Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 596


Chapter 584 Strength surge (please subscribe)

Inside the Water Crystal Palace.

Qi Yun's whole body was filled with the unspeakably powerful aura of one after another, and the mysterious power of one after another in the azure jade slip kept pouring out, pouring into the holy space in his body.

Thousands of rays of light are like countless azure rivers, making the original holy space in his body expand and expand rapidly, and expand rapidly on the original basis...

He knew that the second space seed was actually hidden in this jade slip entirely by perception. With his refining, the power of this space seed was continuously integrated into his body.

This fusion brought great benefits directly to him.

The most intuitive is his cultivation base.

When the two space seeds were fused, the panel in front of him was changing rapidly, and all the handwriting behind him became upgradeable.

His eyes flickered, without the slightest hesitation , adding points all the way, constantly raising the strength of the three major items, cultivation base as the tide rises, the boat floats , climbing steadily from Nascent Soul Middle Stage , and soon reach the Great Perfection of Yuanying.

That's not all, after reaching the Great Perfection of the Yuan Ying, he quickly broke through the level and broke towards the Divine Transformation Realm.

Qi Yun complexion changed, stop adding points immediately.

If you break through the Divine Transformation Realm here, you will definitely attract the Major Heavenly Tribulation. Now that you are refining the space seeds, you can't have too much mind to resist.

He had to suppress the cultivation base and wait until it was fully integrated before breaking through.

The more you suppress now, the stronger your own strength will be after breaking through later. Anyway, you can add more points at any time, don't worry at all.

His panel is completely different now.

Points: 16400

Blood and Qi: 700 (can be increased)

Spirit: 600 (can be increased)

Energy: 680 (Can be increased)

Number of lottery draws: (cannot be drawn)

Except for the same number of lottery draws, the other three items can still continue to be added, and the feeling of expansion is constantly pouring in Qi Yun's body is vast and powerful, as if one after another river has poured into it.

While he was refining this space seed with all his strength, in the Crystal Palace, the three strange silhouette herbs suddenly moved, their eyes opened, and a strange smile appeared.

With a whistle, their roots all burst out, densely packed, extremely thick, like countless tentacles swallowing down Qi Yun's body.

Qi Yun frowned, as if expected, his body disappeared from here in an instant.


The roots of the three precious medicines were instantly emptied, the fiercely fell to the ground, and the complexion changed.


"No, he has a second Holy Land space on his body!"

These three precious medicines quickly reacted.

After seeing Qi Yun disappear, they turned around and fled, rushing outside.

At this time, in the Holy Land space.

Qi Yun continued to refining and jade slip in his hands, and the endless force continuously rushed into his small space, directly expanding his small space dozens of times.

What he didn't know was that when he was refining this holy space, the ancient ruins outside were also undergoing heaven shaking and earth shattering changes.

The vast ancient ruins are shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to naked eyes, each mountain range collapses, disappeared, and the waterfalls are cut off and evaporated.

There are also many ancient buildings, which also turned into one after another rays of light, rising into the sky.

What's more terrifying is that many seals in this area are also in turmoil.

The Spiritual God rushing in is all startled.

The people who were in the original battle stopped one after another and watched the changes in this area in shock.

"Evaporated, this area is evaporating!"

"How could this be?"

"No, this is a space that seems to be emitting light. Change!"

Many people shouted.

What they didn't know was that this ancient ruin was actually formed by the second space seed and the space of the underworld fuse together.

Now that the second space seed has been absorbed by Qi Yun, this will cause great turmoil in this area.

However, with the extraction of the second space seed, the larger secrets of this area were also exposed.

The seals in many places have disappeared, and countless opportunities have appeared.

The people who were still in shock were crazy again, their eyes were red, and they were desperate to fight.

Especially in the deepest part of this area, it was brought out of an ancient shrine, blooming rays of light, floating in the air.

Time is fast.

In the Holy Land space.

The endless rays of light were still rushing out from the jade slip in his hand, and it took more than an hour to absorb it before Qi Yun finally completely absorbed the second Holy Land space, which was the same as his previous Holy Land space. The earth space is fused together.

At this moment, he felt an incomparable swelling in his body.

The whole figure is inflated.

This is because of the illusion caused by the cultivation base being suppressed. Originally, where water flows, a canal is formed, should directly break through to the Divine Transformation Realm, but he suppressed it, which is equivalent to getting stuck. The sluice gate comes down...

So the water potential is getting stronger and stronger, and the moment he releases it, he will definitely be heaven shaking, earth shattering.


Qi Yun slowly spit out one mouthful of impure air, his eyes flashed, and the azure jade slip in his hand was completely turned into fly ash.

Today's entire holy land is boundless and huge, at least hundreds of thousands of li, grandiose, mountain range ups and downs, big rivers flowing, birds flying in the sky.

Of course, there are countless monster beasts in cultivation.

It's like a real world here.

Bigger, wider, wider and more alive than ever.

Qi Yun showed a very satisfied look. After flying around here, he stopped on a mountain range, frowning and thinking.

【Be careful with the medicine】!

He thought of the previous sentence again!

The group of medicines did attack him.

Could it be that after Baoyao gave birth to consciousness, it would become like this?

His body left the Holy Land space again, his eyes swept away, and Divine Consciousness instantly covered him.

Unexpectedly, those few precious medicines failed to attack him, and they all escaped.

Qi Yun thought again.

At this moment, there was a change in the Holy Land space, and an old voice suddenly reverberated in Qi Yun's mind, "Boy, I sensed the power of my second Primordial Spirit. where he is, he is on the outermost side, you go to him quickly, don't let him run away..."

The old voice sounded suddenly, and suddenly disappeared.

Qi Yun's face changed, and he hurriedly asked, "senior, are you okay?"

The hall was empty, and there were no other voices in his ears.



Qi Yun shouted again and again, his face quickly turned dark.

This old guy is like a scammer every time, and he immediately falls asleep after saying a word.

But he says his second Primordial Spirit is out there? Will you run by yourself?

Doesn't this second Primordial Spirit want to return to the body?

Qi Yun quickly rushed out of the Water Crystal Palace, and most of the outside of the entire Water Crystal Palace disappeared. As the space was refinished by him, it turned into a mist.

The four perverts, the old lecherous monk, and the living dead are still looking for the divine spring here.

After seeing Qi Yun fly out, the demons were all overjoyed.

"Young Master, our strength has returned to the middle level!"

"Yes, we still have a lot of Shenquan, and we are preparing to offer Young Master!"


The four perverted, old lewd monks rejoiced.

Qi Yun's gaze swept away, and saw a divine spring about three meters away not far away, flickering with multi-colored brilliance, unfathomable and full of energy.

"Okay, you did a great job!"

Qi Yun walked over and put all the Wang Shenquan into the Holy Land space, opened the mouth and said: "Go, Let's get out of here!"

He was going outside to see what was going on.

We also need to find the few precious medicines from before.

Those few precious medicines are too strange, not only produce spiritual wisdom, but also know how to attack others.

More importantly, the owner of the second Holy Land space actually left a message asking him to be careful about the medicine.

This shows that there is absolutely something wrong with this group of precious medicines!


A group of people quickly flew away from here.

At this time, not only did the four perverts and the old lecherous monk greatly increase their strength and entered the realm of middle gods, but even the living dead who came with them also gained great benefits and entered the lower gods.

His face was red, his eyes were excited, and he was deeply grateful for Qi Yun.

A group of people quickly rushed out of the Water Crystal Palace, and there were still many ghouls attacking outside, but this time it was hard to cause them any trouble.

The four perverts and the old lewd monk rushed past and smashed all these corpses into pieces.

A group of people rushed out of here and flew towards the abyss.

In the Central Region of the abyss, there is still a war going on.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness swept over, and soon saw the former Hua Zongbing and the others, entangled by a group of precious medicines, shouting furiously, and fighting bravely to kill.

The three humanoid medicines that disappeared in the Water Crystal Palace also appeared here.

The thick roots of rays of light flashed, like tentacles, smashed Hua Zongbing and the others to dodge again and again, and the Demi-God Level experts between them have all died.

The original dozens Spiritual God also died and only a dozen people were left, all covered in blood, struggling to support.

“Young Master!”

The old kinky monk and the four perverts noticed this scene, and their eyes flashed, revealing greed.

"Kill them, don't keep any of them, be careful with those precious medicines, they must be caught alive!"

Qi Yun whispered.

"Yes, Young Master!"

The five demons sneered and rushed over.


The four metamorphoses came up with a joint blow, the violent waves rushed past, appalling, and the crushing force exploded out, making this black abyss all Shake up.

Hua Zongbing and a group of Spiritual God all complexion changed.

"Middle God? How is this possible!"

"Let's go!"

A group of people showed their horror, and they didn't dare to resist, and they all fled upwards.

Those precious medicines also screamed and fled to the distance together.

But in the face of the power of the five middle gods, all is in vain.

The power of the middle gods is enough to overwhelm everything.

The five devils grinned again and again, and quickly killed all the Hua Zongbing and the others, and captured the precious medicines who were trying to escape.

Chapter 3 is here~~Look for a wave of recommended tickets~~

(End of this chapter)

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