Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 567


Chapter 558 Inside the Devil’s Den (Subscribe)

Inside the Devil’s Den.

The souls of Qi Yun, Ghost King and Yin Tianhai are falling rapidly downward.

There was a whimpering sound below, cold wind whistling, pitch black, like a bottomless abyss.

Yin Tianhai grinned happily as he fell, "Heavenspan Cult Lord, let your Divine Force spread through the sky, what can you do? In the end, you still die in this town devil's cave, hahahaha ... Happy, happy, Heavenspan Cult Lord, This is how you messed with me!"

His body plummeted, disappearing into the darkness.

Qi Yun brows frowned, while falling down, turned over the palm, with the ten evil figures in his hand, and with a shake, two ominous beasts, Howling Celestial Dog and White Bone Troll, emerged.

Qi Yun's feet lightly landed on Howling Celestial Dog's head.

Ghost King also fell down, looking down with a look of shock, and said, "The Devil's Nest in the Taiyin Treasure Land, this is going to be bad, we may all be trapped here. Now, I heard that the Suppression of Demons in the Taiyin Treasure Land has always been suppressed by some super Great Demons in ancient times, and there is no shortage of Spiritual God-level experts. !"

Howling Celestial Dog shouted, sniffed hard, his eyes glowed with fierceness, and said, "It's so strong, this Great Venerable smelled an unprecedented vicious smell, it was like Prepared for this great deity!"

It opened its mouth and began to inhale wildly.

As he falls, he sucks.

The bone troll also opened two mouths and began to suck wildly.

The ghosts of these two Immemorial Ferocious Beasts are here, as if they were in the Celestial Court.

They fell all the way, sucked all the way, and soon the strength of Howling Celestial Dog and the Bone Troll had a tendency to break through.

Ghost King was taken aback and looked down at the two monsters.

These two monsters are also too terrifying, and they can still draw energy and strengthen themselves in the town demon cave!

Who is this evil spirit?

"Xiao Tian, find that Yin Tianhai!"

Qi Yun said solemnly.


Howling Celestial Dog responded, sniffed hard, and immediately noticed Yin Tianhai's breath, moved his limbs, and rushed towards the bottom.

The bone troll also hurriedly followed.

Qi Yun stood on the head of Howling Celestial Dog, urging the ten evil figure, all the way to dive, all the way to absorb the grievances here.

The darkness and gloom of this place quickly dissipated.

One after another terrifying Yin Qi, resentment turned into black hurricanes, continuously rushing towards the Ten Murders.

Soon, Howling Celestial Dog's limbs landed on the ground, running along the ground, towards the darkness ahead.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness swept out, clearly seeing the environment all around.

I saw all around the ground, covered with skeletons.

These skeletons have been through for an unknown amount of time, and their bodies are covered with cracks. They were instantly turned into fly ashes when they were lightly stepped on by Howling Celestial Dog and the Bone Troll.

These bones were either Spiritual God level powerhouses or Demi-God Level powerhouses in their lifetime.

It is a pity that it has been suppressed here for countless years, and the essence has been lost, and even the bones have become like rotten wood.

sou sou!

Howling Celestial Dog and the white bone troll rushed over, and soon found Yin Tianhai's spirit strength in front of him. How could it be a few more days, when he suddenly saw Howling Celestial Dog and the Bone Troll descend from the sky, his face was startled and shocked.

What is this?

Immemmorial Ferocious Beast?

Is this the Immemorial Ferocious Beast?

He couldn't believe it.

But soon his face became even more frightened.

On the head of the giant black dog, stands the mysterious terrifying Heavenspan Cult Lord!

At this moment, Qi Yun's pale-gold pupils looked down, indifferently, and landed on Yin Tianhai's body. With a flash, he fell from the top of Howling Celestial Dog's head.

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, what do you want to do?"

Yin Tianhai asked surprised and angry.


Qi Yun slapped him directly.

Although he was in a mental state, Qi Yun's palm was full of energy, and when he hit it, it still caused him to be in constant pain and screamed.

“What do you want?”


Another slap!

Qi Yun didn't say a word, bowed left and right, clapped with both hands, and finally stretched out the soles of his feet, kicking wildly towards Yin Tianhai, punching and kicking, and Yin Tianhai howling repeatedly.

"Stop, stop, stop hitting me!"

"Heavenspan Cult Lord, stop!"

"You beat me to death! I'm done, stop now!"

Qi Yun beat him for one hour in one breath, and then grabbed it with a big hand and grabbed the green villain Yin Tianhai turned into. , said: "Tell me, how to leave from here?"

Yin Tianhai was beaten extremely weak, and bitterly said: "There is no way, I can't leave, unless I open it from the outside!"

"Can't leave?"

Qi Yun's eyes turned cold and he continued to punch and kick.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ !

Sounds of mourning sounded, and Yin Tianhai was beaten and screamed constantly.

At this moment, where does he still look like Spiritual God, like an ordinary beggar, Qi Yun doesn't show any mercy.

Howling Celestial Dog and Bone Trolls are still furiously absorbing the grievances here.

Suddenly, Howling Celestial Dog flashed his eyes, sniffed his nose, and said, "There are living people, my lord, there are living people here!"

"Living people?"


Qi Yun stopped punching and kicking, his heart moved, and asked, "In what direction?"

"It seems to be thirty or forty miles ahead!"

Howling Celestial Dog said.

Qi Yun immediately controlled the Divine Consciousness to extend and spread forward.

When Yin Tianhai heard that there were living people, his face was horrified, and he said, "How could there still be living people? This demon cave has not been opened for more than 5,000 years. Five thousand years ago, if there was a living person, that person would be absolutely terrifying and unpredictable!"

In this den of demons suppressing everything, there is a powerful dive object, which can deprive people of their essence, Essence and Divine Force are continuously extracted from the human body.

The ordinary Spiritual God is suppressed and it will be reduced to corpse in about a thousand years.

God knows what monster can be here for so many years without dying?

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness soon saw a large number of messy bones in front of him. In a dark corner on one side, he found a huge deep pit. Inside the deep pit, a sarcophagus was actually pulled out.

In the sarcophagus, there is a thin silhouette, sitting inside, holding a shriveled arm bone in his hand and chewing gently, making a creaking sound.

He seems to have been trapped for countless years, all the energy and Divine Force in his body have been drained. At this moment, he can only obtain energy by sucking these dead corpses on the ground.

However, the energy inside these corpses has long since been lost.

Even if he ate it, it would have no effect.

Qi Yun brows frowned.

There must be something unique about this person who can be trapped until now.

You can go over there and ask.

Thinking of this, he immediately grabbed Yin Tianhai and whistled towards the front.

Howling Celestial Dog, Bone Troll, Ghost King immediately followed.

Although Qi Yun can also feel the loss of essence in his body, but fortunately his energy is different from the Divine Force in this world. After the energy is wrapped all over his body, the feeling of the loss of essence is quickly obtained. ease.

hu hu!

They came to that dark pit.

In the sarcophagus in the deep pit, the skinny silhouette is lightly chewing on a part of the arm bone, with a serious expression, chewing and pouting, as if enjoying some delicious food.

Suddenly, a cold wind flashed in front of me, and a living person appeared.

He fiercely rubbed his dry eyes, looked at Qi Yun, and suddenly sucked in a cold breath.


A living newcomer?

He was suppressed for countless years, and he actually saw a living person?


A hoarse and strange sound suddenly came out of his mouth, and inside the cracked and pitch-black lips, like a strange black hole, revealing a Mouth with fine black teeth.

Qi Yun's eyes flickered, and he swept towards the skinny silhouette, revealing suspicion.

This guy has been suppressed for so many years, won't he be shocked?

Suddenly, he noticed, this skinny silhouette has no tongue?

His tongue was eaten by him?


The evil wind came, and the thin silhouette jumped out of the sarcophagus, desperately rushing towards Qi Yun.


The muffled sound came out, and the bone troll on one side waved a big hand and pressed the skinny silhouette down from the air. Fiercely smashed it to the ground with a grin.

"What the hell? Want to find fault?"


The skinny silhouette made a hoarse voice, struggling violently, knocking the bone troll down He was so shocked that he backed out and rushed towards Qi Yun again.

The Bone Troll, Howling Celestial Dog, and Ghost King were all saved, and the three monsters worked together to hold the skinny silhouette firmly.

Qi Yun was secretly surprised.

What a horrible person!

How many years has this been suppressed, and this power?

Ghost King is not weak, at least has Demi-God Peak, but one person still can't really suppress each other, and needs the help of the Bone Troll and Howling Celestial Dog.

Yin Tianhai in Qi Yun's hands was even more horrified, showing an incredible look.

"Monk of Ultimate Bliss, you are the monk of Ultimate Bliss more than 10,000 years ago, and you are not dead yet?"

He couldn't believe it.

This is an old promiscuous monk in the age of the gods, commiting any imaginable misdeed, specializing in the Goddess of various Deity Clans, and countless Goddess who have been scourged by him, was later caught by the Divine King and suppressed in the Here, forever unable to reincarnate.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, this old kinky monk is still alive.

But soon Yin Tianhai broke out in cold sweat.

The old kinky monk is now like a walking corpse even if he lives.

He was so hungry that he was skinny, and he ate everything he could. He cut off his nose, ears, and tongue and ate it into his stomach.

Even the two thighs have become the skeleton of Bai Sensen, which is different from the rest of the body.

Obviously, the meat on these two thighs was also eaten by him.

To live to such an extent, life is worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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