Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2675: Life and death 1 thought cause status

Here blood transfusion and hemostasis, a bunch of black dots appeared in the sky, slowly getting bigger.

Guo Ziyi took a look and continued to stare at the others. He held a heavy machine gun in both hands, which was easy to adjust the angle, and the shooting angle on the ground was small.

At first, the aircraft bombed the warship, because the aiming system was not good enough, it generally used the method of vertically diving and pulling up after flying over the warship.

In order to avoid the anti-aircraft machine guns of warships, the machine guns are shot vertically above the sky, and the falling bullets can also accidentally injure themselves.

Some use fighter jets with bombs, and fire while diving, then drop bombs and pull them up.

The airship arrived 'slowly' and dropped its height. Others asked to stay away and were not allowed to approach.

The components of the cabin hospital in the battlefield were transported down, assembled into a hospital, killed, and started to operate normally.

Those who were infected with smallpox were in pain, and those who had a fever were talking nonsense and moaning.

It hurts wherever you touch the pimples on your body, and it hurts just as much when you don't touch it.

When I look at it, I feel fear, the hope of surviving is reduced, and the desire to survive is insufficient.

With the same symptoms, many people in the tribe have given up on their own, and they can endure every day, and there are also suicides.

In the place where there is a railway in the Tang Dynasty, people like this will be transported to Lijiazhuangzi, and their physical condition will have a short peak period. If they know they can live, why should they die?

Before the coma, he told the patient that Li Jiazhuangzi was coming. Even if the patient lost consciousness, he would struggle subconsciously.

I've arrived at Li's Zhuangzi, I won't die when I get there, hold on.

You can't die by yourself, there are parents, wives, and children to support, they are waiting for themselves.

The nurses take blood for testing, and people with acne don't need it, it's guaranteed.

It may be that there is no acne, see if it is uploaded.

Those who have not been passed on are separated, killed, observed and tested again, and after confirmation, vaccinated.

Got the supplement electrolyte, anti-inflammatory, herpes treatment.

The two tribes stopped fighting, they waited in line.

They looked at the person in the white coat with respect. They didn't know that they had been vaccinated and thought they would risk death to save themselves.

Yulin Feiqi and others are responsible for temporary care and treatment of herpes. After treatment, scars will be left, which cannot be avoided.

However, dehydrating the herpes first so that there is less fluid in the herpes, which is helpful in conjunction with other supportive treatments.

"Proprietor, this is no good, I have to give up." A nurse told Li Yi through the walkie-talkie.

Painful moans came from the walkie-talkie, and someone outside knelt down to Li Yi with a puff: "Save my child, what do you want? Is it okay to exchange one life for another?"

'boom! ' A large group of people knelt down almost at the same time.

Li Yi: "..."

"What blood type, ready for blood exchange." He knew what was going on.

"Okay, it can be saved, Type A, we brought it." The nurse's words changed.

Zhu Lidan has been beside his own black spot, after listening: "..."

He adjusted the position of a small round badge on his chest, so that the pattern inside was straightened. It was a rising egg yolk...the rising sun.

This is the original intention of the establishment of the Datang Chaotianxia Fund, Chaoyang Tianxia, ​​for the children of the Tang Dynasty.

He left a deep imprint on his heart, the imprint of the Tang people.

When the nurse said she gave up, she felt so helpless and helpless. As a result, the proprietor's brother asked for help, and the words he said were brisk.

Life and death is this? It's not whether you can live or not, but how much you have to pay.

Obviously, if you are in the same situation yourself, you will definitely be able to cure it.

As a Datang native, having a place of origin is valuable!

Li Yi called everyone to get up, it's okay, don't think that you will die when you hear the moan, how is it possible?

"Don't give up?" The person who knelt first suddenly asked Li Yi in Tang language.

Li Yi: "..."

You speak Tang language, why do you have to let me speak your words?

"It's to give up other methods and use better methods." Li Yi wanted to kill the other party.

"Exchange blood, how much do you need to exchange?"

The other party understands everything, if he does not kneel once with his clan, the child will be gone.

"People in the Tang Dynasty had friendship before, blood was thicker than water, and there was a song that sang well: there is ~ who knows ~ friendship ~ priceless ~ can pay without fear ~ the price~~"

Li Yi hummed and hummed a song, just two sentences, the latter one did not match the current situation.

There was a cute voice next to it: "Let it go~~ Love struggles in my heart~~ Several times of wind and rain~ Worrying ~~~~ walking in..."

"Singing wrong, it's not about worrying a few times, but formatting it a few times." Li Yi stared at Zero Sansan.

"I forgot the words, I'm sorry." The lights flashed on Zero Sansan's head, and she turned her head away.

The black spot around Zhu Lidan seemed to sense something, and its eyes slanted, like a husky, and it was particularly human.

"This dog... If there is a puppy in the future, I need to train it well."

Li Yi held back a smile and met the black dot at the center of his eyebrows, took out the alcohol and sprayed the hand and bottle.

The black spot will respond with a smile. Its black spot is not allowed to be touched by others. How happy the little master is when he touches it occasionally is different at this moment.

The makeshift hospital is busy, and ultraviolet rays are exposed to herpes on human skin.

Under normal circumstances can not be used, easy to cause burns.

No matter how bad the burn is, can it be compared to smallpox herpes? Get rid of the exterior first, then do the rest.

Don't care about scars, they are guaranteed to exist, whether they are photographed or not.

This side is relatively stable, and Li Yi once again flew a helicopter with three other makeshift hospitals to find other tribes.

He controls the speed and keeps pace with the airship group.

Flying and flying, he blinked hard: "Did they figure out how to deal with air strikes so quickly?"

The place below is on fire, and the airship will be finished if it can't fall.

The smoke lingered, affecting the vision, and the infrared rays were disturbed.

When did ancient people become so smart? To deal with the Air Force in a prairie fire?

Li Yi circled and observed the situation. Are there any traps? When the helicopter goes down, it's over.

After turning around a few times, I figured out that the other party used this method to isolate other people from entering and avoid being infected.

It proves that the people here know some things, and have a general understanding of smallpox, or the sky poison they say.

The key is that there are many people here, piece by piece, at first glance, there are at least six or seven thousand people.

Then there is farming and rice cultivation, and some people wear beautiful clothes and good Obviously, the content of the new Tang and old Tang books refers to them. They have mastered more skills, and the leaders are smart.

The helicopter turned around and found a good place to dry the grain field. There was no grain to dry at the moment, so it flew over.

The people watching the fire and setting it on the ground looked up and watched. There were children playing on the drying field, and they ran to the distance to get out of the way.

The helicopter landed, and Guo Ziyi came down first. He turned around and carried off the three little robots.

"You are responsible for the sides and the back, and I am responsible for the 120-degree angle in front."

Guo Ziyi told the little robots that his heavy machine gun was set up, so that it was more accurate, and his bullets were not enough to kill them all.

"There are small mortars and grenade launchers on the airship. Their long-range weapons can't reach the range. Boom, be honest."

Zero Sansan's mouth continued to shatter, but he adjusted the angle of the sniper rifle on his body, as did Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan's robots.


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