Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2682: Newly established departments out candidates

The airships in the sky flew around. Except for the Mengshe Zhao, all the other five decrees flew there.

They were vaccinated. Fortunately, the road was difficult and the spread of smallpox was blocked.

Of the five imperial edicts in history, they all heard the words of Tubo and fought against the Tang Dynasty.

So Li Longji began to support Mengshe Zhao, they were in the southernmost of the six Zhaos.

By 738, seventeen years after Li Yi's current 721, Mengshe Zhao had completed the unification, and Li Longji named Piluoge the king of Yunnan.

After that, Nanzhao started fighting with Datang for many years.

The five edicts, who got smallpox, needless to say. They were frightened and were treated. The Tang Dynasty said what they said.

The other three edicts, when Datang vaccinated them, chatted and said that if there are other viruses, they are not afraid, and Li Dongzhu can cure them.

Not only can Dongzhu Li be cured, but he also has a lot of viruses on his hands, and he can help you, the canonized governors of the Tang Dynasty, to poison the enemy at any time.

In order to cooperate better, Datang wants to set up the Yunnan Duhufu in the local area, and you have been promoted.

It turned out that you were kings in your locality, and you were called governors in Tang Dynasty, but now you are the governors of the Tang Governor's Office.

The Yunnan Duhufu of the Tang Dynasty is in charge of the Dudufu. Some troops are sent here, and other administrative personnel are here to help you develop the economy and manage public security.

You are relieved. Seeing that your people are not living well, Datang provides a plan.

Are you happy? Are you so happy that you want to cry?

Among the five edicts, the remaining four edicts are alive, isn't that the place where Li Yi stayed! The ceiling hangs.

They really want to cry, Datang is playing a rogue! Everything is guarded? Your soldiers and officials are coming, and our words are useless.

When the slaves are sold to you, our manpower is reduced, and we lose our advantage in work and war.

Originally, I hoped that the geographical location and climate would be able to prevent it, but you have the malaria pill, toilet water, and mosquito coils.

After Yulin Feiqi helped to hunt down the beasts that threatened people, the four kings expressed their joy, but they were so happy that they wanted to cry a lot to celebrate.

"Brother Yi, what about Mengshe's edict?" Li Longji had a video call with Li Yi.

"After I have dealt with several patients with other symptoms, I will go to Mengshe Zhao in person.

After winning the Liu Zhao, I turned around and collected the Northeast. There are many resources in the two places, and there is a large iron ore nearby.

There are many iron ore mines in Datang, including those containing other metals associated with them. There is one in Qiongzhou. The reserves are not the most, and the grades are very high.

Half of a stone is iron, and some are more than two-thirds, so don't dig it in a hurry.

The iron ore associated ore here is very powerful, and the titanium ore among them is the first in the world.

There is one located on Jiangnan West Road, Ezhou, and southeast of Wuchang, with a small population. It is not cost-effective to dig it now.

At present, what is being dug is the large iron ore in Suzhou in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which cannot be finished in a hundred years.

There is an iron ore in the grassland. Above the Anbei Duhufu, there are many rare earths, which will be used in the future.

There is a large iron mine on Hebei Road, which is located north of the middle of Lulong County and Shicheng County in our Pingzhou.

The other two big ones are located in the Duhufu of Andong, where the coal produced in one place is good, and amber and coal essence can be found just by digging.

The two mines of iron, as long as the local traffic is repaired, the iron and steel plants can store them at will.

In addition to iron ore, there are specialized copper, aluminum, tin, and gold mines…”

Li Yi introduced, why do you want to occupy it? Why did Shu use a lot of iron money during the Song Dynasty?

There is not enough copper, and there is iron ore in Shu, but the iron ore in Panzhihua is even more powerful.

Li Yi said this side, the person on the other end was watching the big screen and swallowing, greedy.

It turns out that there are so many good mines in Datang. There are many in Yunnan and many in the Northeast. Oh, and the places occupied by Silla are equally rich.

Some ore names I have never heard of, as long as they are good things.

"Xiaoyi, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Bi Gou wiped his saliva.

"I said earlier, what's the difference? No one digs by hand, and the existing mines are enough.

Hao Lingquan is a good man. He was sent over to be the protector. When the specific battle is required, the Fei Lin Feiqi will be in charge.

As for the other generals, I was worried that they would kill them indiscriminately. Hao Lingquan was outstanding in terms of diplomacy, and the students of Zhuangzi managed local governance. "

Li Yi first determined the candidate, and good steel is used on the blade.

Local officials in other parts of the Tang Dynasty couldn't do anything if they wanted to, and there were many inspection teams.

"Yes!" Li Longji agreed, he didn't need to trust anyone, the big deal was that the airship troops were dispatched.

The other ministers actually wanted to arrange for someone who had a good relationship with him. Seeing that Li Yi had settled down, he could only think about arranging a deputy.

A Duhufu cannot be supported by a single person, and requires a large number of administrative staff.

When arranging, you should talk to the person you are looking for, don't make your own decisions, listen to Hao Lingquan if you have something, and see what Yulin Feiqi and Zhuangzi's students mean.

For a while, everyone looked at each other, guessing who the others could arrange, and whether there was an exchange of interests.

Gao Lishi and Yang Sixu looked at each other and turned their heads again. They each had staff and arranged for the eunuchs to go there.

Not to mention the queen and the queen in the harem, everyone has their own considerations.


Next, the imperial examination began, and all the questions were given.

This year, no one reported on the subject of jurisprudence, the subject of scholarly talent, and none of the other subjects.

Okay, let’s make some adjustments. This year, there are many more questions, and those of the Jinshi department include a lot of other subjects.

I took the exam for five days, and I was willing to answer other questions. I lost a lot of points on the subject of the jinshi subject, and I couldn't pass the jinshi test. I would arrange for other subjects.

In this way, the imperial examination is simpler and the selection of materials is more comprehensive.

The subject of the Jinshi subject is full of full marks, and the ranking will be arranged after seeing other content.

The Qingming Festival in the solar calendar, on April 6, the second day of the third month in the lunar calendar, the imperial examinations began.

Li Yi flew a helicopter to Mengshezhao that day to talk to the other party. If the negotiation is not right...

The location of Mengshe Zhao is a part of Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County in the Li Yi period, including the Bai people in the area of ​​Erhai Lake in the north.

The local temperature is not as cold as Chang'an, but it is warmer than It seems that there are no unexpected surprises. Datang has no shortage of places with beautiful scenery.

There are mountains and rivers wherever you go, except for deserts and Gobi.

"Li Lang, will there be a conflict in the past this time?"

On the helicopter, Princess Yongmu was worried. There were many people on the other side. Her team only had 20,000 people, and there were more than 150,000 soldiers there.

There are also reserve personnel. All the people are soldiers. Once the fight breaks out, Li Yi may exchange things.

"No, Pi Luoge is a very talkative man.

I don't bully his daughter-in-law, and I don't care if he asks for money.

He should take the initiative to give it. We have different identities, and we are going to help them get vaccinated. "

Li Yi was sure that the opponent's people were not enough, which was different from modern warfare.

In modern warfare, it takes an average of tens of thousands of bullets to kill a person with bullets.

It's not necessary to fight Nanzhao, the range is different, the water is slow to aim, and the enemy dares to charge in a group, only to die.

Facing Yulin Feiqi, he had to kneel even when he commanded the opponent's army.

Dig trenches, dig traps, and then have to fight with bows, arrows and spears? Shields can't stop bullets.


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