Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 530: Can't marry, I will marry you(30)

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"Mr. Lu, I don't know if I should remind you..."

"What to remind?" Lu Jinnian responded casually, and took the meeting minutes about chasing girls from the meeting that the assistant was coming to in the morning.

The assistant said carefully: "Mr. Lu, before I remind you, may I ask you a personal question?"

Lu Jinnian's eyelids didn't bring a lift and said, "Yes."

"Mr. Lu, when you were in a meeting yesterday, did you say that the girl you wanted to chase was Miss Qiao?"

"In addition to her, do you think I will have someone else?" Lu Jinnian finally lifted his eyelids and glanced at the assistant. His eyes were full of admonitions, as if to warn the assistant not to insult his loyalty.

The assistant was frightened by that look and quickly shook his head: "No, no one else."

The assistant was afraid of Lu Jinnian pursuing himself, so he quickly cut into the topic: "Mr. Lu, don't forget, when Miss Qiao was stillborn in the womb, did you hide her? And she was so close to Xu's family, Xu Wanli and Han Ruchu She has grown up since childhood, if she knew you dealt with Xu's family... what if she broke your face with you?"

As soon as Lu Jinnian heard about Qiao An’s fetal death, he thought of the accident in the filming of "The Excalibur". Qiao Anhao already knew that he had done an abortion, and his face immediately sank, terrifying his assistant. Shivering, I thought Lu Jinnian was angry because of his sentence "Miss Qiao asked him to tear his face" and was angry to find his own account. He quickly changed his mouth and said, "Mr. Lu, I believe Miss Qiao will believe you, and I will definitely believe you. You tear your face!"

Lu Jinnian seems to have become accustomed to the dog legs that the assistant immediately overthrows every time he said something loyal, but he said, "She already knows the child."

"Uh? Ah? Miss Qiao knew?" The assistant's eyes seemed to have fallen off, and he looked at Jinnian with an incredible look: "How does Miss Qiao know?"

The assistant thought of Joan’s miscarriage, except for the doctor in the hospital, and he quickly clarified: "Mr. Lu, I swear, I didn’t tell Miss Qiao!"

"Han Ruchu did it." Lu Jinnian once again revealed the answer calmly and quietly.

The assistant breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Mr. Lu would not doubt his loyalty.

Lu Jinnian's eyebrows were filled with a sigh of relief: "If it was not Qiao Qiao's filming accident, I would jump with her, maybe Qiao Qiao would have misunderstood me all my life!"

"Han Ruchu is really abominable!" The assistant first expressed his feelings angrily, and then reminded himself just now, and repeated: "Mr. Lu, even if Miss Qiao knows that she has passed the child, but we have no full evidence. , Alone with the sleeping pills in the bird's nest, the persuasion is not enough. In case she doesn't believe it was made by Han Ruchu, it will still be..."

This time the assistant learns to be smart. Some words, click here.

"I will deal with this." Lu Jinnian had already thought about the countermeasures. When he and Qiao An were in danger, he didn't tell her that it was because Han Ruchu was her future mother-in-law. Fiance's mother, he does not seem to pierce the beauty in her heart.

But now it is different, now he has the opportunity to be with her.

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