Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 600


Chapter 588 Heavenly demon left hand (please subscribe)

Seeing the Great Emperor of the Underworld, the blood light Great Emperor, the nine The Cold Girl, Killing Sword, and White Bone Unmanned Seat all rushed to the humanoid medicine at the same time, and Sha Zu, who was in midair, was even more angry.

He knew that he would never let these people capture his men.

Thinking of this, Sha Zu roared angrily, the endless sand and dust rolled, the breath was mighty, and a turbulent aura erupted, and he roared: "Bold thing, dare to pretend to be my subordinate, die!"


His body rushed past, and the endless sand and dust turned into a terrifying giant mouth. swallowed.

When he swallowed the humanoid medicine, he was still screaming in horror: "Old Ancestor don't eat me..."


Thoroughly There was no movement.

Shazu's body manifested again, the sand was rolling, the breath was terrifying, the huge human face was floating in the air, filled with waves of terror baleful aura, grandiose, terrifying.

The Great Emperor of the Underworld, the Blood Light Great Emperor, the Nine-Yin Cold Girl, the Killing Sword, and the White Bone Unmanned Seat all stopped instantly, their eyes flashed and their brows furrowed.

"Shazu, what was that just now?"

The Great Emperor of the Underworld looked back, his eyes cold.

The blood light Great Emperor, Jiuyin Hannv, Shajian, and White Bone Unmanned Seat also all looked back at Sha Zu, with a hint of coldness in their eyes.

Sha Zu grinned and said, "This damn medicine dared to pretend to be my subordinate, he acted recklessly. If he hadn't been killed, this seat would have been kept in the dark!"


"Precious medicine pretending to be your subordinate?"

The blood light Great Emperor's eyes were slightly cold, and he said, "You don't know about such an important matter? What about other subordinates?"

His eyes suddenly turned to the remaining four tall and sturdy man.

The four tall and sturdy man complexion changed, stop the slaughter, go backwards.

"Old Ancestor spare your life, we are innocent!"

"Yes, we are no medicine!"

Sha Zu also roared, "Everyone, they are all my subordinates, whether it is a precious medicine has nothing to do with you, if there is, it is also the matter of this seat, and this seat will kill them with his own hands, and now it is blood sacrifice three. Sheng Temple, I will kill the rest first and worship the Temple together!"


He turned into a terrifying sandstorm and blasted directly at Qi Yun and the others.

He now hates Qi Yun and the others to the extreme, and it is the rubbish in front of him that has caused them to be exposed.

He wants to kill all these wastes!

Qi Yun's eyes turned cold and he quickly retreated.

It was exactly as he guessed.

These people did not take the medicine, but were possessed by the medicine.

This is simply incredible.

Treasure medicine produces spiritual wisdom, and also knows how to possess others, and even those possessed by them are still the famous Old Demon.

What are these treasures going to do?

Have the Old Demon possessed, do you want to dominate the world?

Seeing Sha Zu rushing over, the four perverts rose into the sky at the same time, and attacked Sha Zu.


The sound roared, the rays of light rolled, and the in midair swept out an extremely terrifying wave.

All of the four perverts were shocked and flew out, landing in the distance, with gloomy expressions on their faces.

Sha Zu's body was blocked, and he roared: "What a bunch of trash, no wonder they dare to kill my subordinates, today Old Ancestor let you all die without a burial site!"

He rolled up countless dust and roared towards the four perverts again.

Qi Yun's heart froze, and he said, "Everyone, this Shazu and his subordinates are all possessed by precious medicines. These humanoid medicines have incredible effects, even if you just take one strain, It can also improve your skills and restore your injuries, don't be deceived by him, kill them together and share the treasure!"


Sha Zu roared, endless sand. While the dust was rolling and attacking the four metamorphosis, there was also a terrifying sand and dust swept directly towards Qi Yun hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Qi Yun expression turned cold , coldly snorted , stomped hard on the soles of his feet.


A layer of invisible waves swept out, instantly shattering the layer of terrifying sand and dust, and his body retreated again, turned over the palm, from the sacred space Caught out a humanoid medicine.

It was one of the four precious medicines that had been imprisoned by his cutting off the roots.

He raised a high humanoid medicine and shouted loudly: "Everyone, see if you don't, this is the humanoid medicine I captured. The medicine is very effective. I like to possess others. All of his subordinates are possessed by these precious medicines!"

He grabbed the human-shaped treasured medicine with the power of the slaughtering devil finger, and the human-shaped treasured medicine suddenly screamed in pain, and the inside of his body screamed in pain. Essence is being rapidly extracted.

"Help, Old Ancestor, help!"

The humanoid medicine cried out in pain.

After seeing the humanoid medicine in Qi Yun's hands, Sha Zu was even more angry, roaring incessantly, and endless waves erupted, crushing the four perverts.

"Little thing, you dare to slander the deity, the deity swallows you alive!"


His body turned into a huge human face, Towards the four perverts and the old lecherous monk madly swallowed.

At this moment, the blood light Great Emperor, Minghai Great Emperor, Shajian, Jiuyin Hannv, and Unmanned Seat all had their eyes flashing, and they rushed towards Qi Yun without any warning.

"Bring it!"

The moment they came up, they were powerful killing techniques, grabbing the treasured medicine in Qi Yun's hand.

The Nine-Yin Cold Girl is even more sinister and abnormal. Not only does she want to snatch the precious medicine, she even grabs a palm and grabs it directly at Qi Yun's face.

Qi Yun complexion changed , backtracking quickly.

As expected, they are all old perverts!

All of them are better than monkeys.

I don't want to deal with Mingzu, but they all come to deal with him. If they want to kill him, they need to take the treasure medicine first.

Especially this slut who even grabbed her face.

Qi Yun made a decisive decision and threw the treasured medicine in his hand directly into the distance. After the treasured medicine was thrown away, he was still screaming in horror.

"Old Ancestor, help!"

Seeing that precious medicine screamed in pain, all four of Sha Zu's other subordinates had their eye socket cracked, and the Great Emperor of the Black Sky in midair His eyes were also cold, and the murderous aura rolled in his chest.

The blood light Great Emperor, Minghai Great Emperor, Shajian, Jiuyinhannu, and Unmanned Seat immediately abandoned Qi Yun and snatched away the humanoid medicine in midair.

However, the moment the Nine-Yin Cold Girl rushed out, she still grabbed it and swept towards Qi Yun below.

Her Jiuyin magic claws were terrifying and terrifying. As soon as she grabbed it, the space instantly became pitch black, and a terrifying black claws appeared, extremely huge, and she wanted to catch Qi Yun directly to death like a toad.

Qi Yun's face changed again, and he felt that the space in all directions seemed to be blocked in an instant, and endless murderous aura roared, giving him a feeling that he had nowhere to hide.

"lowly maid!"

With a loud shout, Qi Yun not even think, and waved his left palm directly.


The sky is shaking, the endless demonic energy is surging out, heaven shaking, earth shattering, like the dark clouds covering Heaven and Earth, the earth shakes, the space shatters, and the endless black ink waves cover the earth in an instant.

Heavenly demon left hand!

Nine Yin Han complexion changed, hurriedly jumped to dodge.

She just thought the big guy below was an ant, and wanted to grab him at will to kill him, but she didn't expect such a terrifying and vast power to erupt.

Although the Nine Yin Demonic Claws she grabbed at will are strong, but after all, they are not all powerful. One face was smashed by the terrifying Heavenly Demon Qi, and the endless Heavenly Demon Qi was raging between Heaven and Earth.

The Nine Yin Frost Girl screamed loudly, her body continuously changing in the air, changing dozens of directions in an instant, bursting into the sky, and finally her body rotated, turning into a terrifying cold tornado, instantly taking countless pictures palm, trying to resist this dark and terrifying endless Heavenly Demon Qi.

Not only him, but the blood light Great Emperor in the sky, the Great Emperor of the Underworld, the Great Emperor of the Black Sky, the Sword of Death, and the Unmanned Seat have all been complexion changed, and they are shrouded in this terrifying Heavenly Demon Qi. Underneath, I felt endless pressure coming through my body.

The power of the heavenly demon's left hand is too strong.

With a single blow, darkness enveloped the earth, making no distinction between friend and foe.

Every place covered by demonic energy will be crushed.

These powerhouses in midair roared wildly, their bodies flashed, and the Heavenly Might force erupted, colliding with the power of the heavenly demon's left hand.


The terrifying roar sent out, making all the surrounding powerhouses startled and horrified, they couldn't believe it.

Who is this?

There is such a terrifying power in one blow!

Everyone was terrified.

The humanoid medicinal herb in midair burst out with a mournful scream, and with a bang, it turned into a large number of fragments, and charged in all directions with the golden medicinal liquid.

Finally, the terrifying Heavenly Demon Qi was defused by a group of old monsters.

After they landed, they all looked at Qi Yun with surprised expressions on their faces.

The just hit too terrifying, far more than they realize.

This is not Power of God, like Death Aura!

Can this person use Death Qi?

After Shazu blasted the four metamorphoses again, he turned into a terrifying dust tornado, grandiose, with a terrifying breath, and roared, saying: "Do you see that, it's this person who is really weird, Let's kill him together and see what secrets he has!"

Hei Tian Great Emperor also shouted, "Sha Zu is right, the identity of this person is a mystery, and the power he has is completely different from ours. , it is very likely that it is possessed by a strange person, take him down together!"

The unmanned seat in midair showed a suspicious look, and kept looking at Qi Yun.

The power just now was completely beyond his knowledge.

It does not belong to its past life, nor does it belong to this world!

Who is this person?

The body of the nine-yin cold girl finally stopped from the rotation, her pretty face was even colder, her white terrifying, her phoenix eyes were murderous aura, and she stared at Qi Yun.

The blow just now, although it was resolved by her, was still shaken by blood energy, and the corners of her mouth were red.

She stared at Qi Yun tightly, knowing that she must not let go of this undead enemy!

"Say that someone else is possessed by a precious medicine? I think you are more problematic!"

Jiuyin Hannv coldly said.

"Hehe, it's interesting, it's really interesting!"

Shaken also gave a terrifying laugh, saying: "Who is your Excellency, let's talk about it, and let us admire it too. One or two!"

They are all old monsters who have been famous for many years. They ask themselves that their strength is against the sky. If the Divine King is gone, no one can help them.

Although the blow just now was terrifying, it was still impossible to kill them.


There are two more chapters in the evening~~

Everyone, my little brother is participating in the [Glory Battle], please help me to give some advice Like, thank you, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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