Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2716: Simple weapon manufacturing diagram

"The bow and cavalry attack, pay attention to avoid." Li Yi ordered.

Yulin Feiqi took the broken bow he just made and rushed over on horseback.

Guo Ziyi was about to shout 'no' when he saw the person chasing him turn around and run back.

"Could it be that they know how powerful the cavalry is?" Guo Ziyi looked at Li Yi in surprise.

"They have never seen the cavalry at all, and they are frightened. Such a big animal, sitting on it and condescendingly rushed over, do you think you are afraid?"

Li Yi knew the situation. According to the information, when the Indians first saw the horse, they thought it was a man-eating monster.

Those being chased were equally frightened, but their priest was there and they had to run over.

The priestess was stunned for a moment and smiled. She had seen a horse and was startled at first, and then went up to ride it.

There were more than 500 people who came running, all of them wounded, and when they arrived, they prostrated themselves at the feet of the priestess.

Tears fell from the priestess. She had more than 2,000 people, and those people were obviously unable to come.

She called her own people up and looked at Li Yi.

Without Li Yi making a sound, Qingdai took the nurses to see the situation and sent them to the boat.

The palace maids and eunuchs helped to deal with it together, and Li Yi followed, because there was a spear stuck in the stomach, and he was in charge of this person.

For two hours, a group of people bandaged in various ways, and three people lay in the hospital, including the one who was stabbed in the stomach with a spear.

The buns are steamed in the kitchen, and the salt is a little too much. There is no need to eat pickles and dip in soy sauce. The vinegar is given, and you can dip them if you want.

The other person has a bowl of vegetarian soup, and there is a spoon to call.

The priestess taught her how to eat, but she couldn't hold the chopsticks for the time being. She grabbed the buns with her hands and couldn't put them all in her mouth at once, it was hot.

The rescued person told the priestess about the situation, and the little robot helped to translate.

"Forty-nine days ago, the priestess ran away, and her people were in charge of blocking it. When she ran away, her people successfully broke through..."

The little robot said that there were so many enemies that it couldn't stop the priestess' hands from rushing out. Her people had good weapons and strong bodies.

Other people's resources are used to build the pyramid, and she takes the training manpower.

There are still many people who rushed out. They were chased and killed. They ran all the way, lost key food, and their pyramid was occupied by others.

Faced with siege, lack of food, and unable to rest after being injured, they fell one by one.

Today they ran to the sea, intending to fight their last stand, to fight to the last person, and pray for the priestess with blood and life.

According to them, they killed more than four times as many enemies as they died.

"The Feather Forest Flying Rider of the Mayan Civilization!"

Li Yi sighed with emotion, the priestess went, rushed out when she was besieged, and then killed far less than her own.

"Yulin Feiqi is not so weak. Fighting in the jungle, you can kill as many enemies as you enter."

Guo Ziyi is not convinced, what about four times? With the same weapon on the grassland, the opponent can also fight against it. Entering the jungle, it belongs to the enemy's hell.

And being besieged is definitely not a breakthrough. The enemy has a commander, and the sharp knife team rushed to kill the commander.

Five hundred and nine people ate steamed buns in small bites, and the three lying down couldn't eat, so they were nutritious...

The people in the team continued to build the camp. Li Yi believed that for a period of time, the other party did not dare to come and was frightened by the horse.

Craftsmen use lathes and drying techniques to make bows, arrows, throwing spears, and armor in a hurry.

The armor is only made of rattan, which can resist the enemy's long-range throwing weapons. Wearing a helmet provides all-round protection.

"Xiaoyi, they hit us just now, why don't we just go and attack?"

Bi Gou watched the craftsman busy and thought it would be more cost-effective to do something else.

"It's done for them, can you give them the gun? Our people don't need backward weapons."

How could Li Yi let Yulin Feiqi fight with the enemy for primitive weapons, and it's okay to make two gestures for the enemy to see.

The people over there were eating steamed buns, and the priestess also told them about her own experiences, mainly introducing people from the Tang Dynasty.

She cherishes her own manpower very much now, it doesn't matter if she is a slave or not, and all the people who survive in the future will be civilians.

The Mayans were in a trance state, frightened by the horse, and frightened by the big boat, eating steamed buns and dreaming, there are such delicious things in the world.

"Priest, what will we do in the future?" Someone with high status asked the priestess.

"In the future, we will be from Datang. Datang is like us in many places. They are better than us in all aspects."

The priestess had already made a decision. She had met the female leader of Nauru, and the other party told her how to join the Tang Dynasty.

She wanted to join the Tang Dynasty, and was unwilling to mix with those nobles. In fact, she couldn't get along anymore, and they wanted her to die.

She has lost a lot of people, and the other party has lost even more. Can she reconcile?

"You became a priest of the Tang Dynasty?" another person asked.

The priestess shook her head: "The priest of the Tang Dynasty is stronger than me. He can do what I know, but I can't do what he can."

The priestess was a little sad, and none of the priests she met could compare to her.

As a result, when I randomly encountered a fleet, the person above was able to make the stars of the four seasons turn around for others to see in a very short time.

Arithmetic let alone something that isn't a human being called a little robot, blinks an eye to give the answer, and their owner is that person.

When discussing farming, it turns out that there are other ways to plant the land, instead of throwing the seeds in after burning them.

There are things planted on the boat, and some things can germinate with water and then eat.

She saw bean sprouts and water-grown garlic sprouts without soil.

In fact, as long as Li Yi is willing, many crops can be cultivated without soil.

Potato detoxification is this technology, and then sprouts and cuttings.

"Will they treat us as slaves?" worried those who asked earlier.

"There are no slaves, and neither do we." The priestess looked at the slaves who had been bandaging the buns and absolutely set them free.

None of the slaves, including the dead, surrendered.

Slave life is better than other slaves, hunting, farming, burning wasteland, without building pyramids.

There are many people who died in the construction of the pyramids. They live normally. Who will die if they are okay?

She decided to abolish slavery, learn from Datang, and chat with the little robot.

I know that there were slaves in the Tang Dynasty, and then the slaves were bought by the government and arranged for work.

Including beautiful female slaves and male slaves raised by others, for entertainment, set up an entertainment company, raise them, let them do other things, they don't want to do it, they just want to be raised.

The only place where there are slaves is that powerful man. His Zhuangzi also has slaves.

Give birth to a child, change the place of origin for the child, and get out of slavery.

If three days passed, the camp was built, and the weapons and armor were also made, not as good as the burned rattan army.

The weapons are metal, and there are metal mines, iron ore, which can be found locally.

Use charcoal and fish oil to raise the temperature for smelting, and lump coal can be reluctant to use in smelting, and keep it for steam engine ships.

"They won't come to fight? We only send people to sneak in the woods to observe every day. Be patient!"

Li Yi is in a hurry, you hit me quickly, so I can find an excuse to fight back, otherwise...


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