Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 585


Chapter 575 (Subscription)

Qi Yun frowned secretly.

I can't believe there is such a place.

The sin concentration camp in the age of the gods.

Don't think about it, if there are people living inside, I'm afraid they are all old monsters.

Gao Ruqing sighed and said, "Sir is right, the Indestructible Valley is indeed very terrifying, covered with gloomy mist all the year round, and many ancient beings have reappeared there in recent years, but we Among the gods, there is also a powerhouse operating there, and this time I Husband they entered the underworld through the guidance of that powerhouse."

Qi Yun understood.

It appears to be one of their informants.

"Where did my big brother go to the underworld?"

Qi Yun asked.

"We don't know either."

Gao Ruqing shook his head lightly, and worriedly said: "They brought Tianjizhu into the underworld, the information from Tianjizhu was not complete, Old The Ancestors just sent out the idea that we should bring the last piece of the sage king to enter the underworld, but they did not give the specific address. Therefore, my father, Uncle Dongwang and Uncle Tianwang came with the Tianji Pillar. Locate and look for it."

Qi Yun brows frowned.

It looks worse than expected.

There is no exact location!

“Could my sister-in-law tell your informant how to get in touch?”

Qi Yun asked.


Gao Ruqing hesitated and looked at the Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder beside him.

This is a confidential and important matter among the Godslayers. It is not an official member of the Godslayers and cannot be disclosed at will.

After the Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder noticed Gao Ruqing's gaze, they immediately looked at the nose and the heart, and asked her to pay attention.

Gao Ruqing said softly, "The cracks in the depths of the Undying Valley are vertical and horizontal, from south to north, there are a total of eighteen large cracks and thirty-six small cracks, in the depths of the Twelfth small cracks. , there is a withered and yellow shade tree, next to the shade tree is the seclusion place of our powerhouse, his name is [living dead]."

"living dead?"

Qi Yun whispered to herself, nodded and said: "Okay, many thanks, sister-in-law!"

"Brother Qi, wait, do you really want to go?"

Lu Baihao said in surprise, "That place is extremely dangerous. Few people from the past have survived. The danger is more than ten times higher than that of the Divine Domain. What can you do even if you pass?"

"If Uncle doesn't dislike it, I can go with Uncle."

Gao Ruqing said.

She was also extremely worried about Qi Teng and wanted to go and see for herself.

Qi Yun shook his head immediately.

"No need, I'll just go over with some of my friends to have a look. My friends know quite a few people, and there should be some acquaintances of them even within the valley."

He said.

"It's good, it's good, Lao Na walked the world in his early years, and he has indeed been to the Valley of Immortality!"

The Bliss Monk smiled.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the four of us have been there too!"

Gu's four brothers said with a smile.

"You guys..."

Lu Badao was stunned, and swept over the Sang Ji Le Monk and the Four Brothers of the Gu Clan, becoming more and more confused about their identities.

The Sixth Elder pondered then said: "Since Brother Qi and a few friends are willing to go there, I can only hope that Brother Qi has a safe journey!"

He solemnly surrendered to Qi Yun's side The five of them were always on alert.

Qi Yun naturally understood what Sixth Elder meant, gently nodded, and politely said: "many thanks, senior!"

"Uncle, be careful!"

Gao Ruqing said.

Qi Yun nodded again.

He didn't stay much longer and turned to leave.

At present, this group of people does not seem to have much confidence in themselves.

He knew that this was because there were people around him. Without these five mysterious abilities, he should be able to speak well.

Lu Bai and Gao Ruqing sent Qi Yun and the others three miles away before finally stopping.


Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle and asked, "What direction is the location of the Undying Valley?"

"Back to Young Master, just north of the continent."

Bliss Monk said with a smile .

“North of the continent…”

Qi Yun muttered to himself.

The world is in turmoil.

Beacon fire beacon all over the place, countless forces are at war.

Qi Yun and the others have witnessed the tragic death of a large number of mysterious abilities along the way, the bones are covered with white bones, and the between Heaven and Earth is bleak, and they have also learned a lot of the latest news.

The four ancient ancient god clans have all come back, and the five secret Sects are all kings...

Three of the nine Celestial Grottos have been born...

Eight treasures , In addition to the comeback of Sun Treasure, Heavenly Stem and Dikun Treasure were also born again, forming an alliance.

Haven is officially allied with Heavenly Ghost Gate and Blood Sea Sect.

The Palace of Destruction and Celestial Grotto are officially allied.

The Southern Third Prince, Fourth Prince, Imperial Teacher, old Court Eunuch and the rest of the Imperial Family formed the [Great Xia Alliance], wanting to take over the world again...

One after another , each of which is a major event that alarmed Heaven and Earth, and each one is enough to cause a sensation in the continent.

Among the many pieces of news, one was particularly terrifying, causing an uproar among all parties.

Dreadgate has a high profile claim that they have Celestial Court behind them!

As soon as this news came out, all influence was shocked and shocked.

Immediately, someone thought it was fake, and scolded the shameless of the fear door.

It can be angered, but no force dares to crusade.

Because this news is too terrifying, so shocking.

The power of Celestial Court has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

No one would object to the Celestial Court being the greatest force on the continent.

From the time they destroyed the Dynasty's Fortune Array, suppressed and killed the Eight Kings, to the time when they descended on Zangshi Mountain and killed the old Divine King in one move...all things are enough to show that this force is terrifying to what point? .

No one can provoke, and no one dares to provoke.

Now Celestial Court not only represents a kind of majesty, but also a symbol. It is synonymous with Supreme Holy Land in everyone's heart, and it is the incarnation of the devil and Heavenly God.

It represents both evil and savior.

It's a terrifying existence that no one wants to mention!

How could they possibly be contaminated with the world?

How could it possibly support the fear gate to seize the world?

This is ridiculous!

This is unacceptable to everyone!

If the Celestial Court wants to take over the world, with just one sentence, countless forces will surrender and swear to acknowledge allegiance...

So immediately all influence decides that the fear gate is lying.

But even if they knew they were lying, there was no force that would dare to attack them.

Because there are still in case!

What if it wasn't a lie?

After all, the fear gate said so true!

So loud!

Without the support of Celestial Court, they would make coats with tiger skins, Celestial Court powerhouse would have slapped them and destroyed them.

But until now, the Celestial Court powerhouse has not been shot.

What does this mean?

This description is the default and most likely true.

This news makes all the forces unwilling to believe, and they dare not believe it. On the one hand, they are frantically inquiring about all the movements of the Fear Gate, and on the other hand, they are also accelerating their expansion and saving for other Old Ancestors. energy.

With the arrival of the age of gods, in addition to these old gods who have been sleeping for many years to wake up, those newly resurrected gods will also return one after another.

However, because those gods do not have the existence of the fleshy body, after resurrection, they will immediately search for the fleshy body. If they can find their previous fleshy body, they will restore the Peak in an instant.

But if they can't find it, then they can only find a person who was born at the same time on the same month and the same day like the second ancestor of Zangshi Mountain, and then have body possession, so that it is possible to restore Peak ...

When all influence was madly annexing the world, the Divine Domain was completely turned into an iron bucket, but Qi Yun did not immediately expand to the outside world. After all, their highest powerhouse is only Demi-God Peak. I have more than enough to protect myself, and I want to expand a little bit...

So we have to continue to wait until Qi Yun's main body returns with the four monsters and the old lecherous monk, and then it is time to expand.

Of course, during this time, more than 90% of the multi-eye gold centipede may be the first to restore the Spiritual God-level cultivation base.

Similarly, the earth-walking corpse will be born soon after.

The growth of Heavenspan Church is destined to be unstoppable.

The so-called build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly. The most important thing for Qi Yun now is to lay a solid foundation.

Besides, the real old monster hasn't appeared yet.

The Great Influences seem to be fighting hard, but they are actually small fights. The sooner they appear, the weaker they will be. No matter how big the territory is now, once there is an old monster level in the later stage, it will jump. Come out, most of them will be empty.

The undead prophecy of the dead forest [seven stars turn, Heaven and Earth chaos, ten thousand demons, gods cry], what is this ten thousand demons, no one can guess so far, but it can make the gods cry, Must belong to the old monster level.

North of the continent.

A huge red gully appeared here, with red mist surging inside, Yin Qi's sensuality, constantly waving out a terrifying aura.

A burst of unspeakable harsh sounds slowly emanated from this area, whining, like wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, making people nervous.

Qi Yun and a group of people appeared in front of this red mist. Looking at this cold and cold area, he took a deep breath and stepped inside.

In addition to looking for the big brother to confirm the safety of the big brother, there is one more thing to do when entering the underworld this time, and that is to look for the Primordial Spirit of Zihua daoist.

The old Primordial Spirit of Zihua daoist is divided into three parts, one is in the main body, one is in Heavenly Prison Fifth Layer, and the other is missing.

Qi Yun couldn't be sure where that share went, so he had to look for it in various places, and couldn't let go of any possible place.

What if in the underworld?

The curse left by this old guy before he fell asleep can be described as extremely vicious.

Curse him to cut off his children and become a woman!

Is this acceptable?

Even if he does become a woman, he is still a vulture girl.

In addition to looking for the Primordial Spirit of Zihua daoist, there are two remaining space seeds that Zihua daoist said.

These two seeds also seem to be the top priority.


The cold breath entered the body along the nose and mouth, bringing a sense of coldness and indescribable comfort, but this indestructible valley is really a bit strange, walking here, in front of me Yin Hong, completely unable to identify the direction.

Even his Divine Consciousness was hindered, and visibility was extremely low.

He and the devil around him went all the way, walking towards the inside.

The monk of bliss and the four perverts guide him along the way, looking for the unique [sign] on the ground. Countless years ago, all five of them had been there.

Although tens of thousands of years have passed, this area has not changed much.

In every specific section, you can see some red flowers on the ground. I can see that the flowers do not see the leaves, they are clustered together, red as blood, strange and abnormal.

Qi Yun knew what it was the moment he saw it.

Resurrection Lily!

But the name of this world is the flower of death.

According to the old prostitute, the flower of death grows in a very strange direction within the valley, forming a long line from south to north. To survive, to confirm the direction here, only walk along these flowers of death.

When you reach the end, you will naturally be able to see the real valley of immortality.

Indestructible within the valley has eighteen large cracks and thirty-six small cracks, each of which hides a lot of devils and murderers. It is like a Small World independent of the outside world. .

However, after so many years, whether the characters of the past still survive here, the four perverts and the old monk are not sure.

After all, they've been sealed for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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