Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 169: 1 Words tell the story

     "Three brothers, sister-in-law." In Zhuangzi, Li Yi arranged for people to set up small sheds, chairs, and carbon stoves around the ice rink. When they saw the carriage arrived, the two people waved hello.

   "I heard that Yidi's ice rink will be open tomorrow?" Li Longji smiled and watched, without saying to go play.

  The queen of kings likes to play, if Li Longji goes up, the queen looks anxious, she can't go.

   "The tourism industry is the first to try, if feasible, in summer, the entire Bashui area will be very lively."

   Li Yi pointed to the place near Bashui in Zhuangzi and said that a lot of flowers were transplanted this fall, and they will bloom in spring and summer.

   is chasing fat now, and then the main pole is wrapped with twine to keep it warm.

   The vines of the vineyard are all buried, for fear of freezing to death.

   Li Longji watched, he understood that when traveling, many buildings in Chang'an City would go to play during the month of the month or when there were a lot of outsiders, and then the businessmen would make money.

   This is the first time that Zhuangzi outside the city has carried out this activity.

   He wants to see if he makes money, not with soy sauce, fermented bean curd, and stinky tofu.

   "Uncle, can you learn from other places?" Queen Wang stared at the ice rink, judging whether she could use an ice cart instead of wearing ice skates?

   "Each place must have its own characteristics. For example, where there are many rocks, rockery groups can be made from rocks." Li Yi introduced.

   Tourism is to promote the development of the tertiary industry and increase the income of residents. Leaders who do not know how to engage in tourism are not good leaders.

   Of course, it is impossible to attract people by relying on natural scenery in Datang.

   Datang is full of natural scenery, as natural as it is.

   Tao Hong and Cui Liu supported Queen Wang from left to right, and Brown Rock stood behind the Queen.

   Several people stood watching Li Yi command.

   Put a small flag on the ice, underneath is a wooden base.

   "Why is this?" Li Longji asked while looking at the flag.

   "The plane is smooth. If the child kneels on the ice cart and slides, it will accelerate faster and faster, and it will be dangerous if it can't turn around."

   Li Yi introduced that he couldn't raise the speed when he was sitting, and he could use strength when he was kneeling.

   On the ice, the dolls in Zhuangzi are sliding, kneeling on the ice cart.

   meets Xiaoqi turns, back and forth, giggling, choking on a cool breeze.

   Li Yi doesn't care, let the children drink hot soup when eating at noon.

   After another moment, Li Yi took two people back to the cafeteria.

  According to the dietary method he gave, eat a little in the morning, and now you should be hungry, eat a little more, and eat a little at noon.

   I can eat six or seven meals a day, and one meal in the middle of the night depends on whether I wake up.

   Woke up to eat a few dried fruits, drink a cup of hot juice, and add a small snack.

   "Brother Yi, you have an idea. If you don't see a person who died of freezing and starvation in Chang'an this winter, you should take the lead."

   Li Longji watched Wang and Queen eating toothpick meat there, and talked to Li Yi casually.

   "Third brother, don't say that. It is Changan Order Pei Yaoqing who can really carry it out. No matter how good the idea is, it is better not to execute it."

   Li Yi didn't dare to take credit. The reforms that failed time after time in history were caused by poor execution by the people below.

   "Yes, Pei Yaoqing is a nice person, the meat of the toothpick meat is beef!" Queen Wang tasted it.

  " A cow in a village ten miles away was bitten by a snake. The snake was hibernating in the corner of the cowpen, and the host pushed the cow dung to that corner, connected to the grass.

   As the temperature rose, the hibernating snake woke up, took a bite, and the bull went crazy. The villagers stopped it. As a result, the bull panicked and ran into a big tree. "

   Li Yi introduced the origin of the cow. A cow in the village was reluctant to eat it.

   I naturally thought of Lijiazhuangzi and sent it to sell.

   "Is it poisonous?" The Queen didn't dare to eat it.

   "No, I gave the whole cow the money." Li Yi shook his head.

   "Uncle is just talkative, be careful of being bullied." Queen Wang felt too much.

   "I gave the medicine back. The man had a stomach problem. I had a gastroscope and had a gastric ulcer. If I pay less and don't get treatment, I will get angry in the winter, and I may not be able to survive the illness."

   Li Yi told the truth, he used money and medicine to save one life.

   "Brother Yi has a good heart, unlike the household book, he wants to take the money from Chang'an Yamen and call it..." Li Longji couldn't remember his name.

   "Zhong Shaojing, write a good regular script, I can't compare it with lower script, that is, thin gold body bullies others and is unfamiliar."

   Li Yi took the conversation, and he admitted that the man’s regular script made people feel alive.

   For example, write the word ‘walk’ and see that word as if a person is walking there. This is the charm of hieroglyphs.

   "How is that person, uncle?" Queen Wang asked for help.

   The time to decide Zhong Shaojing's life and death has arrived.

   Zhong Shaojing, who was sulking in the household part of the palace, never thought that his fate was in the hands of a young proprietor.

   "Sister-in-law, there is no good or bad person, the starting point is different." Li Yi said with a smile.

   continued: "This person Zhong Shaojing, his greatest contribution is to help the current Majesty Zhu Wei.

   He was promoted to fame in regular script at first, and then he had no contact with court affairs.

   only holds a position with no real power in the palace. It is said that it is a director's job, but in fact it is done by others.

   After making great achievements, he was raised to a high position all at once, but later he couldn't do it, so he was demoted.

   Today, His Majesty has taken the throne and called him back to show others.

   Putting an incompetent person in a position where ability is needed is itself harmful. "

   Li Yi said casually that he did not criticize Zhong Shaojing for his nepotism and wanton behavior.

   He just said that Zhong Shaojing's ability is not enough to support his position.

   "Should I be relegated again?" Li Longji listened to Li Yi's objective evaluation and didn't know what to do.

  "Will he be a good official if he writes such good characters and is demoted to a place? It is good to stay in Chang'an and write at Chongwenguan.

   I want to publish a newspaper here, which has always been engraved printing. Too much effort, I plan to engage in movable type printing, the character base needs to look good. "

   Li Yi thought that other people's characters are better than his own. The thin gold body writes proudly, but it is not suitable for There is a good handwriting, why should I get it out for him? Stay here.

   Li Longji understood, and smiled and said, "Brother Yi wants this person?"

   "I want his characters, the third brother tried to find a way, the regular script is a regular script, and I am... I have the ability to take care of him, so I will set up a calligraphy association.

   asked him to be the president, teach others how to write, make the best use of his talents and make the best use of everything. Throwing it at the position of Shangshu in the Ministry of Household, harmed him and others. "

   Li Yi respects regular script the most, the best is regular script, the hardest is regular script, the most rigid is regular script, and the most flexible is regular script.

   It is the base of 4D and the first of 4D.

   "Uncle, what is the Calligraphy Association?" Queen Wang ate another toothpick.

   "A semi-official organization that controls calligraphy can also include the chairman of the chess association, the song and dance association, the horse riding association, and the bow and arrow association."

   Li Yi gives an example. The association is very interesting. Sometimes funds are corrupt, but many things can be done.

   Li Longji listened carefully, and the two eunuchs next to him wrote.

   There is no person in the living room to follow, the green pine and brown rock should be noted, and then add the living note.

   By the way, write down useful words and leave them to your majesty.

   "Okay, Brother Yi said so well, think of a way to pass it in for the brother."

   Li Longji felt that it was OK. The key was to solve Zhong Shaojing's problem.

   Yao Chong always wants to clean up Zhong Shaojing, he already wants to do it.

   But I felt that Yao Chong's authority was too heavy and someone had checks and balances, so he didn't make up his mind.

   There was another accident at this time, and Baiguan watched.

   derogate, why call it back in the first place? Don't degrade, can you let incompetent people make trouble?

   Just in time, Brother Yi gave his idea, moved away from Shangshu's position, and let's write.


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