Wang Zhen just believed it, maybe he was lying to himself. Sure enough, I took the first step when I saw it, and immediately ordered to go out to find water.

It was this order. The soldiers removed the barrier, jumped out of the trench, and desperately ran to a small river fifteen miles away. The team was instantly messed up, and from a distance, it was dark Then one slice.

But just ran out for three or four miles, and tens of thousands of elite cavalry suddenly appeared and rushed into the chaotic army of Great Ming.

The number of soldiers reaches 10,000, and the soldiers reach hundreds of thousands.

Wala army besieged from all sides, cavalry rushed in and slashed the Ming army with a long knife. The Ming army suffered heavy casualties. Wherever the saber passes, the head is flying high, and while the blood is flying, it also shouts, “The one who disarms the blade will not kill!”

In times of crisis, we will You can see the shamelessness of Ming officials: the slogan of the Wara Army’s persuasion is “the one who disarms the blade will not kill”, as long as the armor and armor are dropped and the weapons are down. However, in order to save their lives, these officials actually took off nothing, and trampled on each other naked. More people were trampled to death by their own people than hacked to death by the Orabian army.

At that time, the Oara Army was actually out of formation and had no intention of killing the enemy, because they were busy making a fortune-specializing in looting “gold and silver jewelry”. If at this time, one or two tough generals stood up and shouted, and a countercharge came, maybe it would turn the tide of the battle. Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms period did this, and Qin Qiong did it under Zhang Xutuo and Li Mi, but Wang Zhen was not Cao Cao, and there was no Qin Qiong Qin Shubao among the generals of the Ming army. All people are busy taking off their clothes to save their lives, and the horror after taking off their clothes has become a laughing stock of history.

Looking at Emperor Yingzong, simply did not dismount and sit down. Instead, he escaped under the strict protection of the Embroidered Uniform Guard. It was a pity that everyone was busy taking off their clothes at the time, and no one could provide support. The Embroidered Uniform Guard failed to break through alone, and finally Zhu Qizhen became a lone boat on the sea. Under the protection of General Wei Fan Zhong, he would be like a little chicken without Yang Chendong. , Was dragged to the north by the warriors…

After leaving the capital, Yang Chendong was like a bystander watching everything happening around him.

The Ming army was defeated again and again. The wrong orders were issued by Wang Zhen. Emperor Yingzong Zhu Qizhen was like a puppet, only knowing that nodded agreed, it was impossible to debate right and wrong. No, Yang Chendong is also watching this with cold eyes.

This is a close understanding of ancient wars and a close observation of the military power of Great Ming.

Even if some of the orders were wrong, they were opposed by the ministers, but Zhu Qizhen agreed and Wang Zhen implemented them. It was because Yang Chendong deliberately wanted to change something but couldn’t do it. You could only watch the army step by step as it fell under siege and was disintegrated, and finally the entire battle failed completely.

Among these, what Yang Chendong can do is really limited. Faced with Wang Zhen, who holds the actual military power of a few hundred thousand army, unless he can hold the opponent, he will impossible have any dominance in the war.

Everything until the balance of the war is completely turned on one side. When I see the last moment finally comes, the civil war can be called a farce. There is no cavalry confrontation, no generals to fight the enemy bravely, no The big corps battled decisively, and there was no spectacular scene where the three major battalions fired across the board. The timing of Oala’s general attack was when the Ming barracks were loosened, and when the camp was moved to fetch water, it didn’t matter whether it was the trick of peace and the Ming army took the initiative to fetch water.

“Young Master, it’s messed up, it’s all messed up.” Hu Mang looked towards the surroundings with vigilant eyes. The May 4th gun hidden under the sleeves had already been loaded, and the insurance had been opened, but when he found out When anyone tried to approach and threaten Young Master, he would shoot without the slightest hesitation, killing the enemy.

“Hey.” A sigh came from Yang Chendong’s mouth.

This sigh is for hundreds of thousands of Great Ming troops!

This sigh is for Great Ming’s decline!

This sigh is also to end the chaos in front of you!

“Let’s pass on the fate and execute according to the first set of plans.” Yang Chendong’s eyes are still deserted at this time, but if you look closely, it is more alive and hopeful than before.

Hundreds of people who have been wandering around began to take action. Compared with the people around them who are completely messed up, even undressing and unarming, they are well dressed and fast, and they are executing their orders according to their previous plans.

Wang Zhen.

This Court Eunuch, who only knows about grabbing power and grabbing money, is like a headless fly at the moment, looking around, eyeballs constantly turning up and down, looking for life.

For him, if the army is defeated, it is not terrifying. As long as he can survive, everything will be there. Before long, he can reorganize a new army and go to the battlefield. Of course, he might have such abilities, but if he still has such courage, he has to talk twice.

Four eyes were still blinking quickly, unexpectedly someone flashed past him. In a chaotic army, such a situation is too common. Soldiers do not know the generals, and they will not know the soldiers. They all run around like a headless fly.

But when a silhouette flashed by his side, Wang Zhen felt a pain in his neck. He habitually stretched out his hand to touch it, and an uncontrollable blood sprayed into his hand. The sensation of heat made his eyes widen quickly, and then he shouted.

“Help…help me…someone…someone killed me…”

Wang Zhen in this brief moment is still sober, knowing in this brief At the moment, someone had a black hand on him. But in the chaotic battlefield, death is such a common thing. Even if he is Court Eunuch, the palm print of Supervisor of the Ministry of Rites, even if he is most favored by Emperor Yingzong, no one is paying attention to him at this moment. .

She is holding her severed neck with one hand, as if she wants to block the blood flowing through the mouth; holding the other hand up and swinging constantly, she seems to want to raise people’s attention with this.

Keeping this action, one second, two seconds, three seconds…About seven eight breaths have passed, he fell to his knees with a plop, and then a grayish-white color appeared in his eyes. His face showed strong unwillingness.

He was not reconciled. He was clearly in control, so he fell to the ground.

He is unwilling, how much the emperor believes in himself, and he has a bright future waiting.

He is unwilling to die, it is so unclear, that is, when he died, he didn’t even figure out who acted.

He is unwilling, but he is indeed dead…

Wang Zhen is dead. He died in the chaos, no one would pay attention to him. Even if someone sees it, they can only wait to step on them to vent their anger.

Compared with Wang Zhen’s death in the hands of Cold Front, High Official Wang Zuo of the Ministry of Households and High Official Kuang Ye of the Ministry of War were saved by Cold Front. Hu Mang and Xiao Feng rescued two High Officials and rushed to Yang Chendong’s side.

Compared between the two, Kuang Ye’s clothes are good, and his mental outlook is good. In other words, it is also the High Official of the Ministry of War. The supposed integrity still exists, but the wrong button on the shirt still shows that he is afraid that he is under the slogan of the warrior “disarming the blade!” I have also been heart in chaos.

That is true, who is not afraid of death? When facing death, it is not an exaggeration for people to make any response, at least not to say that it is wrong, because it often replaces a human instinct and essence.

Kuang Ye just remembered a few buttons that’s all wrong, which is much better compared to Wang Zuo. Because of our High Official of the Ministry of Households, the robe has already been taken off at this time, just wearing a piece of underwear, and it is still crumpled, very unfit, at first glance it is the kind of temporary clothes that do not know where to grab it. Set on the body.

For Wang Zuo to have such a performance, Yang Chendong is not surprised at all. Literati, integrity should be there, but in a chaotic army, under the influence of others, it will be completely messed up, and it is reasonable to even do things that were previously unimaginable.

Waiting for the two High Officials to be brought to Yang Chendong, they naturally blushed. They felt ashamed of their current performance, but soon this feeling disappeared. Replaced by curiosity.

They are curious, why in such a chaotic situation, this Herald to the Crown, who is only a Fifth Rank official, is not in a panic. Not only that, there are also a dozen or twenty holes standing beside In Military there is a powerful man.

Compared with the panic of other soldiers, these people stand straight, their expressions are extremely serious, and they look around like a square. The vigilant color tells other people not to be casual If you get here, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

The astonishment in the hearts of the two High Officials rose, and a lot of thinking and so on popped into their minds. When a group of people came in the distance, their proximity made them nervous again.

“Don’t worry, it’s your own person.” Noting the performance of the two High Officials, Yang Chendong said softly, it was like the warm sunshine in the cold winter, which immediately relaxed their minds.

It is the Cold Fronts from the first battalion and company of the Yang Family’s new army. Under their protection, Ministry of Justice right Assistant Minister Ding Xuan, Ministry of Works right Assistant Minister Wang Yonghe, Ministry of Rites left Assistant Minister Yang Shan, Capital Supervisising Courtyard right deputy are Imperial Censor Deng Li, Taichang Temple Shaoqing Huang Yangzheng, Taipu Temple Shaoqing Liu Rong and Shangbao Temple Shaoqing Lingzhu seven officials from Third Rank to Fourth Rank were brought to Yang Chendong.

“That’s it?” Looking at the seven people who came by, Yang Chendong asked the Cold Fronts with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

“It’s just that some people are still intact, others trample on themselves to death, and some have become as clean as they are, and can’t tell who is who.” A Cold Front led the line to fight. He said immediately.

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