Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 569


Chapter 560 Within Pagoda (Subscribe)

Under the pursuit of four old monsters, Qi Yun and the others went all the way Escape to the deepest.

The environment of Hessen, icy terrifying, whistling and whistling cold wind.

As he continued to run deeper, Yin Tianhai's spirit was also affected by the terrifying, and he felt that the power was being lost at an accelerated rate, as if being swallowed up by something.

He was horrified and said, "I can't run any more, my spirit strength is draining, if I keep running, I'm going to die, stop!"

Qi Yun ignored him at all, grabbing his spirit and whistling all the way forward.

Behind him, Howling Celestial Dog, Bone Troll, and Ghost King continuously blocked the four old monsters, and they were hit by the four old monsters one after another, and the four old monsters also became extremely anxious.

"Little Brother, don't run away, we have something to discuss, we won't eat you!"

"Stop, we have something to discuss, we are willing to exchange other things for you Ginseng!"

"Little Brother, stop!"

The four old monsters were desperately shouted.

Their energy is rapidly draining, and they battle Howling Celestial Dog, each blow seems to have used up all their strength.

More importantly, as they continue to deepen, the little bit of energy they have left is also accelerating.

The four became impatient.

"Stop, stop quickly, you are dead end when you run to the front!"

The four were flustered and exasperated.

Qi Yun rushed forward all the way, and Power of Divine Sense finally noticed the Divine object ahead of a dozen or more li.

An incomparable gigantic building, dark and dusty, ancient and majestic, bigger than any palace.

In this building all around, I don't know how much wreckage lay.

Many corpses have been turned into bone meal.

Only half of this building is standing here, and the other half is buried in the ground, I don't know where it leads.

It is indeed a tower.

Because Qi Yun saw the spire of the tower.

Only the exposed parts are divided into fourth layers, each layer is tens of meters high, and each has an ancient gate that is tightly closed.

The old lecherous monk suddenly stopped with his feet for a moment, panting heavily, and said, "I can't run anymore, stop now, and if you continue running, it will be a dead end!"

He gasped for breath, seemingly consuming a huge amount of energy.

The four who were chasing behind finally stopped, and they were separated by dozens of meters, their hands on their knees, and they were panting violently.

"Little Brother, how much food do you have on you, take it out and share with us, we will exchange Divine Items with you!"

One of the old monsters opened the mouth and said .

Qi Yun is here, still not being suppressed or swallowed by anything.

Not only was he not suppressed, he could even sense a hint of familiarity.

This allows him to browse tightly knit.

He thought for a moment, and said, "Wow, Bai Gu, have you two noticed something?"

Howling Celestial Dog wondered, "It seems that there is a part of it that doesn't belong to this world. Breath?"

"Yes, I noticed that too, mysterious is obscure and out of tune with the surroundings."

The bone troll said.

Qi Yun pondered and said, "Go, go and have a look, Ghost King is staying here!"

He leaped forward.

The Bone Troll and Howling Celestial Dog followed immediately.

The complexion of the old kinky monk changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Little Brother, don't kill yourself, come back!"

The four old monsters behind him also thumped their chests and shouted.

"Little Brother, come back, come back quickly, and go further is the dead end!"

"It doesn't matter if you die, you can quickly bring out some food to eat!"

"Little thing, come back soon!"

The regretful bowels of the four old monsters turned green.

If I had known this earlier, wouldn't it be better to not chase this kid just now, and have a good talk with him.

It's over, they've lost so much energy in vain, but they can't get anything.

Yin Tianhai, who was caught by Qi Yun, was even more terrified and cried out.

"Forgive me, let me go, I'm going to be sucked to death!"

His voice was shrill.

The spirit strength drains faster, pouring out in a frenzy.

Qi Yun frowned, pouring out energy, wrapping Yin Tianhai's spirit strength, preventing him from being sucked to death.

Soon, Qi Yun and the others appeared in front of this huge black pagoda.

Viewed from a close distance, the entire pagoda is more magnificent and magnificent. It stands like a hill, majestic and aura.

Qi Yun landed on the First Layer and watched.

I saw the gate on this floor, more than half of it was buried in the soil, and I didn't know how deep it was.

Most of this pagoda is not as simple as the fourth layer, maybe there are seven 8-Layer, there may be more than ten layers.

"Go up and have a look!"

Qi Yun jumped and landed on the Second Layer.

Howling Celestial Dog and the Bone Troll immediately followed.

Among them, the bone troll pushed hard at a huge gate in front of him.

This giant gate is more than ten meters high and three or four meters wide.

The bone troll wondered: "Can't push it away? This won't be a magic weapon, right?"

"It's possible, I think so too!"

Howling Celestial Dog nodded again and again.

“Get out of the way, let me try.”

Qi Yun said.

The Bone Troll and Howling Celestial Dog stepped aside immediately.

Yin Tianhai was very surprised.

The spirit strength lost from him actually stopped.

Can this Heavenspan Cult Lord keep his energy going?

What is the origin of this man?

Qi Yun ran the true essence and slapped it directly with a palm. The thick true essence surged out and poured into the huge portal.

The portal suddenly shook violently, and the countless lines on the surface activated one after another, bursting out dazzling and strange rays of light, and then directly began to slowly open.

Howling Celestial Dog widened his eyes and said, "Open, my lord!"

Qi Yun's eyes flashed, increasing the infusion of true essence.

Yin Tianhai on one side was horrified.

What the hell did this Heavenspan Cult Lord do?

Can you really open this dive object?


The ancient portal is completely open.

The part of Hessen in it is like a black world, ancient, majestic, decadent, vast, ancient... All kinds of terrifying breaths spurted out in an instant, forcing Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness back in an instant inside the body.

Qi Yun, Howling Celestial Dog, and the Bone Troll looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Xiao Tian, can you go in and have a look?"

Qi Yun instigated.

Howling Celestial Dog backed up again and again, his head shaking like a rattle, "Don't go, let the bones pass, I went last time, scared me to death."

Qi Yun Looking at the bone troll, he said: "Bone, you go in and have a look."

The bone troll: "..."

After thinking about it, he still walked over. , said: "My lord, I won't be able to come out for a while, remember to summarize me."

"Don't worry!"

Qi Yun smiled.

The bone troll gritted his teeth and walked in.

It's still a piece of Hessen, and you can't see anything.

Howling Celestial Dog moved towards the inside and shouted: "Bone, are you dead? If not, say something!"

"Master, this is a passage, Going up and down, where should I go?"

The bone troll shouted from inside.

"The channel?"

Qi Yun frowned and glanced up.

Does it lead to the upper and lower layers respectively?

"You look up there."

Qi Yun shouted.

No more sound inside.

It seems the bone trolls have gone far.

Dark and cold, quiet terrifying.

Qi Yun brows frowned, waiting quietly.

In an instant, the time for a cup of tea is over.

Qi Yun shouted to the inside again: "Bone, how are you investigating?"

The inside was dead silent, and there was no response.

He brows frowned, and he has already caught the ten murderous pictures in the palm of his hand.

Is it okay?

Howling Celestial Dog yelled inside: "Bone, you are not dead, if you are not dead, squeak!"


Suddenly, From the darkness inside came the voice of the bone troll.

“Fuck eggs!”

Howling Celestial Dog yells.

"Lord, corpse, I saw a corpse!"

The voice of the bone troll came.

"What corpse? Is there any danger?"

Qi Yun shouted.

"No danger, just a little weird, come in and see!"

The bone troll shouted.

Qi Yun brows frowned, took a look at Howling Celestial Dog, thought for a moment, and said, "Come on, howling, go in and have a look!"

He walked in with his head sullen.

Howling Celestial Dog followed immediately.

It was dark inside. At first, Qi Yun was a little uncomfortable, but soon he could see a light green light dangling from the top, and spread to the bottom, and he didn't know what it led to. place.

Yin Qi Sensuous, strange and unpredictable.

Being here instinctively makes people feel cold.

"Bone, are you above or below?"

Howling Celestial Dog yells.

"I'm on it!"

The voice of the bone troll echoed in the hollow valley of the green light path.

Qi Yun looked up and flew towards it immediately.

Howling Celestial Dog follows.

The two of them flew at least several hundred li far, and they just felt that the flight here was extremely fast, as if a layer of mysterious power was pulling them up and pulling them upwards, blinking. Several hundred li flew in between.

Yin Tianhai, in the hands of Qi Yun, complained incessantly.

His reaction was the exact opposite of Qi Yun's.

He felt as if he was flying up against countless mountains. In a short instant, his body was almost crushed. If it weren't for the constant flow of mysterious power from Qi Yun's hand wrapping his body, he would not be able to. Definitely going to be crushed.


Qi Yun and Howling Celestial Dog flew far, and finally saw the body of the bone troll.

The body of this guy was stopped in front of a green light curtain, and he was looking desperately into the green light curtain. After realizing Qi Yun's arrival, he immediately turned around and said, "My lord, there is a corpse. , just on the other side of the light curtain!"

Qi Yun showed doubts, stuck to the light curtain, and looked inside.

But just as he approached, a violent suction suddenly grabbed his body and pulled his body in instantly.


With a flash of body, Qi Yun disappeared here.

Yin Tianhai, who had been holding it in his hands, was also bounced back by the green light curtain.

Howling Celestial Dog and Bone Troll suddenly complexion changed.


(end of this chapter)

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