Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 580


Chapter 570 is even more confusing (please subscribe)

Inside the treasure house.

Qi Yun took a group of people and swept them frantically, and soon Nuoda's treasure house was all looted by them, and it was bare and there was nothing left in it.

"Let's go!"

Just as Qi Yun greeted these demons and was about to evacuate, a bloody and terrifying aura suddenly came from outside, obscure terrifying, and shrouded it all at once. in everyone's heart.

The four major monsters, the three major curses, the Ghost King, and the old lewd monk have all been complexion changed.

They almost instinctively sensed a supreme aura.

“Divine King!”

“How is this possible? The Divine King is still alive!”

Qi Yun is also an eye In a flash, I sensed an unusual breath, and my heart seemed to be grabbed by some invisible hand.

A group of people quickly rushed out of the treasure house and came outside, and the complexion changed.

The whole sky changed directly.

It turned into a dark red color, like a layer of dark red mist, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, flying sand running stone.

There is a pungent blood-reeking qi that fills the huge Zangshi Mountain, which is disgusting.

"I know, it's the old god, who was seriously injured and dying countless years ago, with only half of the old god left. I can't believe he is still alive, struggling on whilst at death's door now!"


Gu Yi suddenly said sadly.

"I sensed it too. It's his breath. He was split in half by a mysterious person countless years ago. Since then, it can't be healed forever. I can't imagine he's not dead yet!"

Gu Er sinisterly said.

"It's him, when you said so, the old man also remembered, there is indeed such a thing!" Twinkle, looking at the crowd in the distance, was about to go to find someone to continue to pick up the patch, suddenly his eyes flashed and he saw three big white buttocks.

It's actually three big fat pigs!

The eyes of this old lewd monk suddenly shined, he felt unbearable in his heart, and wished to rush over immediately.

"Let's go, don't make any extras, get out of here!"

Qi Yun made a decisive decision.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, the treasure house and the precious medicine have all been taken away by him, and there is no point in staying any longer.

Maybe he will be killed by that old god!

This gloomy ice cold aura made him feel uneasy. If something really happened, it would definitely be an unbearable loss.


He was the first to whizz into the distance.

The four monsters, the three curses, and the Ghost King all followed.

The old kinky monk looked at the three big fat pigs with great regret and had to quickly follow Qi Yun.

Ignoring their desire to leave at this time, it was too late.

Scarlet's coffin suddenly swept out an incomparably terrifying will, icy cold, turbulent Heaven and Earth, as if it had entered all minds at once, making people shiver coldly.

"No one can leave this place for those who committed my Taiyin Treasure!"

puff puff puff!

The voice fell, and the Great Sect powerhouses who were running around couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood, feeling their souls twisted, meridian fractured, screaming and screaming, their bodies fell to the ground and endured unimaginable power.

This is the Divine King!

Even if he is old and seriously injured, he still has the ability to destroy heaven and extinguish the earth.


The scarlet coffin lid was shaken open, and a blazing blood light shot up into the sky, dyeing the entire sky red in an instant, and the blood and terrifying aura billowed. Turbulent, like a sea of blood flowing out from it.

The sky is full of the voices of ghosts and ghosts crying, and countless dark red shadows are howling.

Days change!

The earth is torn apart!

A strange and abnormal body floated out from the blood coffin, suspended in mid-air, blood and water splashed, ticking, and the internal organs and flesh and blood fragments fell continuously.

When the heroes looked back, their scalps felt even more numb.

I saw that this body is not a complete body.

He only had the right half of his body, and the left half had nothing, as if he had been slashed from head to crotch with a knife, perfectly dividing his body into two halves, and the left half had already been disappeared.

The blood in the wound flows all the year round, as if the flow is endless.

The scarlet internal organs are beating constantly, and the heart, liver, spleen and lungs can be vaguely seen... All internal organs are divided into two halves, and the wound will never heal.

Especially on the head, the white slurries were mixed with blood, making it more terrifying and terrifying. One eye shone with the luster of cruelty and murderousness, and it was huge. .

This state alone makes people shudder.

Even the four Spiritual Gods and the two evil spirits in midair are all complexion changed.

Everyone flees faster.

However, the old god didn't immediately take action against everyone, and the powerful aura instantly locked Qi Yun and the others.

As a former Divine King Level powerhouse, he immediately judged who was strong and who was weak.

So Qi Yun and the others immediately attracted all his attention.

In his opinion, such a group of people must be the mastermind of this turmoil!

"Everyone can't escape, die!"

The old and low words came out of his mouth, with a loud bang, half of his body carrying the endless bloody baleful aura directly towards him. Qi Yun and the others rushed over.

The wind howled.

The space shakes!

The old god who only had half of his body slammed down with a punch, and the endless bloody baleful aura was crushed fiercely below.

Qi Yun's complexion changed immediately, and the four monsters, the three curses, the Ghost King, and the old lecherous monk all roared, soared into the sky, and directly killed the old god.

The four big monsters and the old lewd monks are all Spiritual God-level strengths. When they first come up, they are bombarding, heaven shaking, and earth shattering.

The three major curses and Ghost King are all Demi-God Peak, plus Immortal Body. In an instant, the nine demons directly surrounded this old god and fought frantically.

The movement here made the people fleeing and the powerhouse in the Taiyin Treasure Land complexion changed, unbelievable.

And Spiritual God!

Where did these people come from?

"Those are the three curses, and they appear again!"

An Elder in the Taiyin Treasure Land saw the three curses and shouted in surprise.

Before the three major curses escaped from the inside of Zangshi Mountain, they thought that these three major curses had already gone far away and would not appear, but they unexpectedly came back again.

Soon, their eyes turned red.

After all, their Divine King Old Ancestor had only half of his life left. Faced with so many powerhouses, blood spurted frantically from the wound.

Yin Hong's blood is like not wanting money, and everywhere all is

"Divine King Old Ancestor!"

Yin Wutian and a group of Disciples in Taiyin Treasure Land are grieved and indignant call out.

The faces of the three Supreme Elders were also pale, with anger in their eyes.

Suddenly, a Supreme Elder roared, "Kill the past, kill all the invaders, don't let go!"


Everyone in the Taiyin Treasure Land behind them all had red eyes and killed them again.

The people who were fleeing were quickly stopped and had to fight with Taiyin Treasure again.

Qi Yun's direction also rushed towards the three Heaven Grade experts from the Taiyin Treasure Land.

However, Qi Yun came up with a trick [Slaughtering Demon Fingers].


Five terrifying black demonic energies swept across, twisting the space, swiping through the three people in an instant, directly grabbing them into a pair of white bones .


The skeletons all over the ground fell to the ground.

He browsed tightly knit and looked up at the midair.

I originally wanted to evacuate quickly and silently, but I didn't expect this old god to stare directly at them.

This is going to happen.

Qi Yun mixed into the crowd and observed the movement in the sky while carrying out the massacre.

First of all, in another battlefield, the three Spiritual Gods of the Taiyin Treasure Land had the upper hand, and they were crushing the four Spiritual Gods and two evil spirits on the opposite side.

Secondly, the battlefields of the four monsters, the old lecherous monk, and the three cursed demons are not optimistic.

Although this group of demons Peak was also a generation regardless of the law and of natural morality, but now they are facing a Divine King.

The Divine King's Life Level and normal gods are completely different.

No matter how rotten and unbearable the Divine King is, the Divine King is still the Divine King.

Therefore, the four monsters, the old lecherous monk, the three great curse demons, and the Ghost King, quickly roared in anger during the slaughter. Of course, the old Divine King on the opposite side was not in a good state. optimism.

His wounds are spewing blood frantically, and every time they fight, Heaven and Earth are filled with endless blood.

So if this goes on, it's hard to say who wins and who loses.

Maybe this group of demons killed the Divine King!

Maybe it was the Divine King who killed this group of demons.

Qi Yun hesitated in his heart, should he use that [Yin-Yang Energy bottle]...

bang bang bang!

in midair The devil kept being shaken to fly, but he was slaughtered again soon after shaking.

Only the old prostitute did not slaughter immediately after being blown away, but rushed into the crowd, smashed a large number of powerhouses with one move, grabbed a big fat white pig, and quickly rushed. to the distance.

Qi Yun's eyes were startled, and when he noticed the scene, his face turned black.

That old lecherous monk is really lewd into the bone marrow. He used to be just picking up men, but now he doesn't even let go of a pig.

He recognized the pig, and it was the previous patriarch Yin Wutian!

“ao ao ao …”

The big fat pig let out a shrill howl, with a harsh sound.

Today is even earlier, a wave of recommended tickets, big guys~~

(end of this chapter)

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