After the New Third Army merged with the First Division of the World Cavalry, it only had more than 40,000 troops, and there was no gap with the 50,000 Japanese army. Coupled with the suppression of the infantry by the cavalry, and the heavy casualties of the Japanese army, the impact this time was completely a one-sided situation. Soon the opponent’s defense was pierced under the arrow-point array, and the two sides finally got into a melee. Began to be crushed.

Only relying on the number of advantages, a face-to-face shield was formed, blocking the charge of the cavalry. But when the forces of the two sides are equal, especially with the sudden entry of the First Division of the World Cavalry, it is equivalent to completely breaking the previous balance. Even if the number of Tian Hu cavalry is small, the battle strength is indeed very high. It was amazing, as long as they were the ones who fled, even the prisoners didn’t leave much, which fully demonstrated their murderous and ferocious side.

This was seen by more Japanese troops. The original fighting spirit in their hearts was wiped out. They did not know who took the lead and shouted, “Run!” Then the army collapsed. The whole line was disintegrating, and whatever Izumi’s shouts and orders were completely useless.

Huan called Huan on Hequan has also become Tian Hu’s target. As the most powerful arrow-pointed knife, he brought an extremely sharp three Ten Men Squad Wu to smash all the way, no one was his opponent, and soon rushed to the distance and spring less than 100 meters. Ground.

When he rushed here, Tian Hu used his peripheral vision to observe that there was also a cavalry team approaching quickly. It was Su He, the commander of the New Three Army. A smile flashed in his eyes, and then he ran wildly, passing 100 meters in Su He’s slightly anxious gaze, and came to Hequan.

This Japanese commander, who has been holding his position, saw the Five Star Army cavalry come in front of him. His face was still as heavy as water. He calmly drew his sword and made a Desperate stance.

Izumi, who has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, still has some skills. Although speaking of individual battle strength, he is not as good as the ninja of the country, but he is still qualified as a samurai. He has already done it. The preparation of a Five Star Army cavalry, he wanted to let these Five Star Army know that as a commander of the Japanese army, he is no worse than anyone, let alone anyone to attack his idea.


Venus splashes, it is the golden flower produced by the gravity strike between the saber and the war knife.

Momentum is big, power is deep, and the horses on Izumi couldn’t help retreating backwards. He didn’t expect this Five Star Army cavalry to be so powerful, just a blow to the arm Already a little sour. And what was even more unexpected was still behind. Just when I was on Izumi, thinking about retreating and preparing for the second knife competition, another saber appeared in front of him. Then there was a pain in his neck and a sweetness in his throat. His vision began to blur, and his perception began to decline.

Struggling hard, with the last strength, he looked down and found that his chest had already been blood dyed red. The blood was not someone else’s, it was his own. It was the second knife that Tian Hu suddenly drew out and made a marvelous effect. It hit him when he didn’t expect it, and ended his life.

Izumi is dead.

Although Tian Hu was forced to use a second knife, because the process was too fast, it seemed like a face-to-face, and his commander died tragically. Seeing this scene, the faces of the Japanese soldiers who originally wanted to hold on to them turned incredibly pale.

Without a commander, there is no unified command.

Without a commander, it is equivalent to a group of dragons without a leader, and the fighting intent is also rapidly retreating.

The defeat is now, powerless, and there are five star army cavalry galloping silhouettes on the battlefield. Around them, more and more Japanese troops kneel down and surrender, but if you are lucky enough People who want to escape, meet them either with an extremely sharp saber or a bow and arrow shot from a distance. The overall situation is determined.


Ning Xi Duoxiu is still waiting in the Five Star Army camp.

Since he came here to meet the Great Ming King Wunan, he has been trapped in this military account. He was given food and drink, but no one took care of him. When he wanted to go out and indicated that he wanted to see King Wunan, Five Star Army would always stop him. When he was annoyed by questions, these soldiers procrastinated on the ground that Yang Chendong was unwell.

Knowing that Yang Chendong is unwell, Ning Xi Duoxiu still dreamed that it would be best to die in another place, so that the country would lose a strong opponent. But in his heart, he was waking himself up again. This was simply impossible. Not to mention that he had met Yang Chendong. He was very young and in good health. Just say that as the coach of one party, there will not be too few people taking care of him. How can you easily get sick?

If it’s not sick, why doesn’t Yang Chendong see and talk with him? Could it be that…

Ning Xi Duoxiu is very smart, and because of this, he thought of a terrifying result. Will Yang Chendong use the peace talks as bait, but actually paralyze the army behind him , And then what article will he take the opportunity to do?

Allow him to be smart, and he never expected Yang Chendong to launch a full-scale attack. After all, the two sides are fighting for one or two times. It has been a day or two. How strong are the two sides? To make it clear, even if they wanted to carry out a surprise attack, at most they would take advantage at the beginning. Once the Japanese army reacted, the Five Star Army would not benefit.

Basically didn’t touch the real situation of the Five Star Army, mainly because Yang Chendong disguised himself well. Only the alien alliance army was dispatched in more than a month. No matter how hard the battle is, how miserable. , Never sent the elite, not only that, but also selected the veterans who had experienced the battlefield and withdrew them from the battlefield. This made the Japanese army united, and they all gave birth to the idea of ​​underestimating the Five Star Army.

On the battlefield, any thought that underestimates the opponent is likely to attract a killing disaster. Unfortunately, everyone knows this, but not at all can easily do it.

Ning Xi Duoxiu, who has confidence in the Japanese army and despise the Five Star Army, really can’t think of the medicine sold in Yang Chendong bottle gourd, so he didn’t even think about it, just in the big account. It tastes good and sleeps well, and puts on a picture that he is not in a hurry, but he should be Five Star Army.

Until four days later, when Ning Xiduoxiu was still sleeping comfortably in the big tent, several Five Star Army soldiers came and said that it was the Sixth Young Master who wanted to see him. At this time, Ning Xiduo showed off his face. Shang only showed a trace of pride. What’s the matter, psychological warfare can’t be played, do you want to prepare for peace talks? He is ready to gain more benefits for the General Army Ashikaga Yoshimasa.

Yes, Ning Xi Duoxiu regarded the house arrest of the past few days as a temptation for Yang Chendong. In his opinion, it is obvious that he is the winner.

For this reason, as he walked all the way to the main account, Ning Xi Duoxiu’s face still had some confident and proud smiles. He even imagined the moment when Yang Chendong was soft. But all this changed when I came outside the main account and saw the head of Izumi on the outside of the account.

Not before the resumption of the triumphant appearance, replaced with a cold sweat, Ning Xi Duoxiu was already in shock and inexplicable, he really can’t figure out why the head of General Izumi appeared here, he didn’t wear Is the fifty thousand Japanese army holding on at the front line of Nagato County? On his side there was another fifty thousand Japanese army led by Hetian Village. With these hundreds of thousands of people forming a solid line of defense, how could they die here?

His face is full of puzzlement, but the whole body is already in cold sweat, until I enter the main account, I see the Sandbox in front of me, and notice that most of the sandbox has been inserted in the territory of Nagato County. When he boarded the red flag, the fear in his heart became more serious.

“You…you killed General Izumi?” Under tension, Ning Xi Duoxiu no longer looked like he was endowed with extraordinary intelligence, and said with a horrified expression.

Yang Chendong, seated above the main tent, had a face full of spring. Facing Ning Xiduozhou’s question, he did not answer immediately, but looked towards the small and charming Yuhi laughed on the side.

Yuhi seems to have gotten some hint. First, he smiled with Yang Chendong, then looked towards Ning Ning, who entered the tent, and said: “Yes, he is dead. I dare to disobey the emperor’s order and help Ashikaga Yoshimasa take the side of the evil-doer, this is what they should end up with.”

Yuhi, as the former Japanese National Duke master, hates Ashikaga Yoshimasa, including those who follow this The generals of the General Army were all hated because of this. In her heart, she wished that these people would go to bury her Father Emperor. The death of Izumi was just the beginning that’s all.

Yuhi, who said these with anger, made Ning Xi Duoxiu’s face even more ugly.

He saw Yuhi’s own anger, and knew that it was the result of emotional mischief, whether it was out of self-esteem, or the patriarchal thought for many years, even though Yuhi was originally a princess. He still decided not to care about him, but looked towards Yang Chendong and asked: “King Wunan, are we not negotiating? You killed our people like this? Isn’t that bad.”

Ning Xiduo Xiu originally wanted to reprimand with words, but considering that he is now in the enemy’s military account, once the language is too aggressive, Yang Chendong is angered, and he is afraid that the result will be the same as Izumi.

If you have been wronged, you can’t speak out. This is the so-called weak country without diplomacy.

As for Ning Xi Duoxiu’s mood, Yuhi doesn’t care about her mother Empress’s idea and kills Father Emperor and younger brother. From the moment she has been with these “warlords of the Japanese” “We are at odds. Now she is the Madam of Yang Chendong, and her heart is the same as everyone. This directly caused her mentality to shift, and everything is based on Yang Chendong’s interests. As for these former compatriots, let them live and die.

Yuhi doesn’t care, Yang Chendong can’t. He knew very well that although the battle was won, the Japanese military strength was still there. The combined force of the army and the navy was still several times that of his own. If he continues to choose meet force with force, even if he can eat the other side. , I am afraid of paying a heavy price.

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