Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2732: Years should not be the same as you

"You can only eat these fish meatballs. The **** that you make are put in the soup, not buns."

Li Yi delivered meals to the injured future slaves, and the fish meatballs were prepared in the camp by the sea, and they were transported here to make soup and thrown in.

This is called boiled balls, not called bun, which means that after boiling the soup, use the filling to squeeze the **** into the soup, and use a spoon to scoop if the technique is not good.

Put 20 large **** in a bowl, sprinkle with dry chopped green onion and coriander, this is because I didn't drink Chinese medicine.

Otherwise, do not give food like this, it is easy to cause allergic reactions.

In fact, there is no problem with eating it. When traditional Chinese medicine is generally given, under special circumstances, it is required not to eat fish, shrimp, crab, spicy, cold, or alcohol.

Eating these things basically has no reaction with the medicine. The reason why I say this is that it is impossible to judge whether you are allergic to the medicine or not.

If you don't eat it, you're allergic, it's a drug problem, so adjust the prescription.

You are allergic to food. Is it a food problem or a medicine problem? The doctor wants to cry...

There is a small probability that there will be reactions to medicines and certain foods, and I have to say something, including Western medicine's cephalosporins.

If you eat Yunnan Baiyao, people even let you drink it.

Bloody metrorrhagia, drinking to speed up blood circulation, Yunnan Baiyao will let you drink it, because the medicine is transported in the blood.

The civilian captives who couldn't escape and were abandoned had no idea how much a meal consisted of.

They are curious about this meal, haven't eaten it, don't grab it with their hands? If you drink the **** to your mouth, you can't drink it. Could it be that you drink the water first, then grab it and eat it?

"Spoon, spoon, look, scoop up one, put it in front of your mouth and blow, see, if you can use chopsticks, I will put potato powder or sweet potato powder in the soup."

Li Yi held a bowl by himself, and gestured to teach the other person how to use a spoon. Individual words are not easy to translate, and the spoon is easy, so use the spoon.

Wounded captives needed protein, so they were given fish balls.

Eating eggs can also supplement protein, and there are chickens on board.

But why feed them? Eggs can make a lot of dishes!

Their status belonged to the enemies of the priestess, and it was a great gift to keep them alive.

And give you eggs? Want braised pork? Beef jerky as a snack? Pine nuts, hazelnuts, fennel beans?

The prisoners watched Li Yi's demonstration, and they did.

Take a bite, oh, I drop a Feathered Serpent God! Why is it so fresh?

Eat slowly one by one, I can't bear to eat fast, I have to chew carefully, and the soup can't be left.

Li Yi turned his head and explained to the hundred people brought by the priestess: "Give them some fish to recover quickly and work well.

It's a matter of taste... We can't say that cooking is unpalatable, and it's a routine operation.

Their soup is water. When you eat wontons, it is bone soup, and the taste is different.

The steamed wotou is ready, give each of them one, and stuff a little pickle in it, mainly for..."

"Dongzhu Li, you don't need to say it, we understand, they don't eat as well as us. Dongzhu Li, your status is so high, and you told us."

The most active priestess of the people expressed their understanding that the two identities were not equal.

He couldn't figure out, why would such a person consider his own mood?

With the wave of his hand, countless heads fell to the ground, and he was in the same position. It was absolutely impossible to explain patiently to ordinary people of foreign races.

Let you die or die, let you live, explain what? You are a fart!

He expressed his conviction and approval. Even if he becomes an enemy one day, he is powerful and lucky. If he catches Dongzhu Li, he will give him food and something. Run, run over there, there is no one there, I will cover you.

He didn't know that Li Yi was learning from Lao Zhou. How much danger Lao Zhou had experienced?

In fact, sometimes people are arrested, but if they don't arrest them, they don't think they don't know. No matter how you pretend to be, people can see it.

When I saw it, I turned my head, and when it was time to eat, I stuffed a steamed bun in the past and scolded: Hurry up, the dock is waiting for you to work!

Then Lao Zhou took the steamed buns and left. His personality was so charming that there was nothing he could do.

You say you look so handsome, the national beauty man, who doesn't give you a second look? The scents are all different, right? How can you fool around in disguise?

Li Yi is always imitating, he is not the emperor, that is the assistant! There are always people who value people's livelihood more than status.

"Because you have been hurt, I cannot forgive the perpetrators for you.

Of course! You choose forgiveness, and I feed them from a practical standpoint.

The soup of fish **** is delicious. It is not specially made for anyone. It is a kitchen tradition of Lijiazhuangzi.

Tomorrow morning we will also eat this, buns with three fresh fillings, garlic sprouts, eggs, and shrimp.

They eat cornmeal pancakes and fish ball soup. If they don't take care of themselves, they can't work. "

Li Yi said in a gentle voice to the priestess who led the battle.

"The steamed buns, right? I'm cute to eat. Li Dongzhu, have you ever killed someone with your own hands?"

The other party didn't know whether the barbecue was delicious or the buns were delicious, so they were tangled, thought about it, and asked another question.

"My job... It's mainly about saving people, saving one person and killing another person. This is so tangled, so how the family should cry all the way, that's the reality."

Li Yi does not say whether he has killed anyone, just like Lao Zhou, has he killed?

The topic stopped here, the other party was at a loss, couldn't understand, and was thinking.

It is impossible for Li Yi to continue to say that it is the content of the philosophical category, the most misunderstood situation.

"The easiest way in life is the two rituals. The sunrise, moon, and setting stars are dim. If you ask how hard the world is, the reciprocation of yin and yang is called Tai Chi."

Li Yi concluded that eating skewers and grilled skewers is never greasy, mainly because the seafood is relatively fresh. If it is frozen for a long time, it will hurt to eat it.

Especially the frozen squid mouth and squid neck, which were originally crunchy, turned into noodles.

There are also kebabs, which are chewy to eat, and then turn into noodles.


After everyone finished eating that night, they got up early the next day, skipped meals, marched first, and then drank water.

The march takes half an hour to rest, and it takes two quarters of an hour to rest.

This is not what Li Yi asked, it is Datang's marching rules.

The general introduction to marching and fighting is how to choose a place and then how to station.

Some even said that the number of stoves should be reduced, before 10,000 stoves, then 5,000 stoves, and then 2,000 stoves.

The enemy judges that you have more deserters and fewer stoves.

In the calculation of the results, the reduction of the disease does not reduce the number of people.

But there is another kind, that is, no one wants to mention it or write it.

This is going to the toilet, the army won't go to the toilet in war? Repair the toilet or fix it in place? Will the people in the back step on it?

Now these two quarters of an Because everyone drank water in advance, the gastrointestinal tract moved and the problem was solved.

Li Yi is the same, but he drinks cold water and reacts faster.

After everyone has settled, there is a quarter of an hour ahead to eat.

"You said that steaming the stinky tofu and throwing it at the mouth of the pyramid would work well."

Guo Ziyi brought a pot of smoked fish and ten large egg cakes to Li Yi to study tactics.

Li Yi glanced at it and gave him a small bowl of shredded radish soup, which was his own.

"The difference between life and death is the taste? I have some sweet things here. If you spray them in, basically there will be no living people."

Li Yi despises, your chemical attack is stinky tofu?


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