Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 636


Chapter 623 Supplements in person (please subscribe)

Everyone present screamed with pain in their stomachs.

The four perverts and the old lecherous monk beside Qi Yun looked at each other with a strange smile.

It really worked!

It is indeed something configured by Poison Demon!

They were still wondering how the Young Master could take this poison to everyone.

Now it seems that they have already taken the poison.

bang! bang! bang!

Immediately, many people sit cross-legged and start running Power of God to detoxify.

"Young Master, can you take action?"

Gu Yi chuckled.

Qi Yun calmly and nodded, finally walked out from the corner on one side and walked towards the middle of the crowd.

These poisoned powerhouses all looked at Qi Yun in surprise.

Are you okay?

Heavenspan Cult Lord and the old horny monk, the four Great Demons, and the wind wanderer are all right?

How is this possible?

"Sect Lord, what the hell is going on? Since you guys are all right, can you help us detoxify?"

Old Patriarch said with difficulty.

"Yes, Sect Lord, help everyone detoxify!"

The old Palace Lord of the Destruction Palace also opened the mouth and said.

"Everyone, there's an event I'm going to talk about. Didn't you guys still discuss who should be the Alliance Leader? How about you see me? Let me be the one, do you have any opinions?"

Qi Yun's tone was calm.


"Sect Lord, are you joking? Didn't you say earlier that you were not interested in the position of Alliance Leader, so let's discuss it ourselves?"

"Yes, Sect Lord!"

Many people's expressions changed, opened the mouth and said.

Qi Yun smiled slightly and said, "I wasn't interested before, but now I'm not interested? Everyone, don't waste your time, if there is no antidote for the poison in your body, it will only get worse and worse. , when the time comes, all your Power of God will be dried up, and even yourself will be turned into pus, so it is better for you to make a decision as soon as possible."

Everyone was horrified.

I still don't understand what's going on with this poison now?

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, is this poison you ordered?"

Fire clan Old Patriarch angrily roared.

His eyes were red, his eye socket cracked, his complexion ashen was angry, his forehead was bulging, and his whole body was shaking.

With his violent temper, he was almost uncontrollable, and he wanted to pounce desperately.

"I didn't put the poison, Old Patriarch, you need to say that I am the Alliance Leader, and you can agree or disagree?"

Qi Yun asked calmly.

The Fire Clan Old Patriarch laughed angrily and said, "Heavenspan Cult Lord, I didn't expect you to be the biggest ambitious one, do you think we really believe in you?"

"Yes, since In this way, the Bliss Monk will be handed over to you!"

Qi Yun indifferently said.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The old wicked monk said with a malicious smile.

He walked up to the Fire Clan's Old Patriarch and ripped off his clothes directly, tearing his clothes to shreds, revealing the glowing red skin inside.

The Fire Clan Old Patriarch's face was surprised and angry, just crazy.

"What are you going to do?"

He nearly vomited blood and growled.

"Old Guy, I don't know how flexible the skin is red and red, let the old man come and try it!" Start picking up.


The fire tribe Old Patriarch screamed in shame and anger.

He just wanted to die!

This boundless shame is something he has never experienced in his countless years of living. He is so angry that his blood energy is tumbling and screaming constantly. Under the power, there is simply no resistance at all.

"Old Ancestor!"

A group of fire people cried out with red eyes and pain.

Seeing that their Old Ancestor is being harvested, this group of people is almost crazy.

But what about them?

Man said that they were poisoned now, and even if they were not poisoned, they would not dare to rush up.

The four perverts and the wind wanderer are all laughing wildly, watching all this.

"Hehe, see if you don't, this is what happens to those who don't want to obey my Young Master!"

Gu Er said with a grin.

The powerhouses of all influence all have red eyes, and they are shocked and horrified.

This is cruel!

Heavenspan Cult Lord actually asked the old lecherous monk to harvest the Old Ancestor of the Fire tribe. If this happened to them, they would bite their tongues and commit suicide.

The Fire Race Old Ancestor will be over from now on.

Even if you survive, you will leave an endless shadow in your heart and become everyone's joke!

Everyone was deeply shocked.

They disobeyed Heavenspan Cult Lord, which will be the end for a while?

It might as well just kill them.

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, kill me if you have the ability?"

Heavenly Ghost Gate Old Ancestor was surprised and angry.

"What are you doing to kill you? Your strength is still of great use!"

Qi Yun said calmly, "Of course, if you are still the same as always, you are unwilling to take this I will only hand you over to the Bliss Monk!”


Heavenly Ghost Gate Old Ancestor looked terrified and looked at the screaming fire Clan Old Ancestor, suddenly shuddered.

Qi Yun looked at Yang Tianqiong and said indifferently, "Brother Yang, since you invited this alliance, why don't you set an example and surrender your soul? Fragment, submit to me from now on, if not, the only thing waiting for you is to be picked up!"

Yang Tianqiong's body trembled, surprised and angry, and almost vomited blood.

He's crazy!

How did this Heavenspan Cult Lord poison him?

This time in the alliance, he is completely making wedding gowns for Heavenspan Cult Lord!

He is not reconciled!

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, we have something to discuss, we can agree to anything you want, why do it!"

Yang Tianqiong said aggrieved.

"I only want your soul fragment, don't blame me if you don't want to give it to me, the Bliss Monk, I've picked it up too!"

Qi Yun indifferently said.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The Bliss monk grinned.

He had already let go of the half-dead Fire Clan Old Ancestor, with a strange laugh, he walked towards the sky, and ripped open his clothes, as if he was ravaging some little girl.

Yang Tianqiong was so ashamed and angry that he was about to die.


He growled sternly.

Being harvested in front of so many people, he might as well just die.

"I give, I give!"

He said in pain.

The Seven Eagles and the Demon King Sea are both complexion changed.

At this moment, Wang Hai furiously shouted, and he didn't know what method he used, and suddenly suppressed the poison, and his body flashed past.

oh la la!

He was like teleportation, speed to the pinnacle, appeared in front of Qi Yun in an instant, grabbed Qi Yun's neck, and wanted to take down Qi Yun.

However, when he just appeared, Qi Yun seemed to have expected it long ago. With the palm of his hand, a golden sword appeared without warning, and fiercely hit Wang Hai's body.


A muffled sound came out, and blood splattered.

Wang Hai was groaned and flew out on the spot.

“courting death!”

The eyes of the four perverts froze and flashed in an instant, speeding to the pinnacle.

puff puff puff!

The four perverts rolled over like a whirlwind, slammed like claws, and grabbed towards Wang Hai, one grabbed the left arm, the other grabbed the right arm, the other grabbed the left leg, the other grabbed the right leg, and ripped it hard. .


Blood splattered and screams sounded.

Shards of viscera are flying everywhere!

Wang Hai's body was directly torn into four parts by these four perverts, his face was in pain, and even his head was cut into two halves, half attached to his left arm and half attached to his right arm.

The four perverts are well aware of Wang Hai's strength, so they didn't hold back when they came up.

Today, it seems that there is one less chapter, Sao Rui~~

(end of this chapter)

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