard walked out of it covered in blood.

The battle with the Frost Giants left them all with a lot of injuries. Fandral, who had the most superb swordsmanship, had a large slash behind him.

"The position given by Heimdall is not far ahead. We must find Thor quickly, and we cannot let the frost giants succeed."

In the rainbow bridge transmission channel, after fighting with the frost giants, they were trapped inside using the backhand given by Heimdall.

But this time is not long, the trio must find Thor within this time, otherwise Asgard will always be in crisis.

Hogan has been frozen by Loki for helping them delay time, and now all hope is on the three of them.

Sif's bracelet contained Heimdall's power, which could guide the three of them to find Thor's exact location.

Inside the meteorological research base.

Sol, who was watering the flowers, looked at the three faces that suddenly appeared on the glass in front of him, and his movements couldn't help trembling.

"Oh, my God! Why are you here?"

After he could see who was coming, he jumped up in joy instantly.

You must know that he is in a state where his divine power has been sealed and exiled, and Sif and the others are still able to come down to see themselves.

After hearing Sol's voice, the three of Eric who were playing cards in the living room also came out.


"So, my father didn't die at all, that's just Loki lying to me?"

After sorting out the information in the three people's mouths, Sol finally realized that he was deceived by the younger brother again.

He usurped the throne himself, Odin didn't die at all, and he wasn't completely exiled, all of which were just Loki's lies.

"I have to say, your brother still has two brushes for tricks."

Alice leaned against the door frame and said, if someone hadn't come to tip off the news, it is estimated that the eldest prince would really have lived an ordinary life.

But from the mouths of the three people, it is estimated that nine frost giants will come to the earth soon.

This town is not big, but it has a population of several thousand.

If the Frost Giants really come here, it is estimated that these people will all be killed, and the only ones who can fight are her and the seriously injured Asgard trio.

"And now Loki has brought the frost giant Wang Laufey into Asgard, you are the only one who can save us, Sol!"

As soon as Vorstag finished saying this, a violent vibration exploded, and the whole house was shaking.

In the center of Old Bridge Town, nine frost giants and a pure metal robot descended here.

This robot is the destroyer of Odin's armor. After Loki discovered that the matter was exposed, he sent this powerful combat force directly.

By the way, I also brought the Ice Only in the blood of the Frost Giants, this artifact can be used to the greatest extent.

However, these frost giants are not of royal blood, and their ability to drive them is very limited.

The people around had never seen such a scene, and immediately ran away.

Under the control of Loki, the Destroyer started to destroy the surrounding buildings, trying to find Thor.

The frost giant raised the box of ice, and the boundless cold air swept the whole earth, and the ice wall with a height of tens of meters rose from the ground, covering the whole town.

"What happened?"

Coulson and Melinda walked out of the base, they had just moved here, and they were sealed.

Crossbones walked in with the special forces team, and reported to Coulson the situation on the spot.

The ice layer covering the town can't be opened at all, even if it is blown up with rockets, there will still be an inexplicable force to repair it immediately.

Fortunately, the temperature inside the ice has not changed, just not as hot as usual, currently 8 degrees Celsius.

"Take your weapons and go out and have a look."

Knowing the current situation, Coulson immediately ordered to prepare for battle, and he also picked up the pistol on the table and put it in his pocket.

Rumlow and others were fully armed, and they set off directly with dozens of team members.

As an undercover Hydra, he has already figured out how to deal with that big robot, and their chairman will definitely like it.

The idea is beautiful, but unfortunately, he has never realized how big the difference in combat power between himself and the Destroyer is.

"You should be in charge of liaison here, I know you won't like fighting."

Coulson knew about Melinda's situation, and did not force her to go together, but was in charge of liaison work at the base.

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